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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. The drama was shockingly dumb, but I think that was the intention! Haha, otherwise a great promotional tool.

    I like what I'm hearing from the "Judicial Noir" (go Kamijo!) and "Desert Apple" samples.

  2. @ Genryuu111 Well, I think JUBILEE had some strong, interesting songs. I noticed different structures, styles, AND you have some work with actual strings not crappy synths (although this is more of my personal preference). "Gekkako," "Amorphous," "Serenade," "Catharsis," and "Umbrella of Glass" I think were quite different and if you wanna count "Reminiscence" that song as well. The others were standard Versailles style, but I feel were overall tasteful.

    I'm liking Philia! I really love Masashi's bass and Teru's guitar solo! ^^ Although I agree with Arithmetica that the PV is a little bit of a let down.

  3. To no one's big surprise, Versailles gets enough beef on MH forum for just their concept and genre alone so don't feel like a loner, lol.

    I actually think Versailles has shown a more variation with JUBILEE and releases since then, although I agree they've always had little annoying consistencies throughout their discography (that existed before Noble) that I could do without. The recent A-sides do tend to be weaker, but I've ended up changing my mind about them being so boring once I've heard them more than just one or two times. Getting rid of the synthetic orchestra and adding real instruments has been a huge plus for me.

  4. I'm a huge animal lover. My current career path is to be a veterinarian!

    I only hate pigs and chickens. Disgusting, vicious animals; they don't really make me afraid though. I stand by the fact that they are for eating, not for being pets. I am afraid of bulls, though they can be friendly. Some of them think and act like they are big puppies and that doesn't always make a 5 ft. girl feel comfortable. I have an awful dramatic phobia of wasps, hornets, and other stinging insects. I start hyperventilating and feeling very nauseated when I see them; I nearly had a panic attack on a bus once when a hornet was flying around. :(

    I love all kinds of animals, but most of them have died or have been given away/sold. I used to ride horses and I have wanted to own a horse really badly ever since I was a little girl. I also love pygmy goats; they are the cutest animals in the world! I also love certain kinds of dog breeds; I currently have a tweenie dachshund named Penny who is really sweet. For some reason I've also gotten an interest in pit bulls and Great Danes. :D

  5. Death growls - probably my top pet peeve

    Gothwave and any "horror" genres

    Weird distortion on vocals, especially in certain visual kei music (Luna Sea's "Civilize" has good examples of what I mean)

    Nasally, deep visual kei-type vocals (Gackt and Kamijo are exceptions)

    An unholy combination of the above

    Most psychedelic/blues rock (most of it is boring, sorry)

    Songs longer than five minutes

    Most "progressive" or "technical" genres of metal

    Country pop and country pop singing

    Japanese female pop singers (like Puffy Ami Yumi types)

    Excessive fail Engrish (there are days . . .)

    99% trademark aspects of black metal

    "Clicky" drums

  6. Ganguro gone USA...

    That's what I was thinking, lol.

    But yeah, wouldn't be surprised if Jersey Shore was clinically proven to deplete brain cells either considering that's what you feel like when you try to sit through it.

  7. "Chunky" noisy, chaotic music with lo fi production values

    Generic, catchy melodic hardcore with boy-band esque vocal harmonies

    Generic, anthemic arena rock (plus ballads)

    High range/pitched 80's heavy metal vocals

    Any metal or rock genre with "melodic" in the name, really

    Cross-over punk/metal genres (thrashcore especially)

    Twinkly post-rock guitars

    Crazy effect pedals


    Extremely right or left political themes

    Old school punk singers with heavy English accents

    Soft, clear Japanese male indie rock vocals

    Also add:

    Women with deep androgynous voices

    "Grungy" modern hard rock vocals (like Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam kind of singing)

  8. I'd prefer the former, lol. I'm sure it would all depend on what they mean by "redefining heavy."

    Seeing the track lists, I'm starting to wonder if Attention Please and "New Album" are just alternate versions of each other; one for the Japanese and one for foreigners - much like they've done with Smile. Just a theory, though. I may get both albums anyway just for lulz and support.

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