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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. It's not the fact that they change sounds that makes me annoyed, it's just that the sounds they change to end up being crap.

  2. Well, there are a couple that don't, but they stack on the fees by other means. :/

    But anyway, I don't care if the stinkin' CD comes in a titanium bullet-proof shell and gets delivered in five seconds, I just want mah stinkin' CD. Not all of us are buying dollfies, car parts, or (good Lord no) nursing products.

  3. Wow, that doesn't sound half bad at all as an alternative. That fee is okay-ish, I guess. Would like to see if they decide to expand this in any way. :)

    My only grief is that they only do EMS. (I'm one of the patient types that doesn't mind waiting two more weeks to get my stuff if it means saving $15 - $20).

  4. So far I'm in love with Boris' New Album which I got in the mail the other day. It's so amazing, I could cry. Currently, I'm impatiently awaiting the other two American albums due in May. Luna Sea's "PROMISE" single didn't exactly knock me off my feet, but it was awesome and kinda hard to believe, since only a few years ago I had assumed I would never hear another new song from them again.

    I'm also really happy about Volcano's Mythology and Eizo Sakamoto's new Golden Hits album, which I haven't gotten a chance to listen to yet but hopefully will very soon. Versailles "Philia" was okay.

    Right now, I'm waiting on some potentially awesome releases from Anthem (which the date for has been moved a gazillion times since last year), B'z, and andymori - which I already am die hard hooked on their newest song. I'm surprised most of my favorite bands are coming out with something this year.

    The only disappointment for me was Kuroyume's new single. But I guess I wasn't expecting much to begin with.

  5. Hi, welcome to Monochrome Heaven!

    I guess I'd have to recommend Luna Sea. They were one of my first J-Rock bands and I still love them today! Try any album or era, it is all good stuff. Since you already like some visual kei, you may wanna try D'espairsRay or Versailles too.

    I personally enjoy the band B'z, they have an arena hard rock and pop style like Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, and such only with more handsome members. ^___^ Andymori are also really, really good; they are an indie rock band and they are so CUTE!

    Well, I think those are the best places to start.

  6. The music of the new recording was amazing, but I thought Ryuichi's voice sounded weird. :/

    I've been replaying "PROMISE" a lot these days. It's grown on me a lot despite the "doo doo doo doo doo doo's." xD

  7. I like Spiral Chord's cover of "I Wanna Live" by The Ramones and Number Girl's cover of "Wave of Mutilation" by Pixies.

    Onsa's cover of "Mass Pike" by the Get Up Kids is kinda cute.

  8. Some local high school "screamo hardcore metal" band came to my school last year to promote a fundraiser because the singer was the boyfriend of one of my classmates. Hardly anyone showed up and it was in the middle of the gym floor so naturally the acoustics were "fantastic." Didn't matter though, because the music was complete utter crap with or without good sound and I was just overall embarrassed to be there. Also, my school is full of 78% upper class twerps who only listen to soft rock, rap, and pop, so only a total three people really knew how to get into it and it was just immensely awkward. I paid my donation, but left right after the first song.

    Right as I was leaving I saw some losers try to form a mosh pit and looked very, very lulzy - one of those "you had to be there" things.

  9. I don't own any personally (I do not own a record player, and I've considered buying tapes, but I have no idea how to rip them to my computer), but I KNOW of a few:

    The Stalin - everything on vinyl

    Anthem - I think everything prior to Heavy Metal Anthem is on both tape AND vinyl

    Boris - Duh

    Seikima II - a bunch of stuff for sure, but I don't know specific releases, sorry

    Vivisick - Punks Were Made Before Sounds is a famous Japanese indie punk vinyl; most underground lo-fi DIY punk and hardcore bands (both old and new) have at least one vinyl release, to spare you a gigantic list of them.

    B'z - First self-titled on vinyl

  10. I'm really proud of any good CD I own from an artist I love, but the ones I'm particularly fond of are the rarer ones or the ones that I got for memorably good deals. ;)

    Eizo Sakamoto - Metal Handsome Man

    It took me FOREVER to get this. I waited for about a month before the store finally told me it was out of stock. Ended up going to the record label's website and inquiring about it and they said they would have new prints in by the following month. Sure enough, a few weeks later they had it in stock and I was very happy when it finally came in the mail.

    Grand Slam

    My whole collection, since they are all pretty rare; I got the Infinity album for only 38 yen on Amazon Japan (at which time I began cackling at the apparent ignorance of the seller) and the others for decent prices on Ebay.


    I got Gekitotsu and Ask the Angels together at an auction for only 1000 yen. I got Extrem Ism cheaply as well from Amazon Japan. Not rare stuff, but not printed much anymore.

    The Yellow Monkey - Mother of All the Best

    A Limited Edition MINT CD collection that was a $16 steal on Ebay! It's so pretty looking, I love it! They have a whole book of Iemon pictures came with it. ^_______^

    Luna Sea

    I have their entire studio album discography and I'm just proud I finally completed a band's disco that had more than three albums, lol.


    I love my mint condition Ultra Treasure and Ultra Pleasure collections; probably the most beautifully packaged CD/DVD's I own. Their Hong Kong Limited Edition of Magic was also very, very pretty and I can't stop looking at it.

    Number Girl

    I also have their entire studio album discography (not a major feat - only 4 total) and I love my Omoide in My Head 1 compilation. The pictures are so cute and the music is amazing too! ^___^ I'm also proud of my Spiral Chord, Sunsgrind, and Andymori near perfect discos as well.

  11. MUCC's Kyutai - hated it. Tried to force myself to like it just because of the price I paid for it. Tried to be open-minded, accept the band's new path, and ignore the bad reviews. However, after one listen I never could get into it and now I never buy a CD unless I've at least heard some previews or have read several decent reviews by people whose music tastes I "trust." Since I've started doing that, I have rarely bought a CD I really "regret." If I'm uncertain it will give me at least 95% satisfaction, I don't bother.

    Coldplay's Viva la Vida - Once again, I tried to force myself to love it just because it was a (former) favorite band of mine, but after about a week I realized how much it sucked and I feel stupid for being so excited about it being released.

    D'espairsRay's Horizon - It was the first Japanese CD I ever bought and since it was coming out around December, I decided to treat it as an early Christmas gift to myself. It doesn't exactly have my favorite song by the band on it and I kinda wish I had bought the cheaper digital alternative.

    Versailles' Prince and Princess - Same situation as above, only I didn't dislike the songs that much. I didn't really regret buying them until later on when I realized that those two songs would be re-released multiple times and in cheaper or more convenient means.

    And really that's all that comes to my mind.

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