Ok, Monochromians - we're nearly 4 months into 2013, and surely everyone has heard a few noteworthy releases by now, right? Well, I would hope so! Of course, I'm sure you all have been disappointed by a variety of releases as well. So let's talk about it all! How is 2013 going for you musically so far? : )
I guess i'll start with the Japanese side of things!
MERRY - 梟 -
FUCK THA HATERS. Exactly how is this a "new" MERRY? Dafuq. Yall trippin. Dope as usual...the 2nd track on this single is eh, but the first and 3rd - I'll rock with 'em.
lynch - Ballad
The title track is meh, but the B-side is great imo.
cokiyu - Haku
yes, cokiyu. you can whisper your sweet ambient/electronic-pop nothings into my ears all day errday.
Jinmenusagi - ME2!
Ok, your first album was 'eh', but this shit is damn dope.
コトリンゴ - ツバメ・ノヴェレッテ
A friend told me that Kotoringo reminded her of a Japanese female version of Sufjan Stevens. An apt comparision, but fuck Sufjan - Kotoringo makes the most elegant pop around. :>
笹川美和 - 都会の灯(まちのあかり)
Sasagawa Miwa reminds of the kind of acoustic-pop I used to love when I was still getting into Japanese music. Ridiculously pleasant - plus points for nostalgia.
KOJOE - 51st State
Yes, Kojoe. Plz show the Japanese how to rap and choose proper production. DOPE.
This song is just a great piece of mainstream-pop.
Tam Tam - Polarize
mmmm flawless fusion of reggae/dub and indie-pop. Love it!
Geskia! - Silent of Night
Best one since his first!
きのこ帝国 - eureka
Indie heads love this, but I dunno...I thought it was a BLAH-fest. Though I wasn't that big of a fan from the start.
sleepy.ab - neuron
These guys have become the kings redundancy. HOW MANT LEVELS OF BLAND CAN THERE BE!
0.8秒と衝撃 - 電子音楽の守護神
completely lost the spark they had like 2-3 years ago.
FRAGMENT - 感覚として。+ササクレ
FRAGMENT is a left-fied hip hop act and I appreciate them, but this album is not the dopeness that I'd hoped it to be. And why the fuck is leo imai rapping on a track? o.0
the cabs - 再生の風景
OK. These guys can play their instruments and they can get all mathy and shit, BUT THEY CAN'T WRITE A DECENT, MEMORABLE SONG TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. MEH!
或る感覚 - カウンター
Why did I buy this shit?
indigo la End - 夜に魔法をかけられて
Their vocalist needs to grow a pair. SRSLY. I couldn't even finish this album because of his whiny, nasal-ass voice. eww.
OGRE YOU ASSHOLE - confidential
I usually enjoy OYA, but....um...WTF. I guess these guys are trying to rediscover themselves, but whatever they're doing - they need to STAHP.
Alice Russell - To Dust
Blue Hawaii - Untogether
Bonobo - The North Borders
Buke and Gase - General Dome
CES Cru - Constant Energy Struggles
Conquering Animal Sound - On Floating Bodies
Daughter - If You Leave
F.S. Blumm & Nils Frahm - Music For Wobbling Music Versus Gravity
Kacey Johansing - Grand Ghosts
Nightmare Air - High In The Lasers
Rhian Sheehan - Stories From Elsewhere
Thao & The Get Down Stay Down - We The Common
Woodkid - The Golden Age
That's it for now! I guess as the year goes on, I'll revisit this thread and share my thoughts on what've been listening to. Ok, so what about you all!!???