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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    turntable can suck a big fat cock right about now......>_____> The site has been unbearable lately....uber glitchy
  2. CAT5

    I have to add Hatakeyama Miyuki to my list...I've always liked her, but I've only recently realized how insane her voice is! :star:
  3. CAT5

    ONE PIECE....I'm around episode 345
  4. CAT5

    Since the MH room is usually dead, and there are no other alternatives to play/hear good Japanese besides the (horrible) jpop room, I've teamed up with a fellow Japanese music lover and created a new Japanese music room called "Classy Japanese Music & More". In this room, you're free to play ANY kind of music as long as it's Japanese. However, we have some standards - we don't allow cheesy, plastic, sugary Jpop and vocaloid crap. "GOOD" music only! :star: Join us! http://turntable.fm/classy_japanese_music_more
  5. CAT5

    Hi. Welcome to MH! Hope you enjoy it here, and don't be shy about posting lol!
  6. CAT5

    yay. Hope the production on this is better than the last single, though...
  7. CAT5

    I'm one80 ^^ umm....wow. It's been such a long time popalopa! I'm surprised that you signed up here ;3 Good to see you around again. How have you been? ;3
  8. CAT5

  9. Trombe ニューシングル 「HAPPY BIRTHDAY」 2011.9.9 Release!! <収録曲> 1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2. it's mah muthafuckin' burfday bitchez ft. 倖田來未 3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY < XA-VAT remix > 3 tracks 定価¥1,200 MH-1080 mono cap-128 LMAO, happy birthday, dude~ Enjoy yourself! :staru:
  10. CAT5

    Greetings! I'm glad you finally decided to make an intro, despite having over 100 posts already, ahaha. I hope that you'll continue to enjoy the forum! ;3
  11. CAT5

    Game of Thrones ep 01 ONE PIECE ep 221
  12. CAT5

    Why!!?? Am I not good enough for you!!??
  13. I don't think the single is bad, it's just severely generic... Honestly, this single shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone here. The gazette has been generic for a long-ass time, they've just had a few catchy songs here and there. If anyone here was truly expecting to be left in awe after listening to this single, then you're a blithering idiot. I can't even begin to count the amount of generic Japanese bands I've listened to over the years, and the gazette is no different - they just happen to be popular. And because of that, you get a whole buncha people coming in here shitting on the gazette, expressing their "uber-disappointment" like the band's previous material was god-tier or some shit. The gazette is generic. Always have been. Get over it. To be honest, this isn't even worth "reviewing".....and a lot of you already know that, yet you still proceeded to add more shit to the cesspool.
  14. CAT5

  15. CAT5

    awesome : 3
  16. CAT5

    yeah, that's fine too ;3
  17. CAT5

    THEME NIGHT #4! Time: Saturday 3rd, 10pm GMT (Time Zone Converter) Theme: Cover Songs Rules: The cover song should preferably be performed by a Japanese artist/band. The song being covered can be of Japanese or non-Japanese origin. For example, you could play a Japanese band covering another Japanese song or a Japanese band covering an American song. It doesn't matter. There will be no genre limitations. If you have any questions or objections, now is the time to speak up!
  18. CAT5

    BEST ANIME ENDING THEMES? My favorites rather TO6KEkTA4nI MbSpvzKD90U sBNBkXOYbRI eM7jPAbXr9k And of course, "The Real Folk Blues" from Cowboy Bebop As for anime openings? The only one off top that I can remember is "Inner Universe" from Ghost in the Shell...
  19. She's from the same town that I'm from ;3 also, she's uber-uber-hawt ;3
  20. CAT5

    blind listening huh? I'll see if I can participate...
  21. CAT5

    HELLZ YEAH welcome back, sir ;]
  22. CAT5

    Listen to samples for the upcoming albums here! Sounds promising! http://www.facebook.com/pages/101A/46479700333
  23. CAT5

    ryoujoku no ame (single version)
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