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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. My dad and mom think it is absolutely stupid and weird I listen to music in a language besides English. Not only that, they both think rock music is music only for "emo kids" and social rejects. They think I should be a "normal" teenager and listen to mainstream American pop stuff that comes on the radio and MTV like Rihanna, Ke$ha, or something (and in my mom's case, only a certain brand of Christian music). My family mocks my tastes and I've refrained from sharing with them about it any further because their cliched/racist reactions and dumb questions annoy me. Strangely enough, they don't mind buying CD's for me as gifts on the occasion, which is perfectly alright with me. 8)

    Most of my friends have a similar opinion, though they are lot less extreme about the racism and what not. They are mostly just freaked out by visual kei, which I don't really blame them for. I do have two close friends who are casual fans though, both of whom I managed to convert and I share MP3's with them sometimes. One of my friends really loves Versailles and GACKT (I gave her some J-indie and J-metal songs recently and she loves those a lot too) and I have another friend who also loves GACKT, Miyavi, and some "anime bands" like Orange Range and Asian Kung-Fu Generation. However, I don't know anyone in my whole county who is probably as big of a geek about it as I am.

  2. I did a very unholy splurge on J-Rock.

    Physical CD's:

    Anthem - Heraldic Device (pre-order)

    Anthem - Tightrope

    Caroline Rocks - 白い空気とカーディガンと頭痛

    Caroline Rocks - Parallel

    Cinema Staff - Blue, under the imagination

    Cinema Staff - Symmetoronica

    Cinema Staff - Cinema Staff

    Andymori - Kakumei

    Versailles - Holy Grail

    GACKT - Diabolos

    Kuroyume - Feminism

    iTunes/Amazon Downloads:

    Sunsgrind - Misdirection EP

    Cinema Staff - 水平線は夜動く

    the cabs - 一番はじめの出来事

    Boris - Mabuta no Ura

  3. I read a translated interview where he says it is basically a result of trauma to the vocal chords due to a harsh, persistent cough (caused by what they assumed to be either allergies or pertussis). Someone correct me if I'm off the mark . . .

  4. Oh gosh, I just wanna cry right now.

    For some reason, I had a bad feeling it would come to this but I didn't think it would be this soon. D'espairsRay were one of the first bands I really came to appreciate and they introduced me to metal music. I really REALLY regret I was never able to see them live or anything.

    Just when I thought this would be the best summer ever for J-Music . . .

  5. ^ Thanks for sharing the link! I totally forgot about that survey.

    And good to read something with a far less insulting/condescending tone with decent sources.

    (Despite the fact it is an article from JaME, who have gotten things wrong before, including confusing Futoshi Abe with Kiyoshiro Imawano, but I digress).

  6. Source: OHP



    1. C’mon

    2. ??よ??ら傷??ら????日々よ

    3. ???????????アナタ

    4. Homebound

    5. Don’t Wanna Lie

    6. DAREKA

    7. ボス

    8. Too Young

    9. ピルグリム

    10. ザ・マイスター

    11. デッドエンド

    12. 命?

    13. ultra soul 2011


  7. ^ Glad you mentioned about Japanese music. :/

    I'm going to just store my music on ADrive. You can't stream, but free 50 GB storage for anything you want 'aint too bad. And it reads unicode/characters perfectly fine.

  8. @Cheesey

    Eh, I meant that it had that mystical/traditional Asian "feel" to it and they were the band that came to my mind. bleh . . .

    Proof that I fail at trying to say nice things about Dir en grey . . .

    + My two cents: Tbh, Old Cheesey's comments have been about as "constructive" and "original" as the endless stream of praise and worship going on in this thread.

    No offense, but just about any five-year-old could type out 15 pages of nothing but "OMG THIS IS GONNA BE EPIC!!!" and "COOL!!! AWESOME!!!!" and "shut up u don't know what u r talking about u troll gtfo!!!" They have just as much depth, originality, and contribute just as much to the discussion and yet no one gets screamed at or put on the spot for saying those things.

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