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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    I haven't read any of the books yet, so it did leave me having to piece things together....rather - I had to assume some things XD.
  2. CAT5

    nekkichi, the difference between you and I is that I can admit when I'm out of line - and yes, I was completely out of line to insult a member - regardless of the context. It was definitely a deplorable thing for a mod to do. I also don't use other people's faulty actions to try and justify my own. So try growing up a bit, k? Thread Closed. Again.
  3. CAT5

    Do you see my avatar? YOU KNOW I'M ALL OVER THIS. Peter Dinklage/tyrion is amazing. I don't mind the Dothraki scenes because Daenerys Targaryen/Emilia Clarke is so cute, haha. XD
  4. CAT5

    I've already been reprimanded for my actions, so stop looking for an excuse to troll. It's honestly pretty pathetic that you'd even make such a comment in a thread about someone passing. If you didn't care for their music, you shouldn't have commented at all.
  5. CAT5

    I have not enjoyed southern hip hop in a long time...Finally something worth listening to. Mntv1rWi2hA
  6. CAT5

    OMG, THE IDIOCY JUST WON'T STOP. When did I say that nothing influenced my taste? I said this Define =/= influence. Yes, many things influence my taste - BUT NO ONE THING DEFINES IT. I see you're from the Netherlands...maybe you don't quite understand English entirely? Anyways, that's besides the point. The rest of what you said makes no sense. The length of my "upcoming release-list" has absolutely no bearings on how much I enjoy music. Maybe it does FOR YOU. I dunno. Either way I don't give a shit. If you read what I posted above instead trying to get the "last word" in, you'd understand. Here, let me quote this for you ONE MORE time: My list is long. Yours is not. I don't see an issue. Keep it movin' man.
  7. CAT5

    Nope. I just feel the need to call out dumb-ass statements when I see them So you just assume that I'm sitting around waiting for new releases instead of actively exploring music or listening to music that I already love? No idea how you came to that conclusion. This thread is about "release you're looking forward to", not about music you already know or have recently discovered. You're more of an idiot than I thought. Also, it's precisely BECAUSE of the fact that I'm constantly exploring music that I can make lists that may be longer than the norm. Almost every artist/band on my list has released GREAT music within the last decade, so why wouldn't I look forward to their new releases? OH WAIT, I'M ONLY ALLOWED TO LOOK FORWARD TO 2 OR 3 RELEASES AT A TIME. NO HUMAN HAS THE CAPACITY TO ENJOY MORE THAN A FEW RELEASES AT A TIME. MY BAD Yes, let's be honest. First of all - you're exaggerating. I don't know who you're referring to above, but let's get this straight. My list exceeds 20 albums, but spans 2-3 months. For someone like me, that's pretty normal. Hell, I know people who listen to WAAAAY more music than I do and still remember everything they've enjoyed. Maybe you need to meet more music fans outside of the VK/J-rock/Japanese music realm. You must understand that people perceive and consume music in different ways. I'm someone who happens to consume a large amount of music pretty regularly - you're probably the opposite. And that's ok. There IS no correct way to consume music - everyone has their own methods. And yes, I DO LIKE to be up to date, but ONLY with the music that I enjoy. The world of music is far too vast to be "up to date" with everything. You must be confusing me with someone who just downloads everything because it's "new". I'm sorry to break it to you, but no, I'm not one of those people. You don't know me personally, but those who do know that my taste is pretty particular. Half of the shit that I'm interested can't even be found for download, so I have to buy a good amount of the new releases (and old) that I'm interested in. And it's not because these releases are "rare" or "obscure" (some of them are) - it's because there's SHITLOADS of music out there that overseas Japanese music fans have not explored. So most of the time, this stuff doesn't appear online simply because overseas fans just don't know about it. I'm one of the few people that do actually explore and discover new/interesting music. I don't let MH or any forum, community, or music scene define my taste in music - so I'm only "up to date" within my personal realm - I have no idea what new releases everyone else here is enjoying. You may want to think twice before you judge others for being....I dunno...different?
  8. CAT5

    There's ALWAYS something new worth checking out
  9. CAT5

  10. CAT5

    BAWWW...LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE'S JELLY You're an idiot. Just because you don't have shit to look forward to, don't go insulting people who are passionate enough about music to be able to construct lists like that.
  11. CAT5

    LMAO, I thought you were calling me a slut at first. BUT It's true
  12. CAT5

    Buying music, I might go broke in the next 2 months D:
  13. CAT5

    WOOOOOOOOOOOW, sucks. One of the few VK bands that I actually followed. They never even put out a full album =/
  14. CAT5

    Well, as far as Japanese releases go, I'm looking forward to these: [2012.04.11] number0 - PARALLEL/SERIAL [2012.04.11] JiLL-Decoy Association - Lovely [2012.04.11] paniyolo - ひとてま [2012.04.11] stereo type - tokyo blue [2012.04.11] 犬神サーカス団 - ここはどこの細道じゃ [2012.04.18] gabby & lopez - Twilight for 9th Street [2012.04.18] MOLICE - NEUGRAVITY [2012.04.18] Shima & Shikou Duo - 呼吸 [2012.04.18] Turntable Films - Yellow Yesterday [2012.04.18] aquarifa - scene [2012.04.18] podo - RAW LIFE [2012.04.18] vividblaze - mirai music [2012.04.18] 東京カランコロン - ×ゲーム [2012.04.22] filfla - fliptap [2012.04.25] joy - リプレイ [2012.04.25] tickles - on an endless railway track [2012.05.02] anrietta - Memoraphonica [2012.05.02] bronbaba - world wide wonderful world [2012.05.02] tam tam - meteorite [2012.05.05] Fugenn & The White Elephants - Prays [2012.05.09] tricot - 小学生と宇宙 [2012.05.09] きのこ帝国 - 渦になる [2012.05.09] オワリカラ - G & A [2012.05.16] WATER WATER CAMEL - おんなのこがわらう時 [2012.05.16] middle9 - cettia diphone [2012.05.23] TEXAS STYLE - モーニングバーン [2012.05.23] toe - the future is now EP [2012.05.23] ハイスイノナサ - 動物の身体 [2012.06.13] BUGY CRAXONE - Joyful Joyful
  15. This. Wax your legs, Cat, then roll around in bed under the covers. Trust me, you won't regret it. Unlike you, I doubt that I'll be showing off my legs in a gothic loli dress any time this millennium
  16. For those of you who are interested in men, do you have any preference when it comes to facial hair? My beard has finally started to grow in, so I've been thinking about this lately...XD I think I look weird without my mustache, so right now I keep a goatee and a neatly trimmed mustache. I doubt that I'll actually grow my beard out anytime soon...
  17. CAT5

    wooooooooooooooooooow. I'm sorry to hear that Arith =/ IF IT MAKES YOU FEEL ANY BETTER - MOVE TO ATLANTA AND MARRY ME. MY FAMILY IS OPEN - I HAVE A PUERTO-RICAN AND A RUSSIAN BROTHER-IN-LAW. lol, I jest. I know that doesn't help. srsly, I hope things get better for you ;__;
  18. Cute, Zess. REAL Cute...
  19. CAT5

    ANYTHING FOR CHAMP <3333333333333333333333333
  20. CAT5

    1,890yen is waaay too much for a single...
  21. I'm inclined to agree with Champ, but I also think the government has been monitoring us for ages anyways...
  22. CAT5

    Some good shit from last year.... 3HbRNoOdA7I ZNd8P7TYCvQ xboQVwGXuIY VCjyxeHXskM
  23. CAT5

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