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Everything posted by Yukami

  1. Yukami

    very good! *-*
  2. Yukami

    Rukia & Setsuna are always welcome!! I hope that Rukia to make a formal band :/
  3. I thought it was more active in this band. It's a shame, because I did not hear anything from them.
  4. Cool look, the look, expecting to hear something *¬*
  5. Yukami

    Good news the possible return of JILUKA
  6. Yukami

    can someone explain me if he said something about the Seven project? :S
  7. Glad! I hope they do something formally, good to see this project SHINTARO ^^
  8. Yukami

    They have removed the old preview and have uploaded a new preview (changing voice only(?))
  9. all PV together! good news *-*
  10. Yukami

    I update the first topic, new bands have joined recently.
  11. Yukami

    LoL, Megalin(?) sounds interesting but... I will miss Riku :'(
  12. Yukami

    Perfect! Looking forward to see it! I expected later (date) ^^
  13. Yukami

    For live-distributed single "Irony-DEMO ver.-" According to the website, details will be updated later
  14. Yukami

    ^ but what the hell? e_e
  15. Yukami

    I was not expecting this news. Never have faith in returns undefined pauses good news
  16. Eager to hear the preview... interested in FAIRY TAIL
  17. Yukami

    DILIAL and now they... Virgin Air is left all alone, It's a shame
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