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Everything posted by Yukami

  1. Yukami

    LAZAROUS joins the label
  2. Yukami

  3. I think these are the currently known Diary Tsumi Amai Unou, Akai Sanou. Wish if anyone is interested
  4. Yukami

    Damn, And the reason is? I liked the first single!
  5. Different! Unsurprisingly, Yuuka is unique Amai amai Chocolatto~~ I love it!
  6. Yukami

    Can anyone provide the lyrics of all the songs in single? ^^
  7. Yukami

    Sound good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch8O8lJ5JQw
  8. Yukami

    Two new bands have been added. AsteL - 1st Single: the DAYBREAK (release: 2014.10.09) Vo.shun Gt.ヒカリト(hikarito) Ba.REI Dr.Seiya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JeBDmd2P0g
  9. Yukami

  10. Yukami

    ^ Amazing! Jun so cute!!
  11. Mana has announced on its blog that it has opened an official twitter https://twitter.com/M_d_M_official
  12. Yukami

    The ninth song is Scarlet Valse - 揚羽蝶乃夢
  13. Yukami

    Interested by Art Cube and "Vocal Only Band"
  14. Unsurprisingly (this label is reputed to do a lot ) are filming a MV. According to the blog the song would be 揚羽蝶乃夢 Here is a picture of the MV
  15. Shouya announced a session band for the day 2014.06.24 Members 'XO': Vo.しょーや(Shouya) (ex-the addiction) Gt.キラ(Kira) Ba.sho (Regulus) Dr.きらめき(Kirameki) (ROMANESQUE A LIVE)
  16. Yukami

    interesting! never tired!
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