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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    Really boring compilation, I'm surprised with rorita 23 doing almost outstanding work, duel jewel sucking A LOT and D doing a neat cover (much better than their own recent music). Merry are good, and 12012 pulled a brilliant cover... straight out of their ass.
  2. nekkichi

    0+0+1+0+1+0+1+0 is three! and it's the name of the third track! SO SMART, REALLY? *headdesking*
  3. cocaine? Like then can afford it.
  4. nekkichi

    I never liked the original Zan, it was a bastard child on gauze, a pretty ugly one as well and the new version worked... especially with their current direction (they could make it during marrow of the bone era as well, but anyway) I'm really afraid they'll butched either fukai or keloid milk next, can't really hope for another successful remake now :\
  5. nekkichi

    Lotus is fine, probably as generic as dozing green, the new obscure is fucking terrible, I mean, I'm glad that at least it's not optimized for american teenager's ears with it's lack of taste and poor sound, but WHY did they call it obscure after all the crap this song went through? It deserves a different title, and it's their most sucky re-recording, next to new ver. of undecided live track is fine. didn't bother listening to it completely but unless Kyo is singing with his rectum at some point, it's not even worth listening through.
  6. nekkichi

    buh-bye another band not worth knowing about
  7. nekkichi

    do they mean six inches or six centimeters?
  8. nekkichi

    LSD dreams of visual kei scene. right here.
  9. nekkichi

    One of them looks like a part time whore part time witch from hell, so that's making up for garbagebag outfits of others. What are you expectations for "slutty" as description, may I ask?
  10. nekkichi

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF2V63Tbg6k - really poor sound though
  11. nekkichi

    I don't see enough people drooling here and there 'coz they're so BR00TAL and KOTE-KEI WORTHY. I like how they look, it's the sluttiest image of the year so far.
  12. nekkichi

    I wonder how it feels for Aiji to be grabbing cash from 16 years olds when he's almost fourty himself.
  13. nekkichi

    SUGoooooi ^__________^
  14. nekkichi

    ^ did I miss something? someone from that band has killed himself already? (except they've killed themselves musically not that long ago)
  15. nekkichi

    ultra meat spin party & pimp my whores now that gets promising
  16. nekkichi

    he didn't have enough plastic surgery to be considered 2nd gakkuchan and he will have to compete with Satsuki for the most authentic rip off of miserable for a debut single.
  17. nekkichi

    omg I would like to quote that thing everywhere if the next thing we hear about Jui is his contract with Tokuma Japan and another generic VK2Jpop band.
  18. nekkichi

    they own so many blowjobs to their fans now lol btw is that indie or major oricon stats?..
  19. well his upper part is about 3x slimmer than a generic UCP fangirl. > He's fat, but probably you can't notice how big his belly is until you see him live xD might explain lack of PV's/live extras by them.... lol
  20. not that he falls under a typical western chub/bear type at all ;p and the only really bulky jrocker I can think of is the guy from deathgaze
  21. nekkichi

    hide's cover is actually pretty awesome and glass skin is very artsy and contemporary, they've done much worse. (I like it more than cover for lotus for example)
  22. it's not released until tomorrow
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