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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    so i suppose they're gonna sound like half-sadie, half-deathgaze, with an occasional pig squeal over a train tracks sample than
  2. nekkichi

    idk what they're gonna sound like but these looks indicate visual kei needs their own deathgaze rip-off band, sadie rip-off band, and a juggalo worship band (or all three represented in one band) active at any given time, otherwise the scene feels incomplete.
  3. nekkichi

    that golden bomber person is on every other recent collab/cover album too well... golden bomber happened. I appreciate the humblebraggedness of her appearance tho.
  4. omg I want to pretend Take A Seat never happened at all, don't bring them up kudasai xoxox
  5. that cover is the tackiest shit this scene has given us ever since sadie released tha crimson tear PV T B H H H H H H H
  6. is she competing with ruka for ex-naito stan money, or
  7. nekkichi

    who's the other guitarist? it's five of them on the promo pic #too_lazy_to_vkdb
  8. nekkichi

    bumpsies hennies queen of humblebrag, queen of album credits, queen of apologies I'm hyperventilating with excitement (not rly yet)
  9. satan worked overtime to bring this thing on earth

  10. nekkichi

    vo.: Kaya gu.: TaNa gu.: 依織 ba.: Toshi janitor: Gackt
  11. nekkichi

    may I suggesT
  12. nekkichi

    anytime, hoes
  13. peekedT @ that final sug live PV (or whatever it is idc) and utube is shading them hard in the "recommended" vids section:



    I was about to comment how many bands were savedT by photoshop which doesn't have power over live footage but this rlly makes saying that redundant, like, omg 

  14. giphy.gifmy the black swan stanning phase has commenced an hour ago, needed a new work playlist addition #not_proud


    I hope your friday is less unholy than mine xoxoxoxx

  15. nekkichi

    I had my doubts they'd last into next yr (unless they were booked for like early hours @ Jan 1st or something), but good for them!
  16. nekkichi

    gagita ha impact tbh!!!
  17. nekkichi

    lol vom @ that hair
  18. nekkichi

    their final 3 DVDs before they announce they're disbanding will be called [from visual kei rockstars to custom fidget spinner shills]
  19. she's serving dj gonchi hardcore in the solo pic, charisma.com should sue for identity theft tbh: I hope so
  20. lmao they look like classic oshare henniez navigating through an acid trip, and sound like an √eight garage cover band color me amused
  21. nekkichi

    they're gonna throw in a bootleg of their selected PV videography, filmed from a projection in 4K HD on an empty live-hall stage complete with various camera angles and shit, and call it [from depression to epilepsy]
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