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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. I actually bought the album (yay me!) and listened to it twice (for fairness' sake) and I've found, except for a few songs, that my opinion of it has actually gotten worse, lol. I still leave my vote at around a 6-7/10, but I must echo the sentiments that it is somewhat forgettable, despite that it has its fun moments. It doesn't last long though. It was worth the $10 at Hot Topic though. I'm just glad I didn't dish out for the Deluxe versions or anything.

    @ Ito: Not that it helps your opinion, but I remember Zesshoku explained in one topic that the album was recorded in analog (?) and probably had much to do with the quality issues.

  2. While I know this is funny - I can't help but at the same time feel very angry about that whole drama show they put on so it could become *~Dai's~* site. Not that this wasn't expected. You clearly can't run a site about something you have zero interest in, lol.

    But a good thing came out of it in the end. We have MH now and its turned out to be more awesome than TW ever was.

  3. Lol, I wonder which failure label he was talking about. . .

    Cool interview, he gets straight to the point - I'm surprised nothing about illegal piracy was slipped in there too. Though half of it is stuff Kiwamu has already said before and many others - I wish they would ask different questions sometimes. Are JaME seriously trying to find the one person who will say "Oh yeah, visual kei is really special in Japan and everyone loves it and it is happy and sunshines and everybody is a saint."

  4. ^ Yes, it has been overrused to the point where it becomes an annoying cliche/joke (like in black metal), but that is still the intent.

    Maybe NOW it is seen that way, but back in the day anything "extreme" would really rile up people. Heck, that's why labels like Free-Will and Extasy came into existance in the first place, because major Japanese labels couldn't handle what they offered. Now any ol' visual band can go "major" - but then again today most visual kei has sorta toned down into easier to digest "alternative bishie boybands."

  5. I always just saw any Nazi/fascist/political paraphernalia as being a shock/edgy/ironical factor - its like when black metal bands put pictures of burning churches and inverted crosses/Satanic imagery on their album covers and videos. Most (note that I say MOST) of those bands aren't really Satanist/Christian killers or anything, they just do it to be scary and fit the intensity of the music. Western punk bands in the 70's/80's used to do similar stuff - heck, Sid Vicious wore that swastika T-shirt for a while, but I think their is evidence contrary that he was a Nazi supporter. A LOT of old visual kei bands were Sex Pistols/Vicious fans too, so they may just be imitating their idols? Visual kei is similar; it is (or at least it originally was) about pushing the boundaries of expression in their culture - a swastika armband is making a statement or it wouldn't be there. I doubt it is something taken lightly in mainstream Japan, even if it is somehow "less offensive."

    Though they are not visual kei - I think a good example is from a quote from a Japanese punk band who called themselves "The Stalin." Michiro Endo chose the name because "Stalin is a very hated person and it would be good for our image."

    I think if bands have a message to convey at all it is better than nothing. I think if they can write a good song about the wars, sex, crime, religion, or culture and it actually means something to them besides "lets scare old ladies" than I'm fine with it.

    Anyways that's all my thoughts on it. ^^

  6. Okay I finally got pics off my old comp. >.<

    Me trying to be kvlt w/ metul hornz circa 2008. Sorry bad quality. :/


    Guitar Hero and Dropkicks love (I sucked at that game so bad btw). Also circa 2008/9-ish


    And the most recent pic . . . this was in Grenada.


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