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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. Agreed with all of OldCheesey's sentiments about the tracklist.

    The cover art looks like something off of one Gargoyle's albums. I think it is kinda interesting. . . meh . .

  2. By the way, my album shipped yesterday but I choose super slow SAL shipping so I won't get it for another week or two oh well. It's cool that CDJapan ships items early but I don't get to really benefit from it hahaha :P

    Same here.

    I really wanted to get a Limited or Deluxe edition too, but I kinda want some extra yen left over for the back log of other Japanese CD's I want to buy.

  3. I do hear a tiny similarity to visual kei in some songs. On the contrary though, one of the reasons I bothered to look into the band is because the vocals DON'T sound all that typical visual kei, lol. He's not quite as nasally/forced operatic and he doesn't massively abuse the vibrato or falsetto techniques. (You'll have to give me the benefit of the doubt considering I haven't heard much visual kei so I probably am unaware of how everyone is singing these days).

    When I heard their songs, I first thought about J-POP style singers actually. 0__0

    And I'm sure I've said this before, but cool that y'all are making threads like that, CAT5. Keep it up, and don't forgot to put some Anthem or Number Girl up there haha! ;)

  4. 2011 has been the best year yet, imho.

    B'z new singles have been great. Cinema Staff's s/t was great. Loved three of the four new Boris releases, especially New Album and Heavy Rocks. Haven't heard the album yet, but the teasers of Kakumei (andymori) sound like they have potential, same with Versailles' Holy Grail. I liked what I heard of the cabs and caroline rocks as far as J-indie goes.

    Still anxiously waiting for Anthem, Molice, and B'z upcoming stuff.

  5. It also helps that one of the more definitive members of the band (hide) didn't pass away. I heard rumors that they were using some of hide's old guitar tracks for their reunion singles.

    If that rumor is true. . . 0___o

    I mean, it is lame enough that the album is mostly going to be an all-Engrish best of (because apparently we don't have enough compilations or Engrish) now we're possibly LITERALLY recycling old riffs. Oh my gosh. > ___ >

  6. Band: the foolS.

    Label: Only True Good Records

    Style: Surreal kei - new movement of visual kei music pioneered by Sugizo - emphasizes ambience, soft vocals, and a calming, hypnotic effect; the visuals must embody "elegance and simplicity"


    Vocal: Kaya

    Guitar/Violin: Sugizo (ex. Luna Sea)

    Guitar: Kaname (ex. GOSSIP)

    Bass: Rame (ex. Vidoll)

    Drums: Matoi (ex. Jill Christ)

    Title: don't let your knees . .


    PV: hands arguments

  7. I've only watched a few music videos of them and heard clips of their songs on iTunes, surprisingly. xD

    I found them on accident when listening to mudy on the sakuban samples. The vocals really are a plus for me; it is difficult to find GOOD male singers in the indie rock world these days it seems - you can find "okay" ones and decent ones but not GOOD ones, lol.

  8. OMG! Cinema Staff is like the perfect band for me - where were they all my life?!!! They even have a beautiful singer who is physically beautiful too. T_______T I'm going to buy all their CD's now!

  9. I love Kuroyume from indies era up until the Feminism album. After that, I only like a few songs and I'm meh about their most recent stuff. Favorite songs are "Misery" (the original 1993 song), "Nakigara wo," "Utopia," and "Aimed Blade at You." Mayoeru Yuritachi is one also of my favorite visual kei albums of all time.

    Oh yeah, and Kiyoharu was beautiful!

  10. Out of Kiyoharu's projects, SADS is my least favorite but they have a few fun songs. I've always liked "Strawberry," "Masquerade," and "Rakuen." Of course, it has been a while since I listened to their pre-breakup material too.

  11. There is a recording on Youtube of half the show. Not sure if you missed all that much since it was just an introductory kind of thing. He basically just talked about his background, what he does, and played "Jade."

  12. In America there are also some people who buy any domestic releases of VK or "J-Rock" bands they can find just to show that there is a good market for their favorite kind of music and possibly encourage it to grow and expand to include their most favorite bands. Don't know how successful this has really been, but I've seen a lot more J-Rock on the shelves of B&M music stores than I have in the past.

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