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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    whitegrey....you can talk about anything "indie" here....doesn't matter, pop, rock, electronic, etc, etc I've heard of Sayonara Pony Tail, but I've never listened to them before. That PV sounds really cool, though - so I may have to track their stuff down. I know they have at least one album on the nets somewhere ;3 Have you heard any of their releases yet?
  2. CAT5

    Later, dude. Have fun~~~
  3. CAT5

    I think these songs would sound pretty epic if they were arranged with a full orchestra: Dir en Grey - INCONVENIENT IDEAL D'espairsRay - In Vain Rentrer en Soi - Wither I wouldn't want these songs to be PURELY orchestral, though...I'd want to keep the original, rock arrangement, but with some added orchestral embellishment. : )
  4. CAT5

    random thought: If they ever make it to elbaf, I wonder if they're encounter any giants with devil fruit powers, haha
  5. CAT5

    um...I actually JUST listened to the new telephones album (and I shall hook you up with it soon ;p). I haven't listened to a lot of their material, but I liked it from what I heard...didn't really get a chance to "absorb" it, though since I was kinda distracted at the time.
  6. CAT5

    Thanks man, iMma look for Samon's first album then. I love jazzy/chill hip hop stuff, but I never know what to look for. Most of time I come across cheesy, piano-based intrumental hip hop that's just so....ugh. I mean the, the beats are usually boring and the piano playing is like...over dramatic or something...I dunno. You probably know what I'm talking about XD People say laidbook is good, but I've never listened to them before. Have you?
  7. CAT5

    turtable has special halloween avatars now!!!! ...I couldn't fit them entirely into this screencap, though ^^:;
  8. CAT5

    A friend recently told me about this band... They seem pretty interesting. They just released their first mini album. XZIMFCJU55E Also, I gotta hear the new Tokyokarankoron single, ASAP. I'm really loving their sound right now! ........and their vocalist/keyboardist couldn't be any cuter FYtTeWGwgvU
  9. CAT5

    ehhh....I kinda agree. I was hoping that brook would have some pretty cool power being a devil-fruit user and all, so I was a bit disappointed to see that he's just an ordinary swordsman...and nowhere near as good as Zoro at that. I think they could have gave him some more interesting skills...but has he learned anything new since the 2 year time skip? I actually didn't mind that Zoro fight, though. I thought it was pretty cool that he was able to obtain a rare sword out of the deal. Brook's backstory did kinda pale in comparison to the others...and his "dream" is also a bit vague compared to the others....I mean he just wants to meet up with that whale? MEH :V
  10. CAT5

    ooooooh nice thread! Um...let's see. I don't consider myself a hip-hop or anything, but I like a few things here and there. Oddly enough, I grew up on hip hop, and while I don't listen to much these days, It'll forever be a part of me Let's see, as for Japanese hip hop, I kinda like Rumi - she has a nice flow. Lately, I'm also into DOTAMA. Dude is just completely insane - in a good way! He has a very interesting "alternative hip hop" sound. ZXA1XfI3jfs um...who else...I like uhnellys too! Their vocalist was featured on an extremely dope on sgt.'s latest album! So yeah....I'm not very well versed in Japanese hip hop. ^^;; But anyways, that Samon Kawamura track sounds pretty smooth! Does he have any albums out? ^^
  11. CAT5

    why did you call me here? I'm not cool D:
  12. CAT5

    Usopp is cool, though I admit that his cowardly antics were annoying at times. I haven't read much into fishman island yet, as I've only caught up in the anime a few days ago, but so far, I like the new Usopp. I can't tell if he REALLY has grown tougher yet, but his appearance is a lot cooler...Plus I think it would only make sense for Usopp to grow a bit more manlier after everything they've been through. I HIGHLY agree on both points! I was fairly disappointed in Moria...I expected more with him being a shichibukai and all, but he was pretty much a weakling. But when Kuma entered the picture....I was like "HOLY SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"...this dude is no joke. and yes, that transforming part was hilarious. After luffy, my fav male Character right now is probably between...Franky or Brook. Like arithmetica, I'm also basing this off of LOLZ, haha. I find both guys hilarious. In the anime, whenever Franky says "Suuuperrrr", or some other random english word, I can't help, but smirk lol. It's the same with Brook - his "yohohoho's", and uber politeness (sometimes lewd-politeness) ;p My fav. female character is probably Hancock, who I also find hilarious. Not only is she bad-ass, but she's also silly as hell...she damn near has split personalities lol. Her delusions of her and luffy are usually pretty comical and that "looking down" stance....haha wtf
  13. CAT5

    I think it's a given that everyone loves luffy, but who are your favorite male characters besides him? Who are you fav. female characters as well?
  14. CAT5

    REALLY? Personally, I wasn't really a fan of the sky island arc. The alabasta arc got me REALLY excited, so at the time, I was anxious to see if they'd have any more encounters with the world government or shichibukai. So I was disappointed when the enemies there had nothing to do with either LOL....BUTTTTTTTTT....in retrospect, I guess it makes sense. And the story did advance in several ways I guess - the fact that sky islands exist was established, mantra/haki was introduced, usopp obtained the dial technology, Nami obtained the waver, the spirit of the Going Merry appeared for the first time, and a bit more about the poneglyph mystery was revealed. Even though all of these things continued to play role in the series, there's still something that rubbed me wrong about the sky island arc...can't put my finger on it though. The first time I REALLY started to dig OP was during the Arlong arc. First of all, I thought the whole merman thing was pretty awesome lol. Arlong was also the first antagonist to really make me hate his guts haha. Nami's entire back story was also pretty touching. Enies Lobby/Water 7 arc was also great - even though they may have drawn that part of the series out a bit longer than necessary with all the filler and whatnot. Both Robin and Nami had some pretty powerful back-stories.
  15. CAT5

    oh jeezus...are the movies even worth watching? XD
  16. CAT5

    Thank you KAI. あ( ̄○ ̄)り( ̄◇ ̄)が( ̄△ ̄)と( ̄0 ̄)う I didn't think I'd like ONE PIECE, but decided to give it a try after Kai praised it so much in the MSN chat. Admittedly, I was also scared to watch it because of the sheer number of episodes. I guess I'd stereotyped all long-running anime series to be complete shit (after all, most of my fav series are no longer than 26 eps). It wasn't until the Arlong arc that I REALLY started to dig OP, and now... I'VE FINALLY CAUGHT THE FUCK UP! I've watched over 500 OP episodes in like....6 months. Yes, it's both pathetic and amazing, but what can I say? ONE PIECE IS BRILLIANT Seriously, as someone who is into animation/story-writing/scoring, looking at one piece from a creator's perspective, I'm simply amazed at all the creativity that's gone into OP. DAMMIT KAI. SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!????? anyways, since I've caught up on the anime, I've also started reading the manga. I'm very interested in seeing what transpires in the "new world"!
  17. CAT5

  18. CAT5

    Best song ever tbh
  19. CAT5

    Oh, cool. If you're even interested in discovering new bands, you're in the right place! ;D
  20. CAT5

    YO YO YO YO YO WELCOME TO MH! What bands are you into?
  21. I'm assuming the government would be next to useless in a situation like this? Hell, if the infection originates in the U.S. and progresses beyond the point of no return, the UN might just decide to sacrifice the entire country for the sake of the human race. In other words, they'd nuke our asses XD
  22. CAT5

    You're classy. I APPROVE!
  23. Are you looking for our personal opinions or just albums that are generally revered as classics in a certain genre? If it's the latter, I'm not sure I'll be of much help. ^^;;
  24. CAT5

    I mean Merlin Coryell...apparently I copied/pasted the wrong name FAIL D:
  25. D: i wish to be someone that thought to be dead but still alive like in Hollywood movie! ..., but with bite marks, alright I DUNNO MAN...that would be pretty tough to pull off. I mean...I think we can safely infer that zombies instinctively know the difference between normal humans and their own kind. Seriously. have you ever heard of a zombie mistaking another zombie for a normal human?? "MY BAD DAWG, I AIN'T MEAN TO BITE YOU LIKE DAT. I THOUGHT U WAS HUMAN FOOD" riiiiight. Play dead if you want. You'd be practically handing yourself to them on a silver platter.
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