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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. What if we made a sticky topic listing CD shops with information about them? Also instructions regarding how to use shopping services? An easy to find sticky topic with all the information in one place might be a great resource for some people. :D

    And after reading about JrockTV, maybe a warning list of shading stores for people to avoid and also info on bootlegs and how to spot them. Japanese CDs are already pricey and I'd be pissed if I ended up paying Japanese prices for a bootleg y'know?

    Hm, I probably could come up with something. Thanks for your suggestion. :D Maybe this weekend I'll work on it.

  2. ^ If you like Suisei, you'd def like Number Girl since their frontman produced Suisei and they have a similar "core sound."

    I need to buy Suisei's albums. But I'm scared to look at my bank account now to see if I'd have the money for them . . .

  3. can anyone explain to me wut in the world happened to them?

    i used to buy from them pretty often, then a certain period of my life stopped visiting both those webshops because i had no internet.

    i tried googling answers, but google doesnt know either :/

    Just merged this topic to the CD shop page! Thanks for understanding

  4. Whoops, sorry I forgot you put "no females." ^^

    "Weekend Lovers" is a guilty pleasure of mine. Their major albums aren't as good as their early indie stuff though. I recommend trying Waiting for My Food and Android ~Like a house mannequin~.

  5. Wait - this film is actually happening?

    I actually can't believe it either. I remember in Gackt fan communities Bunraku was like a "myth" joke compared to S.K.I.N. because its taken so long for much to happen.

  6. I heard different stories about it being really, really good and really lame, so I don't know. I just want to see it to see how Gackt does in a foreign movie. If not for him, I probably would not give two cents because I personally hate action/fantasy movies.

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