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    meat reacted to Karma’s Hat in MERRY new album, "エムオロギー" (M-OLOGY) release + nationwide tour   
    I desperately want to fuck with their new stuff more than I actually do. The band is tremendously talented, conceptually impeccable and Gara's is just about everything I want from a visual kei vocalist, but the stuff they do now has this degree of polish and poppy finesse that I can't really get behind. That said, it's a band that could get back to me any day now just because of how good they are and how independent their direction has always been.
    the covers are nice
  2. Like
    meat reacted to suji in 小林写楽 (Kobayashi Sharaku) (Metronome) & 桜井青 (Sakurai Ao) (cali≠gari) new unit, "ヘクトゥ" (Hector) has formed   
    小林写楽 (Kobayashi Sharaku) (メトロノーム (Metronome)) & 桜井青 (Sakurai Ao) (cali≠gari) new unit, "ヘクトゥ" (Hector) has formed and they will hold their first live on June 28 where their first demotape will be distributed.
    They will also distribute their first CD on July 14.

  3. Like
    meat reacted to hotcocoa in Bangya Hacks! (Advice for Attending VK Lives)   
    As others said it's fine to wear anything you want, but I would add a small exception - don't wear other artist t-shirts or goods. It's not a rule, but fans here definitely don't do that (while it's totally normal thing in the West). Unless you know that those two artists hang out/do events together/etc.
    I actually see people wearing business clothes at lives a lot, I'd also been to a live wearing a white shirt few times  when I didn't have time to change (but it's way too hot!).
    The only bag checks done in Japan I experienced was at huge venues (arenas), so going to a v-kei live you should be totally fine. You can bring bags in, but it's simply more comfortable to use a locker. If it's a standing live you don't know if suddenly fans won't do some furi having everyone moving.
    Most venues allow you to bring a drink in, sometimes they can simply ask if you carry a camera.
  4. Like
    meat reacted to Zeus in Piracy's role in visual kei   
    Thanks everyone for taking the time to vote and share your thoughts. We had 69 people submit a vote for this poll, which has to make this one of our most popular polls of all time! It is intriguing how little the hive mind opinion of our scene has changed within the last ten years. Over 75% of us believe that piracy is still a necessary evil, 72% of us cite piracy as one of the main factors of engagement retention, and that a whopping 60% of members believe Monochrome Heaven would get worse if downloads and piracy were to disappear overnight. I tend to agree with the majority, but I also agree with the minority. Things haven't gotten any easier to acquire legitimately as a sailor of the high seas since the turn of the century, and it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon, but I'm reluctant to force sweeping changes that I don't fully understand to an ecosystem which is one of the few remaining and active ties to the scene. On the other hand, we provide a valuable service through piracy that record companies couldn't throw enough money at to replicate, and the answers you all gave to the poll show that.
    So this is what I propose we do next, just to see how things play out. The GazettE is releasing a new album, "NINTH", on 2018-06-13. Let us not share this album here until 2018-06-27. Ideally, as a scene we wouldn't share it at all, but I have no control over anything not posted here. If you purchase it on your own, please refrain from sharing here, but you can write reviews and openly talk about it. If you never planned on buying it, you may have to wait an additional two weeks. What I am interested in seeing is just how much our piracy impacts sales, and how much higher CD sales are if we don't immediately put it on the internet for free the day it comes out. Maybe Ruki will even make a twitter comment about it so we can get some deeper perspective. We can do this with two or three more hot releases, and then come back to discuss this again with some more information. I have some thoughts about how this will go, but I will save them until after the experiment is complete.

    Thanks for reading.
  5. Like
    meat reacted to Alkaloid in CATFIST will reform   
    After disbanding at 2014/4/25, CATFIST will reform. Additional details will be announced at a later date.
    Vo.心 (Kokoro) (ex-INSANITY FRONTIER-->CATFIST)
    Gu.大輔 (Daisuke) (ex-fiore-->INSANITY FRONTIER(啼/Dai)-->storyteller's Undead(Ba.))
    Gu.ミヤ (Miya) (ex-クレイドル (Cradle)-->ヤタガラス (Yatagarasu))
    Ba.&Cho.夜紫 (Yoshi) (ex-ANOTHER AGE 696-->Ravens Nest-->KiLiK-->ガアラ (Gaara)-->CATFIST-->ヤタガラス (Yatagarasu))
  6. Like
    meat reacted to Karma’s Hat in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    I don't know, a lot of these seem like idiot weeaboo things to say rather than something people who are new to visual kei say. Youtube comments are rancid, but you may find out that they've been liking visual kei videos since like 2008. 
    Dumb western fan rumours are the worst. Yesterday after going through this topic a little bit, I went to see if there was anything stupid in the comments for Gazette's Taion ( the most entry level song I could think of at the time ) and literally in the first string of conversation there was a person claiming that Ruki had been raped. Citation needed. 
    Using supposed real names for bandmembers. Those Dir en grey ones are the most notorious since they've been proven to be blatantly false. 
    The complete abandon of labeling bands angura and eroguro. The last.fm tags for both are nonsense and I demand a Japanese source of any band outside of the two or three obvious raccoon white face bands having called themselves an eroguro band specifically, as some fans insist. I don't give a shit what idiotic brain dead gaijins call or deduce them to be, I want a legitimate source from a magazine and etc. 
  7. Like
    meat reacted to suji in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    "he's not a girl but he's prettier than me in makeup"
    "i failed as a girl. i failed my vagina"
    also i may or may not have legally changed my last name to Gara's real surname <333
  8. Like
    meat reacted to Zeus in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    My name is Daisuke Naoto Takarai Takayuki.
    EDIT: Also "I've been listening to visual kei for over 10 years. My favorite bands are MALISEND, XAA XAA, BFN, the GazettE, SID, A9, and Royz! ^.^ yoroshiku onegaishimasu~
  9. Thanks
    meat got a reaction from suji in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    (Mods: please delete this post if it infringes on the rules, regulations, covenant, common sense, taste, or whatever)
    Me again. I'm still on a Merry binge and am very excited to finally getting to watch the Nonsense Market -Final- DVD tonight after some pc problems.
    It's such an excellent gig, just watching it got me excited.
    And it seems I wasn't the only person to be excited  
    I first thought I must have imagined it but it got worse and worse as the song goes on and he sang more and more off-key. Am I the only perv to notice this? lol
  10. Like
    meat reacted to inartistic in University students: How do you deal with the feeling that all the work is overbearing   
    This might be obvious, but for some people it helps to go to a different environment. Go to the library and use their PC instead of your laptop, if you don't already. It might help you focus in on the task and spend some hours on it.
    Other than that, this is how I dealt with it: freak out for a little bit, take a deep breath, then do it.
  11. Like
    meat got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in University students: How do you deal with the feeling that all the work is overbearing   
    Take it from this oldie who spent too many years at higher education here ^^ Log off of MH now (after reading the rest of this of course)! In fact, put all your social media and electronic devices away until you have done the tasks you have set yourself for that day. Browsing social media and hanging out with friends should be your end of the day treat. Set yourself realistic goals to do for each day, whether it be finish reading 100 articles or writing just 250 word chunks, and manage your time and take breaks around it.
    Since your deadline is just round the corner, stock up with easy to make meals and make sure you eat, drink and sleep properly. It's easy to forget to do so and I often ended up not understanding why I couldn't concentrate before a deadline.
    Many also find writing their essays on analogue pen and paper to be more productive than typing away on a keyboard, something about the flexibility of pen and paper meant you actually spend less time procrastinating and less likely to be distracted by cat videos on YT. You might also consider going analogue with your practice interviews too. Roleplay and read your script to yourself loudly (with or without an audience), to help you familiarise with possible answers and build confidence along the way.
    I wish you all the best!
  12. Like
    meat got a reaction from platy in University students: How do you deal with the feeling that all the work is overbearing   
    Take it from this oldie who spent too many years at higher education here ^^ Log off of MH now (after reading the rest of this of course)! In fact, put all your social media and electronic devices away until you have done the tasks you have set yourself for that day. Browsing social media and hanging out with friends should be your end of the day treat. Set yourself realistic goals to do for each day, whether it be finish reading 100 articles or writing just 250 word chunks, and manage your time and take breaks around it.
    Since your deadline is just round the corner, stock up with easy to make meals and make sure you eat, drink and sleep properly. It's easy to forget to do so and I often ended up not understanding why I couldn't concentrate before a deadline.
    Many also find writing their essays on analogue pen and paper to be more productive than typing away on a keyboard, something about the flexibility of pen and paper meant you actually spend less time procrastinating and less likely to be distracted by cat videos on YT. You might also consider going analogue with your practice interviews too. Roleplay and read your script to yourself loudly (with or without an audience), to help you familiarise with possible answers and build confidence along the way.
    I wish you all the best!
  13. Like
    meat got a reaction from eiheartx in Music players thread   
    That's the problem I have with most portable players as well. I used to use the iPod Classic 160GB and have switched to Cowon Plenue D for better sound and more flexible storage. The Plenue D has an internal storage of 32GB but you can stick a microSD of any size on top. So potentially you can have 288GB (internal 32GB + external 256GB)
  14. Like
    meat reacted to platy in University students: How do you deal with the feeling that all the work is overbearing   
    Time management is your best friend, please, please learn to start your assignments earlier. We got this advice from everyone and most people just brushed it off but it's seriously a life saver. You'll avoid so many meltdowns and so much stress. But since you're already in the middle of the mess here's some overall advice. 
    -Take breaks OUTSIDE. I don't mean minimise the essay window and go browse Facebook. I mean go for a walk. It'll really help clear your head. 
    -Make a realistic list of what you need to do. Make lists of everything. Break your assignments in step by step instructions. What do you need to do, what will you discuss, How will you get there, how long it might take to write it out, how long editing will take,etc.
    -Reward yourself. Okay so you managed to write three paragraphs. Time to eat a chocolate or whatever you like doing. 
    -Humans can only focus productively for like 15 mins average. So take regular breaks when writing so you don't burn your brain out. 
    -Talk to people. They're most definitely going through the same thing as you.
    -But also... Put your social media away. This shit is time consuming as fuck. How will you make this deadline if you're browsing the Facebook or instagram feed every 2 minutes? Answer: you won't. Restrain yourself from distractions. There is software like ColdTurkey that you can install on your computer and it'll block a bunch of websites so you'll have to focus on your work. Trust me, suddenly you'll have a lot more time to do stuff. 
    -Don't be too harsh on yourself. Drowning in alcohol will only make your uni life worse when all you need to do is just prioritise certain things and your life will be a lot easier. Destroying yourself isn't funny. 
    - Most importantly!! Work smarter not harder. It's better if you do half an hour of pure essay writing and then take a break than if you do an hour of writing distracted by social media, games. Etc. 
    I was by no means a perfect student, I just managed to survive a *little* better because in my final semester I finally applied some of these tips to my daily routine. Better late than never. 
  15. LOLOL
    meat reacted to Bear in Japanese Movies   
    This thread needs som Japanese insanity:
    The Machine Girl

    Tokyo Gore Police

    Mutant Girls Squad

    Meatball Machine

    Robo Geisha


    Yakuza Weapon

    Samurai Zombie

    Alien vs Ninja

    Haha! Hellz fuckin' yeah, baby! I just love these trashy films. Only thing that could've done them even more enjoyable is if the CGI were dropped for ONLY practical special effects. Other than that these are hard not to enjoy as long as you have a few beers, a friend or two and love trash cinema.
  16. Like
    meat reacted to Tokage in Japanese Movies   
    Shuji Terayama is wonderful, watch his shorts as well, the imagery in them is something else. I recently downloaded Throw Away Your Books, Rally In The Streets & Farewell To The Ark... Turns out the latter was a goddamn Russian dub, so I'll have to find another version somewhere lol.. Can't wait to get around to watching them tho
  17. Like
    meat reacted to Triangle in Japanese Movies   
    I've recently watched "Departures", a film based on a memoir by Shinmon Aoki called "Coffinman". It's about traditional Japanese ritual morticians called "nokanshi" and covers the story of a young man who used to be a cellist but returns to his hometown along with his wife after his career fails and becomes a "nokanshi" by accident XD. The job of dealing with dead bodies is usually considered impure and it's not well seen even in these modern times. But the movie brings out the beauty and the art behind this ritual and tries to change this old perception. I really loved this one. It was recommended by one of my Japanese literature professors as her all time favorite movie, so I had to watch it. I am very soft so I cried during the whole movie because it's just so beautiful and the background music is composed by Joe Hisashi, who wrote most of the soundtrack for Miyazaki's creations and I think his music is what helped with triggering some tears from me XD. Overall I really love this movie, can't watch it again because of my weak and fragile soul, but it's very beautiful.
  18. Like
    meat reacted to karai · ebi in ebi art roll   
    Tonight's post is...different. It's my wendigo costume I've used for four years now. Although it didn't turn out exact exact as I wanted it, I am still happy with it since I'd never tried putting together something almost from scratch before.
    Initial concept

    janky ass gif
  19. Like
    meat reacted to karai · ebi in ebi art roll   
    I've been very uninspired for a number of years now, and I really struggle to feel any emotion anymore. Loud music and a whole bloody lot of caffeine are about the only thing that allow me to work, albeit very sterile and not on stuff I enjoy.
    Getting back into some sort of community...and getting back to VK instead of listening to the same old music I always do, I hope this can propel me in a more positive direction.
    Already I've finally been able to pick up a brush again (or I guess in this case, a paint bottle lid lol) thanks to listening to Sukekiyo so I will start my thread with it, though it is unfinished I am just happy to have done something. 

    Another canvas I've had sitting under a sheet for almost a year. I hope to actually complete

    Something from last August. Gold red black and mossy greens are my main love.

    I usually do stuff digitally because it's way more efficient and my wrist nerve is fucked up...but it's way harder to get exposure digitally so I've had to move to paint.

    ink thing from a couple years back

    I guess I'll just post one thing per day from now on to not be too spammy. Maybe it will revitalize me further and then I can post new things.
  20. Like
    meat got a reaction from karai · ebi in Looking for piercing inspiration   
    My ears are quite scarred from getting piercings when I was a wee kid. And only a few holes done at professional piercers (with hollow 16g needles) remain and they are not spaced out very well  so unfortunately I don't think I can do even spaced combos like the ones you have illustrated. But yeah, I'd love full black titanium set up ^^ Otherwise, I am also looking for jewelry inspiration because the stuff I see in the UK are a bit limited
  21. Like
    meat reacted to karai · ebi in Looking for piercing inspiration   
    Sorry I just drew these on (harder to find a blank ear diagram than I thought it'd be lol, but some of my favorite setups. I like when things are balanced.

    I'd have the 2nd one at the very least if I could but I'm too active. I bet some of these bandmen with horrendously crooked earl and nose piercings have some gnarly scars.
    Industrials, tragus / double tragus always look sweet with multiple lobe or helix piercings.
    That said, I don't know how familiar you are with more complicated piercings (if you are then ignore this), but having a big setup like any of these would take 3-4 years at the least to be completed and healed properly, not to mention gauging puts even more strain on healing time and any reputable piercer would not do more than 2 a year, with maybe the exception of lobe / upper lobe.
  22. Like
    meat reacted to patientZERO in Looking for piercing inspiration   
    I've always liked MIKI from SCISSOR had good style with his flesh tunnels. This is a tiny picture, but the best I could find.

  23. Like
    meat got a reaction from crossparallel in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    Sorry that it's taken me a while to go through the 6 Days DVD but I've finally written up some bits for disc 1 now.
    Gendai Stoic Day
    Modern Garde Day
    nuChemical Rhetoric Day
  24. LOLOL
    meat reacted to Karma’s Hat in "Rules"   
    1. every post should be a dissertation 
    2. lowkey brag in every post
    3. it's angura if i feel like it 
  25. Like
    meat reacted to Tokage in Entry Level Raccoon Albums   
    Here's some stuff for starters
    Guruguru Eigakan
    Wadachi (compilation of re-recorded old DT tracks)
    (2000.12.12) Bonjin Hakusho 
    (2000.03.04) Sakai no akasa no sei nano desu.
    Inugami Circus-Dan
    (2003) Kami no Inu (concept album about a religious cult trying to bring dead dadrock musicians back to life in order to fend off some apocalyptic disaster)
    (2012) Osorezan (first album released after their name-change back in 2012, a move back toward a more 'angura' sound)
    Strawberry Song Orchestra
    (2009) Chi no Ranshou
    (2010) Setsudan no Igaku
    (2008.01.16) Ochanoma Killer
    (2004.12.15) s/t album
    (2006.05.31) Sine Wave Orchestra
    (2011.04.20) Soy sauce impulse
    [the rest of their stuff is kind of mediocre, explore only if you really love your beep boops]
    Shinjuku Gewalt
    (xxxx.xx.xx) Jitsuroku kayou taizen daiichishuu
    (xxxx.xx.xx) Kaizou Tape
    (2012.xx.xx) daisankai Tokyo taikai kaishi kaizokuban
    Dagashi Kashi
    lmao i'm not really into them cuz i can't stand the vocals 
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