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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. they'll outlive sukekiyo and decays for sure, and I don't see any of their side projects being as commercially viable and having same fanbase - they weren't luna sea to start with, and the only thing that will force them to disband would be another decline of fan interest in their productions. shinya's cringefest might last. technically, they release more than enough stuff (how many FrOm DepReSsIoN tO DePrEsSiOn DVDs have they published so far?...), it's just all aimed at a relatively small core audience right now. I am actually surprised there's not more stuff to come out during their relatively slow-ass current phase - I kind of expected Kaoru to produce some yesterday's roadies and lure them into FWD slavery for the next decade, but I suppose he doesn't care.
  2. nekkichi

    oh okay, I just assumed based on that twitter image + you posting their news. I'll check them out ltr~~~
  3. nekkichi

    I presume they sound truly brutal?????


    (((this reminds me of my former friend P. who was permanently super effing high and we'll have really good times together and I'm p. sure hanging out w. him is responsible for ruining a large amount of my brain wrinkles in a very expedited amount of time and I'm getting incredibly nostalgic r.n.)))

  5. nekkichi

    I'm still seething soroban disbanded (even if zoro gave us some bops here and there) and literally no one picked up on their sound - like how many same-sounding oshare bands have popped up since, and none of them had an ounce of the same perfection, auggghhhhhhhh #I_have_lots_of_supresseDt_feelz
  6. what can I say I discarded mucc in 2006 lol. I kinda expect Deg to somewhat liven things up (their albums usually inspire a half-year worth of rip-offs/heavier direction for smaller bands), and there's a new gazette album coming next year which I don't have much early hopes for, but even in the worst case it will have a good song or two. I really hope it's just an unfortunate cycle in the scene again (2006 - 2009-ish were for the most part dire), but the fact I'm more hyped about anything Zicross or Yumeleep put out compared to whatever old faves of mine are still around makes me p. sad
  7. nekkichi

    no babes, the closest to that they've released is an indie best-of 個性派ブレンドクラシック~OLDIES TRACKS~, but it's relatively modest on material (it's around ten songs, or so, in total.)
  8. nekkichi

    this is unbearably whiney and good two minutes too long, c u disbanding soon hunniez
  9. ALL OF THEM T B H I can't remember the last time a recent vk release got me truly excited (like idk does one song off hakuei's solo album even count?), the closest to that is the former ayabie drummer and an indie sensation soan's solo project, but he's low-budget and p much irrelevant. there's also a temporary gap with the bandmen I'm interested in being on a break/just out of their old bands, it blows. that being said, merry was predicable merry but it was good.
  10. pantheon was such a snooze, and their drummer is masc now...so like release it and disband soon, tyxoxo omg them getting @ kamijo to howl a lil bit
  11. nekkichi

    jupiter feat. guest vocalist kamijo would be taking this band onto the next level of ridiculous anyway, very very curious how this is gonna turn out since they aren't announcing an immediate disband as of now, and his other project seems like a complete travesty
  12. *plays dragon's dogma once:* it's cute they're still trying to make that awful album happen like own up your mistakes and just move on guise, you have 5 great album cuts and 3 epic b-sides out of your entire discography to fall on, don't forcefeed your stans with that wondernonsense.
  13. nekkichi

    thank u I lowkey can't understand how a band that drags the entire scene down so massively has stans this rabid, but that's not the point, who literally allowed them to emerge, who funded this mess, why do they hate VK so much idk I have more questions than answers r.n.
  14. nekkichi

    lmao @ their respective heteronormative solo projects never really taking off geT those dusty weaves out, you better werk that attendance up a lil bit, irrelevant cueens
  15. nekkichi

    lmao @ babby's first EDM samplepack + lynch. rip off for the song and a sukekiyo look attempt brain-dead oxygen thieves, making Ains progeny look comparatively fresh and inventive when will you retire already like the rest of sadie
  16. oh god this is so accurate


  17. nekkichi

    yassssss the slayage just goT real they're back with burps, you can stan again @VkBrutaliaN
  18. they're basically a bootleg of an actual band, at least the character was on-brand for them. sad!
  19. nekkichi

    same here I really enjoyed this one overall, and I appreciate that it doesn't really have any truly bland filler, but I kicked 平日の女 -A面- out early, and without it the album really comes and goes way too fast. I really want it to have an extra song or two, to me it feels lacking a climax point somewhere (PWUSSY UNDERSHOOKdT!!!!!), and finishes really swift, エムオロギー does not bring any real closure to the record tbh.
  20. I haven't screamed this loud quite in a while


    (I miss AHIS classes ;`(( )


  21. nekkichi

    I'll look it up, ty.
  22. nekkichi

    that too, but it kinda was a phase (they don't do it anymore/or I can't hear it at this point maybe), and it's typically different tracks from what I meant
  23. dexcore are truly aiming for the overtime icons of this year award (obligatory member karoshi included i guess idk)

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