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Everything posted by Yukami

  1. Today, Vallquar uploaded a video on youtube with an important announcement of one-man live "epilogue of mythology" at Shinsaibashi FANJ-twice on 2014.12.10, more details coming soon
  2. Yukami

    AUTUMN LEAF is not a bar? I thought that Ryou was a solo singer and was on the Imp. (project of the same bar)
  3. Yukami

    New song "Beast side (prototype)"
  4. Yukami

    ^ Preview "love on one side"
  5. I love the look of both! KISAKI is that never changes?
  6. Yes, Spanish. No conozco esta banda pero tengo que escuchar esa canción
  7. You can see the new look on your ohp
  8. Fck! I really liked! and why so long? e_e
  9. sounds interesting! Alter Maria (Keyboard), does the same as Mana (Moi dix Mois); doesn't speak
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