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  1. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in YOSHIKI important announcement   
    8. He announces participation in a situational comedy in which he and other members of X Japan are summoned by a young girl to help her do her daily tasks such as babysitting and cleaning entitled "おねがいかなえてエックスニッポン."
  2. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Tokage in YOSHIKI important announcement   
    4. Yoshiki finally admits that it was actually Yoshiki who died all those years ago and he had been hide all along
  3. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Glamour in Uploader's Café   
    Wanted to somewhat make a random comment about transcodes without making a new thread or updating one from years ago.
    Personally, I found myself to believe that transcodes were something that should be avoided at all costs. However, lately, I've come to the conclusion that they're just fine. While I'd prefer something ripped in higher quality, the quality can sometimes be quite discernible. This is comparing transcodes to 256/320Kbps rips through Bose heaphones as well as a decent car sound system. I've even found certain 320Kbps rips that double rainbow across Spek sound much worse than even 192Kbps rips. Considering ripping can be made so customizable, I'm sure many people are just not configuring the rip settings correctly, adding balance to the volume when it's not needed and such.
    Originally, I thought this term meant something that was ripped through Youtube. Now, that's something I don't want. Though, even HQ rips through Youtube are proving to sound better than all of that old VK mess many of us have ranging from the late 80s to late 90s; you know, the tape rips and other rips done when quality wasn't as prominent (many are 128Kbps).
    Anyway, it's not an important subject; just wanted to comment on it. We're lucky to be able to listen to the songs at all provided they are no where else to be heard.
    I missed touching on several other subjects regarding the matter (filetypes: wma, flac, etc.), but I'm not looking for a response or anything. I'll just leave it as that for now.
    (And if you do feel the need to respond, I'll gladly hit any points or arguments you have to make.)
  4. Like
    CAT5 reacted to paradoxal in Show Yourself (again)   
    This is me with lips stained by red wine after getting fed up with physical chemistry.
    Bonuspic: my right ear! There used to be a sixth piercing but it accidentally healed up. I had to take my piercings off for one hour because of a x-ray examination and I was too lazy to put the piercings back right away. It healed up in like two weeks (!!!!!) and I had had it for like 3 years or something........ Fml etc.
    One day I'm gonna get my tragus pierced that's for sure.
    EDIT// Satanhellshit666 there was white border showing on the other side of the pic so I edited it again and replaced it.
  5. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Tetora in Viewing Visual Kei as a Genre. (Questionnaire)   
    Personally, I view it as both a scene AND a genre. While there are technically a variety of genres played within the scene, I feel like you'll find common musical nuances amongst them all (most notably the vocals) that strings everything together. I think when you remove those nuances and place them in a different musical setting, people will automatically think of "visual kei" when they hear it - which is why I regard it as a genre/style of music in addition to it being a scene.

    It depends. Most VK looks horribly tacky to me (with a handful of exceptions), so If I were to judge bands purely based on their looks, I'd miss out on some potentially cool tunes.  

    I personally don't care for the looks. Good music will be good regardless. However, I think the VK scene NEEDS the entire image aspect to be successful. For a lot of bands in the scene, "image" is all they have going for them lol.  

    I search for music that will appease my ears. Obviously, there are certain genres/subgenres that appeal to me more than others, but I try to keep an open ear out for everything because with so much music out there, it's easy to overlook cool tunes. This is one reason I enjoy making and receiving mixtapes.  

    Not really. There's a new genre and sub-genre invented everyday, so to get flustered over someone mislabeling music seems a bit ridiculous. There's a ton of music out there that is completely ambiguous and defies labels, so many things can be left up to one's interpretation. But on the same token, If something is being CLEARLY mislabeled, I don't mind spending a few moments to educate someone (if that person is receptive to new knowledge that is).  

    Typically, I still tend to associate them with VK - like with lynch, MERRY, dir en grey, even miyavi. It's easy to change your image, but it's a bit more difficult to completely erase certain influences from the music you create.
  6. Like
    CAT5 reacted to ShanethVarosa in lynch. new album "GALLOWS" release   
    I'll probably check it out, I generally enjoy their music. 
  7. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Pretsy in Create a Fantasy Tribute Album!   
    Before I run out of ideas in the later phase (I promise that I won't spam this any further), I will spew out my "last" effort in making sensible tributes, and that's ofc: DEG tribute. I am not the one to knock on Cat's tribute though - it's my "vision" on their possible lineup in possible tribute(s).
    I might have been influenced by Cat5 (at least based on certain picks), and that is why he deserves my thanks
    IN NOMINE - DIR EN GREY respect album-
    1. Joe Hisaishi - THE FINAL (overture)
    A short, orchestral snippet of DEG's ”all-time hit” - pretty warm welcome for such a big tribute like this. Honorable one, too! With its majestic presence, it's very reminiscent to Final's unplugged version off ”THE UNRAVELING”.
    2. Downy – Rinkaku
    By refining this to non-chuggy version with more complexity, this will find its way quite easily into Downy's comfort zone. (Side-note: should be tuned up to A# for the sake of segueing from ”THE FINAL”-prelude) Falsetto vocals shouldn't be the problem either.
    3. AA= - Child Prey
    With those ”Wooh oooh oooh”-ing BG vocals, underlying electro influence (those weird effects during riffs) and downtuned guitars, I can expect Takeshi Ueda and folks to pull out even punkier performance than Kyo's own. The original in fact starts to remind me of Mad Caps for some reason.
    4. Coldrain – Agitated Screams of Maggots
    Lyrics completely in English? Check. Lots of metalcore-y riffs? Check. Really fitting for Coldrain guys? Well, by judging their earlier covering efforts, I can see them having some potential to do this sweetly too.
    5. kamomekamome – Clever Sleazoid
    After trying out some kamomekamome, I came to the realization that Kyo's performance in CS (both versions) is somewhat similar to what KK's vocalist was doing in most of their songs. I apologize to Cat beforehand for clinging onto same-ish ideas
    6. Kannivalism - Higeki ha Mabuta wo Oroshita Yasashiku Utsu
    Sincere ballads like this are Kannivalism's specialty (knowing that their best songs like ”mum.” are like this), and so is underlying melancholy in Kyo's lyrics. Won't be a random number at all
    7. THE NOVEMBERS - Toguro
    Atmospheric, riffy number – might be pretty much NOVEMBERS' specialty (tagging along with Cat in this case). Knowing what they've done in their latest album, potential of this being a good cover is pretty high. Oh, and let's not forget the bass too
    8. Lynch. - AMBER
    Simple half-ballad with emphasis on low singing → goes well for Hazuki's range (falsettos too) and band's performance. Also, the guitars here are very reminiscent to what lynch. Started to do with ligher songs at their latest records. Nothing really else to explain in terms of obvious artist choice.
    9. Boris – Mazohyst of Decadence (2011 ver. cover)
    Imagine if this was their lo-fi take on DEG's ”revamped” live version of MoD. I might see Takeshi using more of monotonous vocal take (with Imogen Heap-ish filtering) on Kyo's lyrics (can skip some parts), along with improvised take on Toshiya's VERY audible and varied bassline (lots of fuzz). Wata in the meanwhile can give those ””sludgy”” (have to use double quotation marks for the sake of it) riffs a bit more dynamics. Creepy pro-life songs definitely deserve a deeper take, and Boris are able to pull it off well.
    10. DAISHI DANCE feat. Chieko Kinbara – Hotarubi (a LIGHT mix)
    Basically an instrumental House mix/cover of Dir's original. Having Kinbara appearing again in this piece (she played violins in the original), and DAISHI DANCE pulling out a Ghibli Set-like performance (vibraphones, soothing piano, some stock falsettos/vocals some strings + etc.). To live up to its mix title, it should be have more of hope-giving aura unlike the original with its ”all hope is gone”-vibes.
    11. Michiro Endo/M.J.Q – 304 Goushitsu, Hakushi no Sakura
    Assuming that Michiro might ”thank” DEG for covering STALIN's ”Warsaw no Gensou”. With its acoustic-friendly performance, Endo might find himself even at his old age pretty comfortable with this. Some anti-folk-kind of vibe will be sweet for this track (should also be shorter than the original imho)
    12. Heaven In Her Arms – DIABOLOS
    Some of Kyo's clean parts can be somewhat discarded here, for the sake of post-ish performance here. Atmosphere might be pretty fitting for them, and Kyo's growling/screaming can replaced with their ”signature” screaming without ruining the flow. I might even like their effort more than original.
    13. HOLLOWGRAM – Inconvenient Ideal
    Falsetto-heavy number? Ryo's top-notch specialty. Also, by listening partly to their ”Qualia”-record, I admit that this wouldn't be an out-of-place number for them. In addition to the first statement of mine, Ryo can pull this off much better – methinks.
    14. MERRY – Rasetsukoku
    Let's say it briefly: you know how this will end up – no? Imagine this in their ”Under-world” style, with a bit crunchier guitars
    15. Takumi (RES) – Vanitas (new instrumental mix)
    Instrumental coda. Do you guys remember the PA song DEG used to play during DSS promo tour (music box-ish song). Expect this to be a remake but made by ”semi-DEG member” this time. Nice finish for a tribute
    ps. I tried to make this less random and "biased" ,heh.
  8. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Pretsy in Create a Fantasy Tribute Album!   
    Cool topic! I'm not very familiar with A9, so I can't really offer a critique on your fantasy tribute. =|
    I'm a big fan of tearing down boundaries, taking risks, and being both creative and unpredictable when it comes to music, so my tribute would be very unorthodox! I think it would amazing to hear these bands and their different renditions:


    01: 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 - kamomekamome

    "Hageshisa..." is a pretty intense song throughout and would suit a "thrashing-ly" hardcore band like kamomekamome. I could imagine them spicing up the riffage a bit, but maintaining the spirit of the song. They'd probably replace kyo's low-growls with screaming (but they're good at it, so... ;P)

    02. CAGE - 9mm Parabellum Bullet

    The melodic and hooky nature of this song would be right up 9mm's alley. Not to mention they'd absolutely nail the upbeat instrumentation while managing to infuse their signature sound.

    03. 逆上堪能ケロイドミルク - THE BACK HORN

    "Gyakujou Tannou Keloid Milk" has a signature high-note in it that Yamada WOULD NOT be able to hit. For some that would probably kill the song, but I think THE BACK HORN could put enough power behind the rest to make a compelling rendition.

    04. Bottom of the death valley - LOSTAGE

    Lostage are fucking fantastic at covering songs AND "RED…[em]" has a great, straightfoward hard-rock sound that would cater to the band's strengths. Although since Takahisa doesn't really scream, their cover wouldn't be as dark as the original. Still tons of room for Takahisa's bass playing to shine, though.

    05. Machiavellism - 八十八ヶ所巡礼

    This song has such a sinister yet playful tone to it - 88kasyo could do wonders with this. My only concern would be the more melodic, singing parts since Margaret doesn't really "sing" per se.

    06. 凌辱の雨 - me-al art

    I'm specifically referring to the funkier (and all around better) single version of "Ryoujoku no Ame". Imagining Satoko singing the chorus gives me chills. In fact, she'd completely obliterate Kyo on this song. The only real downfall is that Satoko probably can't do the screaming parts.

    07. 悲劇は目蓋を下ろした優しき鬱 - THE NOVEMBERS

    Brooding, atmospheric numbers like "Higeki wa Mabuta..." are THE NOVEMBERS' specialty. In fact, I think their cover would be extremely faithful to the original.

    08. raison detre - 凛として時雨

    I know I wanted ling tosite to cover ONE of dir en grey's songs, but it was tough to chose one. Ling is an extremely peculiar band, so I think they'd rip a completely new asshole into whatever DEG song they cover. They'd probably change the drumming and speed it up a bit for sure.

    The chorus of this song is so incredibly powerful that you'd need an equally or even more emotive vocalist to sing it, but I think itsue's vocalist fits the bill. There are no screaming or harsh vocals in this song either, so she could definitely pull it off!
    10. THE FINAL - cinema staff
    Perhaps one of diru's most pop-oriented songs? What better band to cover this than cinema staff? A band that has both keen pop sensibilities and raw aggression!
    OBVIOUSLY this is a highly-unlikely tribute, and my selection of DIR EN GREY songs is horribly biased (I'm just a casual fan, haha). Ardent fans of the band would be both disappointed in the tracklist AND the band selection, but I personally think it would turn out pretty cool!
  9. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Original Saku in TK from 凛として時雨 new EP "contrast" Release   
  10. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Augie1995 in TK from 凛として時雨 new EP "contrast" Release   
  11. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Champ213 in What are your top 10 "non-visual" J-rock bands?   
    My main japanese music interest outside of vk doesn't really lie on rock, but rather the folky/jazzy/female singer-songwriter stuff. So I have to scrape the barrel a bit here. XD
    In no particular order:
    Church of Misery
    I know that  実験台モルモット is a very fringe choice. On the other hand I didn't include Luna Sea or Buck-Tick, because I already had them on my Top 10 vk list, so that wouldn't make much sense to include them here agin. (I'm also usually very generous when it comes to counting bands as "vk". Otherwise I would have included bands like Glamorous Honey, Phi or Dead End on here.)
  12. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Peace Heavy mk II in What are your top 10 "non-visual" J-rock bands?   
  13. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in What are your top 10 "non-visual" J-rock bands?   
    If we're going to by Last.FM, then my list is as follows:
    1. TM Revolution
    2. Sigh
    3. 分島花音
    4. 女王蜂
    5. あさき
    6. Vermillion-D Alice Syndrome
    7. 黒夜葬
    10. 9mm Parabellum Bullet
  14. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Bear in What are your top 10 "non-visual" J-rock bands?   
    I see. I'll make a list of ten then.
    1. Sigh
    2. Sabbat
    3. Framtid
    4. Mono
    5. Abigail
    6. Disclose / Syphilitic Vaginas (not sure if these guys are Swedish or Japanese)
    7. Boris
    8. Flower Travellin' Band
    9. S.O.B.
    10. Coffins
    If I made this list again in a week or two it'd be different. Then I'd probably find a place for either Gauze, Melt-Banana, Kriegshög, Gallhammer, Arkha Sva, Magnesium and so on, or several of them. And the week after it'd be different again and so on. But the two-three first ones would be the exact same every single week.
  15. Like
    CAT5 reacted to violetchain in Create a Fantasy Tribute Album!   
    I gave myself a little too much to work with by going with all Chiba's bands instead of just picking one, so I have more than one song for a few artists. It's so hard to narrow it down.
    Chiba Yusuke Tribute Album
    THE BEATMOTORS - Baby You Can (The Birthday) – they’re good at slower, sort of laidback rock songs, and I think they would put enough attitude behind it.
    Yellow Studs – Namida ga Koboresou (The Birthday) or 19:40 (SNAKE ON THE BEACH) – Would like to see them shorten 19:40 somehow, since it's a little too long to listen to regularly.
    Nothing’s Carved In Stone – Hoshi no Melody (ROSSO) – This is my favourite ROSSO song, and I think Taku would nail the emotion near the end
    THE BACK HORN - Piano (The Birthday). It’s a sad song, with a slightly dark/sinister feel, and I think that’s where they’re strongest
    04 Limited Sazabys - Muddy Cat Blues (The Birthday) – I’d like to hear a lighter version of this one by someone with a childish voice, since the lyrics are so cute.
    Jeepta - NIGHT LINE (The Birthday) or Carnival (The Birthday)
    ZIGZO - I was walkin’ and sleepin’ (TMGE)
    BALZAC - GILDA (The Birthday) or Revolver Junkies (TMGE)
    KUROYUME - Sharon (ROSSO)
    Drop's - Ano Ko no Suitcase (The Birthday) - Would be cool to hear a female take on this song, and their singer has such a great rock voice
  16. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Pretsy in Create a Fantasy Tribute Album!   
    L'Arc~en~Ciel Tribute ~REBOOT!~
    (because the *actual* tribute sucked - yeah, just because you can desperately pay some western hasbeens to play your songs =/= "tribute")
    Main tracks:
    1. BUCK-TICK - Get out from the Shell (Japanese version)
    Seeing as that Tetsu and Hyde usually handled/crossed their vocal parts, I can see Imai and Sakurai doing the same thing, but in more sympathetic way. Also, those synth/guitar lines definitely ask some handling from Hoshino (who can do synth and rhythm guitars) and Imai (guitar messing lol). Also: a good starter.
    2. ONE OK ROCK - Killing Me
    The original is very teen rock-ish - with a big T. Also, it's kinda natural (and financially more productive) to put new generation blockbusters in the tribute album for "old generation blockbusters". 
    3. Zigzo - And She Said
    "And She Said" has sort of underlying indie-ness (or okay, I just pretend that I hear some Smiths' in that riff) - and it'd be interesting to hear ex-vk guys (well, look up to their bio) doing ex-vk-ish song...with certain ex-member (Sakura)! Fun fact: this song was used in "Jeepers Creepers" (international/US version). You don't believe me? Look it up!
    4. The HIATUS - HONEY
    This is one of those L'arc songs where I feel certain, harmonic "balance" in between its teen rock-ish riffs and sweet, poppy melody. Hosomi doing his stellar performance while Ueno and Izawa handling the bass melody in a whole new way. I can see them working some good magic with that one
    5. Maaya Sakamoto x SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONS x Jin Oki - Wind of Gold
    I had some intentions in throwing in lecca for this, but then I realized that WoG is not the same without "calm tones" - and that is where I thought that Maaya would show some potential, and S&P doing their "almost close to Blurry Eyes' version but less messy" arrangement in the background   (I really want to see female performers doing Hyde's sensual L'arc songs tbqh). Also, Jin Oki (that flamenco guy who did a song with Miyavi too) gets the vibe heating with his cool guitar(s).
    6. B'z - Shi no Hai
    Okay, yes, they were L'arc's "marketing rivals" back in the 90s but it'd be nice to see Inaba singing and Tak playing Ken's "Santana-ish" guitar lines in a different fashion (or okay, I just imagine myself in some South American suburb whenever I play this song, ok...) - this just SCREAMS some definite guitar makeover.
    7. SID - Blurry Eyes
    They covered "Shout at the Devil" in actual tribute - and that in fact didn't really fit in Mao's way of singing nor his range at all. So I decided to find more fitting piece - okay, BE is pretty "fast" too but the singing pace here is quite okay for Mao to follow. Also - they are obviously one of the candidates to perform their idols' "biggest hits ever".
    8. Acid Black Cherry - Flower
    Knowing that JDA covered this already but in live only, I assure that Yasu will find his comfort zone pretty quickly with this easy-going song - and hopefully add something more to original's "autumn-y" vibe.
    9. MUCC - Floods of Tears (single ver. with album ver. -ish vocals)
    The band, minus Yukke, actually played Shinshoku in one of JITB events - and dear god what a mindblow (especially in Tatsurou's part). FoT is much more dramatic though, and I expect this to be a good challenge for Tats' and Miya to show up their efforts (in doing great covers). Might be a short comeback to their angstier past Also, the bassline yearns for Yukke tbh.
    10. Gackt x Neko Saito Orchestra - Hitomi ni Utsuru Mono
    Instead of doing stuff with his "higher" voice, he should do more sensual/honest stuff - like this cover for instance. Definitely fitting for Gackt's "if-it-were-possible-to-delve-back-to-his-new-prog-past"-range. Also, I expect this to be a grandiose number with Neko Saito doing some magical arrangements (especially with that "sinister" ending) . The pv for original song can be found in jpopsuki tv.
    11. Alice Nine feat. NHK Tokyo Children's Choir -  MY HEART DRAWS A DREAM (live rendition)
    Includes Ken's live solo impro too in the beginning. A9 is basically "the master" at doing songs like this (thanks to Shou's underlying "Hydeness" for eg.)- but at the same time, this whole "make peace no war"-kind of anthem thing will be quite new to them   get your bass magic ready, Saga. Also: children's choir necessary for that climax part (also, some plus for grandiose orchestral parts).
    12. Mono - Mirai Sekai
    I am really expecting a grandiose, sincere over-10 min version out of this - this lil' ditty of a lullaby definitely asks to be covered by such artists as Mono for instance .
    Bonus tracks (for limited edition or w/e - hey, it's L'arc, so of course we have to make some "not-so-cool" marketing tricks!):
    13. Gain(가인) - X X X (Korean ver.?)
    Hyde's obnoxious, a bit embarrassing effort on being "erotic" with song like this can be turned into something "smartly sexy" by Gain
    14.  Kiyoharu x Miyavi - READY STEADY GO
    Kiyoharu basically responding to L'arc's "For Dear" in my imaginary tribute universe, lol.
    15. DAIGO feat. Yasutaka Nakata & Seiji Kameda - NEO UNIVERSE
    Daigo can show his Hyde worship here and it's pretty easy for ystk to adapt this synth-poppy piece into something off his "Sugarless Girl"-era . Also, Seiji doing magic with Tetsuya's 6-string bassline.
    16.  GLAY x KAT-TUN -  Coming Closer
    The original is very boyband-ish - in a good way...and a bad way too xD So it's kinda expected to have this kind of number in. Glay has done rock band x boyband-kind of number before, and Kat-Tun has done "New World" cover in TV...but let's say that this will be their least embarrassing effort.
    17. Mika Nakashima feat. D'ERLANGER - Blurry Eyes (anniversary rendition)
    Anniversary rendition is very carousel-themed (check it out in YT). Kyo's raspy vocals fit the song pretty well, and Mika Nakashima has a chance in showing that she's still able to perform in the level of Hyde (despite them both being weak nowadays due to smoking) - AND the idea of "new generation x old generation" doing the all-time hit is just gorgeous! / crazy collab ideas / also, expecting Cipher to do Ken's riffs in his trademark way.
    A good tribute deserves a good ending - and A BIG ONE. Great Sakaeda is the concert master mostly known for partaking in Ringo Shiina's latest orchestral efforts (since Sanmon Gossip I guess?), Chieko Kinbara is the violinist mostly known for collabing with such artists as Ringo Shiina (again) and DEG too (in "Hotarubi").
    I might be taking this too far but come to think of it, the original tribute was a pure ripoff...(inb4 opposition).
  17. Like
    CAT5 reacted to hiroki in Create a Fantasy Tribute Album!   
    Tribute to vistlip
    1. Night Parade - ギルド
    One of the most technical vistlip songs in terms of overall dynamic range. Sounds like something Ryuichi will be able to pull off with his fantastic execution, but Umi's harsh vocals might be a problem though.. XD
    2. 影鬼 - 摩天楼オペラ
    This song requires tremendous emotional depth to invoke the psychological condition of the schizophrenic "oni". Matenrou Opera gets my pick here.
    3. 零 - baroque
    There's quite literally no second choice to be had here. This song almost sounds like it's written and tailored for baroque, particularly Ryo's vocals.
    4. OBLATE SCREEM - Plastic Tree
    Surreal, dreamy, and atmospheric. Totally Pura.
    Thematically speaking, there's no better band to do this song than Dolly. I can see them transporting us right into the fable-ish setting of how a young innocent child registers the world.
    6. 深海魚の夢は所詮、 - ALSDEAD
    Regardless of which band I pick to cover this it's always going to turn out significantly different from the original, but I'm very interested in how an ALSDEAD rendition will sound like.
    7. SINDRA - girugamesh
    In my dreams, I KNOW. One of vistlip's heavier songs, and I'll prob die from ecstasy even before Satoshi starts singing this. I also suspect that the electro backed instrumentals that giru loves so much will sound amazing if incorporated in this song.
    8. CHIMERA - the LEM
    Very difficult "run-on" song with hardly any break for the vocalist. Rikuto will be perfect here with how he transits between chest voice and his incredibly effortless falsettos.
    9. July VIIth - SINCREA
    I was very torn as to whether I should include this. On one hand, this is pretty much the iconic song of vistlip and the one that has most symbolic significance for them (7/7 being their anniversary) so it would be scandalous if it's missing from a tribute album. But precisely because of this I find it hard to imagine anyone else other than vistlip singing it XD Still, I'm confident SINCREA will do justice to this masterpiece
  18. Like
    CAT5 reacted to sugoge in What are your top 10 "non-visual" J-rock bands?   
    Not in order, but
    01. Silhouette from the Skylit
    04. Ashley Scared the Sky
    05. ARTEMA
    06. Crossfaith
    07. Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
    08. coldrain
    09. SiM
    10. er does BABYMETAL count?
    The first five I've seen live and plan to keep doing so because they are all awesome.
  19. Like
    CAT5 reacted to orangetarts in What are your top 10 "non-visual" J-rock bands?   
    ELLEGARDEN (god rest their awesome music T__T) ONE OK ROCK SPYAIR [Champagne] SiM Monkey Majik (tbh, idk if this is technically jrock or not....) ROACH flumpool Acid Black Cherry (theyre not really ~visual~ right? idk i dont pay attention but i like them a lot XD) My First Story Not really in any particular order.
  20. Like
    CAT5 reacted to orangetarts in What are your top 10 "non-visual" J-rock bands?   
    but yes. lynch too for me. holla.
  21. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Mind of the sun in What are your top 10 "non-visual" J-rock bands?   
    Last.fm order
    4.Fear, and loathing in las vegas
    7.Pay money to my pain
  22. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Ito in What are your top 10 "non-visual" J-rock bands?   
    In no particular order...God this is so hard...and I am sure I am forgetting an important one lol.
    toe FAKE? School Food Punishment the god and death stars FACT Lynch. ATATA sgt. Abingdon Boys School CogeNdshE And because I have a hard time choosing, here are some honerable mentions: 

  23. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Flame-X in What are your top 10 "non-visual" J-rock bands?   
    Not in particular order.
    SIAM SHADE abingdon boys school UVERworld HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR THE FLARE nano ACID Agitato TRIBAL CHAIR Asian Kung-Fu Generation  
    Last 2 picks were just random fill ins for the sake of completion.
  24. Like
    CAT5 reacted to violetchain in What are your top 10 "non-visual" J-rock bands?   
    No particular order after the first three.
    1. The Birthday
    2. Dragon Ash
    3. Nothing's Carved In Stone
    5. Jeepta
    6. BALZAC
    7. ZIGZO
    8. thee michelle gun elephant
    9. andymori
    GLAY would be #1, but I already wrote them in the visual thread, so I guess that's cheating.
    Could be in top ten on another day:
    BOOWY, ELLEGARDEN, SBK, the pillows, ABSTRACT MASH, Yellow Studs, Suck a Stew Dry...
  25. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Muma in Best of 2013 lists from subenoana artists (Robin aoki of downy, geskia, fragment, higedriver and more)   
    I thought this was pretty cool to look at. Best of 2013 lists from artists that are on and associated with the subenoana label (which is a fantastic record label I might add)
    I'm somehow not surprised to see Eminem on DOTAMA's list, ha.
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