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Posts posted by Champ213

  1. To be honest, I don't blame anyonone, "artist" or not, for wanting to make money. Hey, I want to make money too, don't we all? Money is good. And I don't think the expectation that the effort put into a record should result in some cash return is unreasonable.



    However. It seems that piracy is giving some artists a false sense of scale. Artists and labels tend to equate each illegal download with a lost sale. 5000 people have pirated a record? So they calculate 5000 x ???$ in lost revenue and mourn all the money they didn't make.


    The cold hard truth however is that probably only a minority of those 5000 cares enough for the music that they would pay for it. Especially in vk, where people tend to just grab stuff because it's vk (probably applies to other genres too though.)


    If there was no piracy artists still have to make their fans interested enough that they are actually want to spend money on them.



    Oh, and acting against people on Youtube is even more pointless. I have yet to meet a single person that says "I don't buy CDs because I can listen to songs on YT."

  2. How many of those that have pirated NB's latest release would have actually bought it if they hadn't had the chance to download it? Maybe 10%? How many of those only know of the band because they pirated the music at some point? 90%? Right.



    Fact is: people pirate music because it's so easy. If they couldn't, most of them just wouldn't listen to the music. I already spend about 150 Euro a month on japanese CDs, I pirate the rest. If I couldn't pirate, well, tough luck, but I still wouldn't spend more on music than I already do. I would just listen to less.

  3. Eh, it's not uncommon for bands not to get anything at all for touring overseas except the money they make from selling merchandise. Then again, many of them probably don't make much money from lives in Japan either, so they may as well take the free trip abroad, I guess? Flights, accomodations etc. usually have to be paid by the organizer.


    So yeah, it's never a money issue what and if bands decide to come to Europe (or not), it's always about organizers willing to bring them over, and and whether bands want to take the time doing it.

  4. I have seen the label "neo visual kei" being thrown around a few times, but everyone seems to mean something different by it. Some mean a very specific style of modern vk, some just mean any vk band formed after ca. 2003/2004. Seems to be a pretty useless label, such as it is.

  5. I don't see the problem with re-recordings either. You cannot "kill" a song. A new recording doesn't make the original song vanish into thin air. Even if the new recording is worse than the original (which is ultimately a matter of taste), you always have the original song to listen to. So I don't understand why some people here go batshit over the possibilty that the songs may be re-recorded. It's not that they're required by law to only listen to the re-recording and never to the original again.


    I would prefer re-recording too, as there is a chance that something new or interesting will come out of it. If not - well, though luck, but nothing ventured nothing gained. So I'll just continue to listen to the original versions, what's the big deal?

  6. ^ Seems like someone didn't leave this forum after all....



    But seriously, this topic has strayed away far from its original purpose. Apparently it has now become a question about uploading in general. If people want  to discuss that, they are free to make a seperate topic about it in the discussion forum. But I see no point in continuing this argument here, people just keep repeating what has been said over and over again. If someone has any new suggestions how we can tackle the problem of reposting, they are free to PM us, and we will consider it. But for now I'm closing this topic as it has by far outlived its usefulness.

  7. LOL, Rumina, y u always pick vocalists that are so mediocre?



    The only skillful vocalist he had in recent times was the guy from DEEP RAVE - and Rumina left that band rather quickly, even though he founded it himself. I wonder if there's a connection there. XD


    Celestia Le Ciel / Merveille Magique were touring europe quite often… and apparently many people payed to see them. Guess they had their little fanbase XD


    Depends on how you define "many". I was at their first eurpean live because I was "hired" as their translator. ("Hired" as in unpayed, except I got to see their concert for free XD. I was freelancing for a small, now defunct german vk site at that time, and an organizer of vk concerts in Germany wanted to bring over one of "our" bands). There were maybe 25-30 people in the audience. Maybe their later concerts got more people, I don't know. Then again I guess 30 people is already pretty good for a completely unknown band.


    Despite the utter cheapness of the music it was actually a fairly enjoyable gig.


    Fun fact: the reason Celestia le Ciel was chosen from among the roster of our bands was mainly because they were only 2 people = less airfare transport costs, which are covered by the organizer. Which kinda sucks, because among the bands we managed to aquire for our site was also Schmelz Cure. Would have loved to see them live, but they were (at that time) 4 people, so no deal.


    But yeah, I assume the reason they got so many european lives is because they were a 2-man-band and cheap to bring over. XD

  9. can anyone help me with some bands similar to ROACH, HARVEST, Rikugo, Oto-oni and Wagakki Band?

    I know their not that much similar with each other but I think you understand the concept, the traditional stuff and the ryukyu kind of singing style.



     音影 (Otokage) maybe?




  10. Yup, it's here.


    They also released at least one more livehouse single, but it seems that both songs from it (Rama:yana & 昴), will also be on the new mini album.



    Also, regarding -The- UnForGiveness - yes, I remember them, I was really looking forward to that project back then, but well.... it never materialized. I think I read somewhere that Kanzaki (who basically is all there is to this project) was having health issues and thus the whole thing never went anywhere. Quite sad.

  11. I found a few more.



    Someone played Erasure at turntable.fm:




    Someone played Wintersun on turntable.fm:



    (Vaguedge = Zess, Bob desu = doaseternity6)



    Veekay problems:


    (then I start it = Craig/Prism; beautfiful slaughter = Jake/Spike760, Katharina = me)




    Biopanda is being creepy in a corner





    Cat loves Panda, made by Biopanda:




  12. Too bad we don't have any of the truly lulzy stuff from the TW era XD



    I got you covered!




    If you remember this, you get old-school creds from me.





    An age-old conundrum and Jake's (Spike760) aggressive marketing tactics:


    (I believe that "Sexorcist Percussion" was doaseternity6, not sure about Necrophilia_Bassist anymore, could have been Missa.)




    Weird things going on in my last.fm shoutbox.




    An important piece of evidence from a legendary thread ("Makeup and gay egyptians")





    That cat had it coming!





    Aggressive marketing strategies part 2




    A shoutbox discussion that Varg of Burzum looks like a whaler now spawned this masterpiece:




    Do you remember the thread about the economic importance of tourism in Kerala? The thread is sadly lost and gone, but here's some lovely pics from it:





    Having fun with the word filter on April Fools











    Fancy new background image:




    That's the stuff I found on my old Photbucket account. I may find more if I look on my HD...



    But in the meantime, I would like to bring some attention to 2 legendary threads from olden times:


    Legendary ragequit No.1 (O hai itz will - a manifesto)


    Legendary ragequit No.2 (Max-Dash quits because of : Missa, Nes. Craig, Kai)



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