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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. Hello, everyone! As moderator of the General forum, I want to ensure that not only does it stay spam free but that anyone who has a question pertaining to their favorite bands, music, or anything else can have a good place to put it without worrying about being ignored or clogging up the front page with abandoned topics.

    So I'm here to introduce everyone to the official "I NEED HELP!" J-Rock questions thread. If you have any inquiries about the following, feel free to post it here and other users will be glad to help you:

    - Artist identification: If you can't figure out who is in a photo or don't know who performed a song on a video or MP3.

    - Tagging issues and translations: If you want to know the "correct" tags for your files or you want to know the romanji of a particular track.

    - Artist updates: If you want to know the activities or whereabouts of a particular obscure artist.

    - If you want to know any assortment of random things (related to J-Rock) such as dates, prices, links, fan clubs, etc.

    Note that those are just some ideas and they are not at all limited to those things. Just remember when asking something or answering something BE POLITE. No one wants to help a complete asshat and not everyone knows everything. Trolling will probably just earn you a warning or a ban, so I wouldn't try it if I were you.

    Before you post, here are some tips:

    - Some things can be answered with a very quick Google search. Save yourself some time by checking there first. This site's search engine can occasionally be helpful too.

    - If you have a question about an artist, check and see if that artist already has a thread (see the Artist sub forum). For example, if you want to know something about Dir en grey, just ask in the Dir en grey topic - no need for five different conversations about Dir en grey going on at once.

    - If you have a question about Monochrome-Heaven itself or something unrelated to J-Rock (like how to post pictures in your signature, for instance), your post best belongs in this forum.

    - This is mainly for objective questions that are easily resolved and don't really generate much discussion or speculation. I don't expect there to be ten pages going on about the same thing, in that case I will split the posts into a new topic. With that said, do your fellow users a favor by keeping spam and side conversations in their appropriate places.

    - Again: trolling and drama is not recommended. For example "Why are visual kei fans so stupid?" is not really what belongs here, sorry.

    I hope this thread becomes helpful for everyone. Thank you!


  2. I think there are far more creative reasons to criticize the Gazette than the fact they are "generic" imho. Especially considering at least 100% of the people posting here listen to some kind of band that is technically "generic." To sympathize with CAT5 it DOES get incredibly old to see the same exact bands getting the same "generic, generic" response over and over again when the music actually has redeeming qualities or very, very negative qualities to appreciate.

  3. Locking since this has been resolved.

    But for future reference, if anyone else has other artist specific questions that can be easily answered in one post, I recommend posting them in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=214

    That includes, but is not limited to questions about tagging, artist identification in photos, unknown songs, artist activities, or related things that don't usually generate much discussion or speculation and therefore do not warrant an entirely new topic. It not only reduces clutter but also allows for all questions and answers to be compiled into one convenient place so other users with similar questions can refer to it. Thanks for understanding!

  4. Melt-Banana: easy listening, English lyrics, and really catchy tunes

    . . . kidding

    Maybe B'z, because their sound is influenced by lots of really popular Western bands (Aerosmith, etc.) and they have an awesome Grammy-winning guitarist.

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