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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. And I think I went through a six month phase of wanting to dress "gawfic" and "veekay" - which really translates to wearing Hot Topic crap. Luckily this all took place before I owned a camera.

    Ah, I went through a six month phase of trying to dress vee-kay, but I was trying to emulate the Kera models more as I had enough common sense to know that trying to dress like this would only result in epic failure. I had already dressed a bit punk-ish already but tried to incorporate the Japanese style into my fashion more. Then I stopped giving a shit about fashion in general.

    I don't think I even ever emulated anything, lol. I just bought a bunch of tacky black studded stuff to wear all over my body and saw that as trying to be "hardcore visual" and such :lol: . I guess one day I had a revelation that 1) I look retarded and 2) it just wasn't me, I was simply forcing myself to be something I wasn't and stopped dressing like that ever since.

  2. Oh god, I probably have some, though I often frequently prided myself on being one of the "milder" weaboos if one at all. I don't have a lot of internet archived moments, since I probably deleted them a long time ago. Anyway, it shouldn't be hard for me to make you feel better about yourself. . .

    My idea of a critical review on LJ circa 2008:

    "Also, I'm really happy because one of my favorite bands, Versailles came out with their first full-length album called "Noble." I fell in love, it rocks so hard. I don't know which song I loved the most!"

    I've done tons of weeaboo-ish stuff IRL. All this stuff took place in middle school and freshman year of high school mostly.

    - Put anime characters/lulzy visual kei J-Rockers on my school binders

    - Carried around lulzy pictures of visual kei bands printed off the internet at school and showed them to uninterested people

    - Bought a GACKT T-shirt on Ebay for $50 even though it was too small for me and proceeded to wear it once weekly throughout freshman year.

    - Carried around and showed uninterested people an issue of Purple Sky at school

    - In seventh grade, I wrote a (bad) poem about Shigure Sohma (from Fruits Basket) for Literature class and know one knew wtf I was talking about

    - Made stupid nicknames for J-Rockers that I used when talking about them with my friends (and I don't mean names like "Kyo-chan" or something like that, but WEIRD names).

    - Taken my lap top to school (to present a project) with Versailles in the desktop background to "show off" my taste

    And I think I went through a six month phase of wanting to dress "gawfic" and "veekay" - which really translates to wearing Hot Topic crap. Luckily this all took place before I owned a camera.

    And the list goes on, but that should be sufficient. . .

  3. Ah, CAT5 I did not know you used to like Hyde and Rentrer en Soi! ^^

    I looked back at my own Photobucket account several weeks ago and discovered many, many not-funny macros I had made for an LJ comm and some TERRIBLE anime/J-music fan drawings. :mrgreen: Even found some A9, Gazette, and Miyavi stuff in there as well. :oops:

    And agree with Disposable too! I get embarrassed reading my old forum stuff (not TW/MH of course, but elsewhere), I end up literally banging my head against something.

    I was so mean to people! xD

  4. An ultimate and unusual sense that pulls you into an unexplored world

    Boldness and sensitivity. Complex but straightforward. It leads you into an untrodden, chaotic terrain with a wild mixture of hard core sounds with unique melody, and drastically changing scenes. Prior to the launch of their nearly-finished original album, DIR EN GREY is now ready to release a ferocious and stimulating single, following "UROBOROS".

    Translation: Incredibly dull and without any soul

    am i doing it rite?

  5. Ron's post reminded me I love Eizo Sakamoto's metal songs covers. Could care less about his anime theme/J-POP song covers, but he totally pwns when it comes to metal classics.


  6. Ron's post reminded me I love Eizo Sakamoto's metal songs covers. Could care less about his anime theme/J-POP song covers, but he totally pwns when it comes to metal classics.


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