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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    that's too complicateD fooo D:
  2. CAT5

    ahaha, sorry XD But of course, you're correct! ;D
  3. CAT5

    Ok, this one is easy! +
  4. CAT5

    ^ monica uranglass? ;p
  5. CAT5

    I don't like the Japanese indie group on last.fm, so I made one that's up to date and relevant http://www.last.fm/group/NEW-SCHOOL+JAPANESE+INDIE%21 I've pm'ed several people here already , but please do join! ;D
  6. CAT5

    So yeah...I'm too impatient...so I've been reading the manga lately. I wonder if they're actually gonna include Sanji's life-threatening nose-bleeds in the anime? I personally think it's hilarious, but it might be a bit *too* much to include in the anime, huh?
  7. CAT5

    lol, I played this last night, LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO: kxlXChuX0AI
  8. CAT5

    I should probably start posting in that thread again, huh? XD
  9. CAT5

  10. CAT5

    turntable is down to fix some load issues. Be back soon.
  11. CAT5

    This settles it. Satan resides in Japan
  12. CAT5

    True, but then just say that it doesn't matter for you For a pirate it doesn't matter Not entirely true I may be a pirate (hell, WE ALL ARE), but I still buy stuff (can't obtain everything illegally ya know). Which is why In my original comment, I mentioned that I don't really care for singles and that I PREFER FULL ALBUMS. 90% of the time, I'd buy albums over singles. Anyways, I think we're derailing zess's thread a bit
  13. CAT5

    Aion, I'm a pirate. You know that. So of course, I'm not gonna exclude any illegal means of obtaining music. ;P
  14. CAT5

    Aion...you're confusing me. That second quote was in reference to the western method D: So...what exactly are you trying to say? XD
  15. CAT5

    um...not entirely true, unless you're referring to certain indie bands. Tons of Japanese singles are leak daily, so they're available for download D:
  16. CAT5

    Well, to be honest, singles in general kinda annoy me. In many areas of Japanese music, there are no singles released. Sometimes, bands might releases a digital single or a free download of a new track; maybe even a PV to promote the album, but not a proper single. I much prefer bands/artists to release full bodies of work, as singles just seem like a ploy to milk fans for money in *most* cases (ESPECIALLY when they get ridiculous by creating several different versions of the single). However, I won't dismiss singles altogether. There are quite a few instances where I'd consider a single perfectly legitimate and even deserving of a purchase. ANYWAYS...To entertain your question, zess: In spite of my grievances, I prefer the Japanese way. With this method, the fans at least have something keep them busy in between albums and at the same time, it also gives them more to get excited about. In my opinion, releasing a single after the album is just too obvious of a marketing plow. Sure, feel free to make another PV after the album is out, but releasing a proper single would be silly in most cases.
  17. CAT5

    Ok, I should be there. This is gonna be @ mhturntable, right?
  18. CAT5

    Greetings and welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here! Hang around and you'll be sure to discover lots of cool new music and friends
  19. CAT5

    Emusic carries some Japanese music, but their selection is pretty random. They're quite cheap, though http://www.emusic.com/ Ototoy is a digital music site that accepts foreign credit cards, but they focus on non-VK indie releases http://ototoy.jp/music/ I haven't tried this site, but I've heard that foreigners can use it too. You'll have to check for yourself, though.... http://listen.jp/store/
  20. CAT5

    haha, doe - yours really captures your likeness ;D
  21. CAT5

    I wear mine all day : (
  22. CAT5

    I'm kinda disappointed you didn't give yourself an afro. Because I haven't had an afro since 2009!!!!! ;P I'm kinda disappointed you didn't give yourself glasses
  23. CAT5

    ^ lol, so far it would seem so XD I'm kinda disappointed that I couldn't make my hair any darker XD
  24. Just something Fun to do. Make an anime version of yourself. It only take like 5 minutes http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/ ... 30uny4.swf There's no way to save it, so you'll have to take a screencap. When you're done, post it here! ;D Here's mine:
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