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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. I can understand wearing crocs with sloppy jeans and t-shirt, gonna-run-down-to-the-convenience-store-for-five-minutes type situations or even for the beach, but I can't stand when people wear them with normal clothes every day for everything (which I see A LOT). It gets obnoxious after a while.

    I once knew a guy who would wear them for casual dress up events. Good grief, people.

  2. If you think about it - visual kei bands being glam punk, speed metal, and thrash was really the "norm" up until the late 90's.

    I personally don't consider Seikima II or AION visual kei either, I don't think I've ever seen the two bands in a Visual magazine.

    Aion and Rosenfeld maybe. Gargoyle, definitely (although their current projects are definitely NOT). Seikima II - a big no. I see them represented as just another eccentric heavy metal band like KISS, et al. Same with bands like Galneryus, Loudness, and Animetal in case anyone was going to mention them. X Japan technically could have been in that category up until these past two decades.

  3. In addition, we should also all offer the entire Blood discography for download in a link in the description and upload under names like shitman1, shitman2, shitman3, etc.

    The possibilities are endless.

  4. In general, I'd probably say yes, but considering how common that it is in the J-Rock fandom these days, probably not all that weird. xD

    Is it weird that I occasionally enjoy Drake and Lil' Wayne?

  5. I can understand not wanting uploading of extremely recent PV's of new songs, but I find it funny when PV's from several years ago get taken down. It's not like the song would get anymore "official promotion" anyway.

    Gordie was hilarious back when they were taking down everything related to Gackt on YT, including clips of him on TV shows from a million years ago and even stuff tagged a certain way but not even remotely related to Gackt, lol.

  6. J did the oppisite of most people. The older he became the better looking he got because in their early days being all dressed up and 90s-ish he looked bad hyuk hyuk hyuk.

    lol, seriously agreed.

  7. I only ever had a 36 GB iPod for my music and in the five-six year period I've owned it, it has only consumed about 20 GB at the most. I'm tempted to hoard a lot of music I've downloaded, but I get concerned about my computer's memory and have huge annual deleting parties where I painfully erase a bunch of junk from my hard drive.

    A lot of the music I've actually purchased, whether in digital or CD form hardly gets removed. Most pirated stuff tends to disappear after a few months if I haven't gotten hooked on the artist by that time and made an effort to buy their music. Obviously all of my long-time favorite bands stick around a while on my player, so I'm not going to bother listing them out! GACKT and Coldplay have probably been on my MP3 the longest; even though I hardly listen to them any more, I fear one day I'll get really nostalgic and not have that music to go back to. I feel the same way with some artists I even currently dislike; there are some Miyavi, Diru, X Japan, and Malice Mizer songs that I've never had the heart to delete no matter how little I listen to them on a regular basis.

    Also, I keep a bunch of mainstream rap and country artists on my MP3. Sometimes I get in spontaneous moods for those genres (despite the fact they are awful) and I like to have them available for those moments if I don't have the radio, lol!

  8. L'arc en Ciel - I hardly listen to them at all and never really have been a fan, but hearing their songs on anime got me interested in Japanese language music. I spent a long time only listening to anime theme songs primarily, but it wasn't until I discovered Gackt that delved into the rock scene with legitimate interest and I was able to discover some of my favorite bands of all time.

    D'espairsRay - They encouraged me to more deeply explore the visual kei scene as well as develop a taste for the heavy, darker, screaming metal and "core" music; I no longer really enjoy much visual kei or that kind of metal, but I'm still a big D'Ray fan and digging around in that area has led me to some fantastic music.

    Versailles - Versailles' guitars got me into the power metal scene of Japan which eventually pointed me in the direction of classic heavy metal and hard rock music (as ironic as it seems). They also helped me to appreciate the guitar which is the meat of all rock music.

    Number Girl - Got me engaged into the Japanese indie and underground scenes and interested in more eclectic and harsher sounding music genres in general such as emo and noise rock. I started listening to NG-influenced bands and NG member solo projects and soon I was listening to stuff as weird as Boredoms and Melt-Banana. Discovering them has also turned me into an official Inazawa fangirl!

    Dropkick Murphys - This band got me hooked onto punk, especially the more "classic" sounding style and eventually I began exploring the DIY "core" bands that had strong punk derivatives. Punk has slightly altered my political views as well, but it has merely made me more stronger, active, and aware of my own views rather than encourage me to adopt a particular ideology.

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