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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    yessssssssssssssssssssssss. finally xmas avatars
  2. CAT5

    For the manga readers......WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Things are getting CRAZY!
  3. CAT5

    I'M LOCKIN' DIS SHIT RIGHT MUHFUCKIN NOW lol, you guys are paranoid 8=>
  4. CAT5

    800 is not special =_______=
  5. CAT5

    no, no....that was just to post stuff that you liked as the year progressed. People should post their "final/official" lists here. This thread is legit.
  6. CAT5

    OMG I'm diggin' this group. 8bit hip hop! XD 2 guys, 1 girl lDVoFP1WV8w
  7. CAT5

    ^ oh yeah, I listened to that. I just didn't know if I should mention them or not, haha ; )
  8. CAT5

    Hey guys. Would you all be willing to point me in the direction of some good VK releases from 2011? It's not an area of music that I follow avidly, so I fear that I may have missed out on a few cool releases. So far, I've only hear 9GBO singles (which were excellent), the latest lynch. releases (great), and "TOXIC" by the gazette (which I didn't like initially, but need to listen to again). So yeah, what else do I need to hear? My ears are ready!
  9. CAT5

    This Town Needs Guns - Mnspector Iorse hottttttttttttttt!
  10. CAT5

    so.....did that new volcano album ever surface? ;3
  11. CAT5

    new blgtz is dope. Of course, the new PV is your everyday Japanese weirdness. SDvcLk1fFI0
  12. CAT5

    Don't worry. Your English is fine! Welcome to MH! I like your taste in music! I'm really glad to see you like Lostage Enjoy the forum!
  13. CAT5

    Dynasty Warriors 7....bought almost all the DLC for it >.>
  14. CAT5

    I really want to like Satsuki's solo material (since I was a huge ReS fan), but the samples in that YT vid aren't convincing me at all. .________.
  15. CAT5

    um....wow. Now that I've actually listened to the entire single, I must admit "how to go" is actually a great track. The 2nd track "帰る" is boring, and the 3rd track "君に、胸キュン。-浮気なヴァカンス-" is kinda nice. Still, I'm surprised that I enjoyed the title track so much! ;o
  16. Hey, byudie! ^^ Welcome to MH. It's CAT5 from TT ;D
  17. I personally could care less whether a band/artist is indie or major, as long as they make good music. But do I have a preference? HELL YES - Indie all the way! Why Indies? Simply for the fact that you'll hear a greater range of sounds amongst indie acts then you will major. This is largely due to indie acts having much more creative freedom - and that's a truly wonderful thing. Do you think that bands will inevitably lose their style/trademark sound if they become major? Not necessarily. Some bands undoubtedly take a turn for the worse, and some bands handle the transition quite well. I definitely think a part of it depends on how tight of a leash the record label has on them, though.
  18. CAT5

    Champ....you know I'm always down
  19. CAT5

    ...so I know how to create a file list with the command prompt on windows, but how do I create a list of *JUST* the folder names within a certain directory? Any ideas?
  20. CAT5

    Welcome!!! You've definitely come to the right place! Although there are a ton of VK fans here, there are also lots of post-rock and metal fans here as well. What Japanese post-rock and metal bands are you familiar with already? ;]
  21. CAT5

    Hello! Welcome to MH! Who are some of your favorite bands?
  22. CAT5

    yay. I shall be there
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