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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. nice. never listened to any cd's by them but they are awesome live. looking forward to this
  2. Probably to promote the other ones. Although it would be cool if Diaura was on it as well
  3. Curious for the last song too... Wonder if its going to be DIAURA-ish?
  4. cant find any info on it but did エトセトラ(etosetora) ever release any live footage?

    1. -timecapsule-


      their only live footage was on a VHS in the "1st BLACK BOX 「鬼臆喪失??" set, afaik: http://tinyurl.com/oqsebvb

    2. -timecapsule-


      + a bunch of distributed LIVE VHS apparently: http://sound.jp/kaleidoscope/etc.html

      seem all very rare..

  5. heres the song gossip are covering btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjlL3M2nvok
  7. Takadanobabaalien

    Yuuga and kazuto are doing all songwriting as of now so I don't think you need to worry.
  8. break up after almost 4 years together. only thing i can think is "where do i go from now?" and i have absoutely no idea. fuck my life.

    1. yakihiko


      Be strong man, this is hard.

      Put will pass.

    2. Naaaaani


      I was in the same situation. Just be yourself and don't give up.

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      thanks for the comments guys. really appreicate it

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  9. Takadanobabaalien

    They will show their new outfits tomorrow and upload new band picture. Source: yuuga and kazutos twitter
  10. Takadanobabaalien

    They never had the typical 90s vk look anyway if my mind doesn't trick me.
  11. 21 SOLD - VellaDonna - SOCIETY OF CHAOS~decide~ VHS 22 SOLD - VellaDonna - 殺傷完結 VHS woah, these must be pretty rare? at least i've never heard of them
  12. Takadanobabaalien

    btw full live from 19th august (devil kitty)
  13. Takadanobabaalien

  14. Takadanobabaalien

    dir en grey cover session?
  15. Takadanobabaalien

    Thanks for the help Yeah, their songs are difficult to translate... :/ So I appreciate the feedback^^
  16. Takadanobabaalien

    ほら×4想像通り君は   そこ×4に何書いてるの? あら×4またまた妄想して ゲラ×4頭狂ちゃったの? ダメ×4そんな事ばっかりしてたら 何時まで起っても彼氏なんて出来やしない Hey, what are you writing over there that you made up in your mind? You're fantasizing again, did you go crazy? It's no good, if you keep on doing just that you will never get a boyfriend うざ×4がられて終わりの人生   君だって送りたくないでしょ?? とりあえずすぐに妄想やめたら、PCに向かって真実書きなさい!! 「私、本当はあの人とセックスなんてしてないの(泣)ごめんなさい(><)」 You don't want to be hated and live alone for all your life right? Stop fantasizing, go to your computer and write the truth!! "Actually I never had sex with that guy, I'm sorry (><)" 久しぶりコンニチワ妄想ちゃん♪ 君は何時もず~っとイタイ子ちゃん♪ そんな君達が大好きな僕等も仲間ね★ そこでもう少し待っててね♪ ずっとずっとそこで待っててね♪ きっともうすぐ僕等は君達の元へ帰るから・・・ そんなの無い無い!本当は君達をブッコロシに行くからPC磨いて待ってろよ?! Hello, it's been a long time Mousou chan*♪, you'll always be in pain♪ We who love you so much are also friends right★ Just wait a while longer there♪ Keep waiting forever♪ For sure we will soon come to you... No, no, no ! We're coming to kill you so wait at your computer!! なんだかんだ言っても感謝しています。結局君等がいて僕等もいる。 どっちか一つが欠けたら終わりね、CD売れない、動員一桁(><) We're appreciative of whatever you say. In the end, while you exist so will we. If one of us die, it's over right. We can't sell any CD's. ******** 頃はどうですか?妄想ちゃん♪ 僕はちょっぴり寂しかったよ・・・ 皮肉ばっかり言ってるけどね、本当は・・・。 ずっと待っててくれて有り難う、きっときっとすぐに帰るから。 だからもう一言だけ言わせてね?「モウソウヤメロ!!」 How have you been lately, mousou chan? We've been a bit lonely... We're just being ironic though... Thank you for always waiting, we'll soon come back So please let me say just one more thing okay? "STOP FANTASIZING!!" 有り難う妄想ちゃん♪ 有り難うイタイ子ちゃん♪*** 何だか嬉しくなって来ました~~★☆★ 本当に会いたかったよ?冷たくしてゴメンネm(_ _)m 今度また会える日ガ来るまで「サ・ヨ・オ・ナ・ラ」 Thank you mousou chan. Thank you itaikochan Somehow we became very happy You really wanted to meet? Sorry for being so cold Until a day when we can meet comes "sa yo na ra" * I don't know how to translate mousou chan, but mousou means being delusional. And chan it just something you can add to a person, so basically he is calling them delusional ******** I can't make sense of most part of this sentence, if someone could help me that would be great. *** Same as the first, itaikochan. Itai = hurt, ko = kid. So someone who is hurt.
  17. My scrobbler stopped working again with the new update...... I was never going to stop use lastfm, but maybe it's time to do so

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      maybe all personn who want stop last.fm didn't stop, because their are the only one to make this sort of wabsite ^^ !

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  18. Takadanobabaalien

    Change that to like 5 years and the unicode bullshit comes to mind, just thinking about it gives me headache.
  19. Takadanobabaalien

    I think they just need to admit that the update was a bad move and go back to last update lol. The new update will make them lost a lot of accounts/subscribers.
  20. Takadanobabaalien

    Only important part of aliene was kyoka anyway. Excited
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