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  1. Like
    nekkichi reacted to nick in DIR EN GREY Music Clip Blu-ray/DVD "Average Sorrow" release   
    Making of how the lyrics video was made. ;3
  2. Like
    nekkichi reacted to eiheartx in the GazettE new album "DOGMA" 8/2015 release   
    -UN- and -DUE-? ... DEUX?
    I don't see the connection between UN et DUE lmao.
  3. Like
    nekkichi reacted to Jigsaw9 in the GazettE new album "DOGMA" 8/2015 release   
    ~petition to call this "the doge album" from now on~
  4. Like
    nekkichi reacted to robkun in Show Yourself (again)   
    My stomach's not that big, it's the shirt, I swear!! lol. Me with my epic Kyo Dir en Grey shirt from senior year in high school, I think?

    Another one of me from senior year, in which my stomach is at normal size =__=" lol.
  5. Like
    nekkichi reacted to doombox in Show Yourself (again)   
    I'm a mess and only smile with half of my face.
  6. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from Flash-Fab-Supernova in A9(Alice Nine) 将(show) & 虎(tora) new project "DIAWOLF" & A9 START-UP EP "銀河ノヲト" release   
    they're A9, alice nine is a ps company trademark.
  7. Like
    nekkichi reacted to sai in random thoughts thread   
    If you have an issue with how the staff does their job and suggestions on how they could improve, there's a report button just for that. There is no need to insult other members like Rocketeer who have done absolutely nothing to you either. It seems to have escaped my notice yesterday, but I'd like to have this addressed now that I have the chance. Not everyone gets along with everyone and that's fine, but there's no need to publicly insult and or involve people who have nothing to do with this. Also hitsuji-hime, the staff has decided for this to be your last warning. Next time you step out of line there will be consequences.
    Also the staff is fairly aware you, Pretzels, have issues with nekkichi and honestly, the two of you need to either 1) Keep it to PM or 2) If one has blocked the other, stop pitting your fights on the forum. It's very tiring and doesn't belong here. If you're going to chase eachother through threads to start arguments, I won't have any other option than to start hiding all of those posts or (if it gets terribly out of hand) start monitoring your posts before they're allowed to be published. What is going on between you two doesn't concern MH, nor is this the platform for the two of you to continue this feud.
    Now, just go on with...I don't know, sadness over Lycaon's disbandment or posting pictures of James May, whatever floats your boat. As long as it's not pointless drama.
  8. Like
    nekkichi reacted to sai in random thoughts thread   
    Holy shit. I don't mind you being happy about Lycaon's disbandment but you honestly don't have to be mean about it. There are plenty of people who enjoyed this band and they should be allowed to feel sad about this. All comments like these do are starting flame wars and fights. Negativity like this is unwelcome and will be kept an eye on from now on. Not just for you specifically, but everyone else as well. Don't be a dick.
  9. Like
    nekkichi reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Current Thoughts on Crowd-Funding and Other Similar Strategies?   
    Please do not look for solutions to problems we complain about because then that will make us look bad + get rid of that crutch used to justify feeling entitled to free music.
  10. Like
    nekkichi reacted to herpes in Current Thoughts on Crowd-Funding and Other Similar Strategies?   
    do you have any idea of how expensive recording studio equipment is or the expertise required to mix and master? anyone can record at home but it's gonna sound like you recorded at home. 
    being a working musician is a full time job. you can't hold down a 9-5 and be travelling the country whilst soundchecking/publicising/practising/recording/mastering throughout the day and playing gigs at night. 
    ok ayn rand
    ok marx
    a lot of musicians love performing. but even more musicians love eating and being able to pay rent. 
    how dare these musicians charge us, the fans!, for taking time out of their schedule to pretend to be interested in hugging you.
    crowdfunding is the future, while it is open to abuse, it pretty much self-regulates as most fans aren't willing to be stung twice on musicians who promise and don't deliver or musicians who con (amanda palmer). crowdfunding gives fans a chance to help from the ground up new music/live tours/etc - and I hope it'll be really embraced within the vk community in japan after this as a way of getting overseas fans to finally put their money where their mouths are with complaining about accessibility to music. 
    however i won't be contributing to alice nine's as they are trash
  11. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from beni in Show Yourself (again)   
    hi there
    this doesn't embed so easily fml
  12. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in random thoughts thread   
    stay strong, x.
    this is the world internet left us with.

    did you learn all these cool words from reddit?
    check your white privilege, boo.
    I'm glad someone keeps their shit calm at the awful times like this. we'll get through this together! 
  13. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    stay strong, x.
    this is the world internet left us with.

    did you learn all these cool words from reddit?
    check your white privilege, boo.
    I'm glad someone keeps their shit calm at the awful times like this. we'll get through this together! 
  14. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from sai in Show Yourself (again)   
    hi there
    this doesn't embed so easily fml
  15. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from Peace Heavy mk II in Show Yourself (again)   
    hi there
    this doesn't embed so easily fml
  16. Like
    nekkichi reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with Kuroyuri to kage^^ 
  17. Like
    nekkichi reacted to yukidogzombie in Show Yourself (again)   
  18. Like
    nekkichi reacted to CAT5 in Show Yourself (again)   
    Selfie taking skills = 0, the lighting is horribad as usual, but here we are:
  19. Like
    nekkichi reacted to beni in Show Yourself (again)   
  20. Like
    nekkichi reacted to leafwork in Show Yourself (again)   
  21. Like
    nekkichi reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Show Yourself (again)   
    Dog sitting
  22. Like
    nekkichi reacted to Ito in Show Yourself (again)   
    Apparently I have a twin

  23. Like
    nekkichi reacted to saishuu in Have you ever had S*X with the EX of your best friend?   
    why is "sex" censored in the title like it's a bad word, wtf?
  24. Like
    nekkichi reacted to blackdoll in The Lycaon Mourning thread   
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cant believe i said that
  25. Like
    nekkichi reacted to blackdoll in The Lycaon Mourning thread   
    But for now you can just share any memories you have with the band, or how you are feeling about the news and so on.
    Me personally, I remember in my last year of high school i was super depressed because of the "now you are an adult" and you are supposed to have a plan or know what you are going to do with your life. I had no idea, and didn't see a future for myself. I didn't enjoy anything work related and knew that i was super lazy. So when i would go crazy thinking ill just end up homeless or something, Lycaon would always be there to calm me down, comfort me, and kinda cheer me up.  I always had their new releases to look forward to. It's going suck losing that drive/feeling. Honesty I'm not sure how to continue with my music, like what to listen to, should i just take a break from listening to other non-Lycaon so  i can get closer to them and be able to point out things in their disco at a moments notice. Lastly, I'm uneasy not knowing what Yuuki is going to do after.
    Also I would like to request a In honor of Lycaon video like showing the vocals, breakdowns,  guitar work (riffage) and sounds they did throughout their WHOLE discography.
    Also changed CO listening game to just listening to Lycaon

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