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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    I hope so, but it might as well be an album cut, the way they did with to the dazzling darkness in CM spots for pulchritudinous abortion: whereas the song itself didn't get a PV until a year later and wasn't a single at any point.
  2. nekkichi

  3. sounds fine for me?.. maybe try loading the spot in HD1080 if it sounds compressedT on your side
  4. LMS if you ALSO think ALICE and BUSSY are superior live concept night titles rather than ABYSS and LUCY.

    1. nekkichi


      PUSSY OF LUCY (the r-18 backstage gya orgy pamphlet)

    2. saishuu


      perfect scenario to have a third installment called thrussy

    3. nekkichi
    4. Show next comments  267 more
  5. nekkichi

    I mean hate on, but
  6. nekkichi

    new song out in march + abyss/lucy live released on DVD/BR:
  7. mangas so 🔥🔥🔥 they burn warehouses it seems
  8. hmmT interesting, I actually liked most of the previews, and their support guitarist is also very sexy, I say it is an upgrade for them for sure. they kinda hit their peak redundant shittiness with 地球, and this album might turn out better than part I too.
  9. slay me with that pitch of scream, bigmouth queen!!!! like seriously this is one of the best choruses I've heard this year so far, I'm so happy they've amped their production, and got a decent PV director. if only they re-recorded their embarrassing engrish songs with all-Japanese lyrics for w/e release they're putting out next… I also have a hunch this band will be ripped off plenty by derivative scandinavian chanteuses, but I can't really tell why I think so
  10. nekkichi

    omygod Ruder
  11. nekkichi

    your jush is tired...you should retire
  12. me, explaining my current views on dating to w/e horny single randos who suddenly float back in my life:


  13. nekkichi

    both b-side tracks are such a snooze tbh. I don't mind his voice ~when it fits the compositions, which doesn't happen that often, and I don't want him to water it down, which happens with practically every indie vocalist once they decide to amp their songing game and hire that-one-heffer-everyone-in-the-scene-goes-to. I hope he gets some better bandomen for his next band who will have some sort of permanent chemistry in the studio, and I hope it will take him less than a year to resurface again tbh.
  14. nekkichi

    I'm not sure what you mean by "back in the day", this thread alone dates back to 2007… and something generally knewn typically makes its way here through either western a-knot gya (I personally know two, and I'm *not* even huge into making friendsies online), or through tanuki—> netgya —> twitter/tumblr vk web loves drama, we talked about tommy getting bustedT, but no one really connected their release schedule to that. nvm he allegedly embezzled way more money than they can earn in CD sales these days.
  15. nekkichi

    also speaking of gauze, which one of you mofos wrote this amazon rihvyoowh: I'M H E A V I N G, velvet fisted henny did thaT!!!!!
  16. nekkichi

    I wonder why this was never discussed before than, especially since Deg always had a p. active bi-lingual fanbase, it would've made news back in 2007 p. swift tbh also considering penicillin, for example, released around 5 different CDs for their XXth anniversary, assuming that noncomformist uncommercial queens diru did that release for papaw's benefit is kinda odd cute fact about LP no one here will ever have a chance to see!
  17. nekkichi

    it's a ☆fan favorite☆ lmao, it's not going away soon I can't stand this shit song and they shovel it everywhere aughhhhhhhhhhhh
  18. nekkichi

    I still don't get how their anniversary compilations connect to his lawsuit... did charitable clairvoyant queens invent timetraveling into the past to coincide their formation with the exact year of papaw potentially getting jailed for his scammery ten yrs later?..
  19. nekkichi

    it's mostly alright tbh, tha visuals tho it upsets me they think that vermin is a track deserving of repeated live performances
  20. nekkichi

    I don't think I care to at this point…? I probably did like twelve years ago. their current sound and ~ambience~ is literally nothing like that song. deets???
  21. nekkichi

    idt it's surprising, if this CD gets distributed by sony they won't put the edgy pieces in (not that it really matters with that song) I'm...surprised jessica ended up there, isn't it too upbeat for their current image of depressed-ass midlife crisis survivors? but if you ditch agitated sharts of maggots and boring-ass BS like lotus it will smw resemble my itunes Deg playlist C:
  22. nekkichi

    lmao you know it's going be to the "hold my beer" kind of self-cover that will ruin anything good that was in that song. I don't mind the original, it's not particularly memorable, but nothing on WtD ever got as awful as the persistent shit-fest they've descended into since TMOAB. expecting a shit-ass take on fukai with a twenty minute long acapella howling intro, and the recreation of IIId empire will probably make their Japanese fans hand their stan cards back to a knot, but the resident neckbeards here will cream 'emselves at its newfound djenty progginess or w/e.
  23. http://fuckyeahtanuki.tumblr.com/post/166631060946/tanuki-sex-thread-translation-170524-minpha


    this is a  v. important update



    (cc. @ishiki-minpha-mpreg-kawaii)

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Shocked? Yes. Surprised? No.

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