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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    ThaT's JaPAnEsE strEEt FaShiOn, EvEr HeArD oF fRuItS? j/k
  2. I think Satsuki's sales are pretty much the same as late Res - about 1,000 copies per release, but the income isn't split between members anymore (except he's paying for the session members and co-composing); I have no idea how much money the musicians get themselves after royalties and stuff are paid to the management, I guess Ryo could work in 7/11 and earn more than he did in the band D: they are quite good. their indie albums are really so-so, but with a few amazing tracks here and there + really nice atmosphere; my favorite album by them so far is peep show, really great, love literally every track, and the recent singles were good too. you may want to give them another try later, if you're still at the point where you like glay
  3. nekkichi

    Didn't bother downloading tbh
  4. I don't really get the whole relationship between Firewall, Free-will and Sunkrad - like, 12012 has been associated with F-will for a few years, but their homepage refers to sun-krad as a copyright holder? same with diru - it seems they're releasing some stuff under firewall and some under free-will. they dropped quite a lot: http://oriconv.seesaa.net/article/162860167.html they probably did earn more money touring than they did in pre-freewill days, but the stats are disappointing, I'm no longer surprised they decided to disband I really wonder how Merry's sales changed through the past years. @ Herpes I lol'd hysterically when I saw your link yesterday - esp. reading undercode numbers was quite entertaining.
  5. I'm confusing freewill for firewall sometimes.
  6. Kiyoharu seems to make ALL THE MONEY in the VK, and that's like super awesome. I was surprised that Ayabie sales got a 10x increase since they became a boymeat band and was really sad for rentrer en soi, whoose sales dropped since they joined firewall D: at least they did some money from touring though.
  7. nekkichi

    ^ trying to expand their fanbase hyuck hyuck hyuck
  8. nekkichi

    Miyavi had something similar, back at his PS company days - some sort of batshit retarded withdrawal, where fans could win a dinner or a date with him, can't remembers surely (it was back in 2004-2005 I assume) I'm pretty sure 90 % of their HARD WORK is looking pretty, everything else is handled by PS Company. Once they graduate from PSC completely, I suppose even Sug fans will all go butthurt because their MooZiK would suck so much.
  9. I don't like current D, but I like this cover quite a lot. do you have similar stuff for the other artists? really interested in gackt and miyavi, for example
  10. nekkichi

    I'm afraid there's not a single band, living or disbanded, to surpass Sug's creative approach towards everything
  11. nekkichi

    FFS, shit is trippy can't stop watching btw their website background is equally terrifying:
  12. nekkichi

    Would band members get a blowjob from their management if the single gets into top-10?
  13. nekkichi

    ^ agreed vagina dentata would be a better title
  14. nekkichi

    don't like the cover and I want some music already, damnt it D:
  15. nekkichi

    first of all, they don't take more time to write music since they signed with sony. they released three singles with 3 tracks @ each in less than half of year, and they had done extensive touring during that period + looks like they're busy in studio atm (I don't track their blogs, but a few of my friends on twitter do); second, they had never been a BOMB, or whatever, but they have been working really hard on their stuff, plus they had amazing (for a VK band) production and quality management since their days on ps company. (not even to mention they've been through matina and haven't disbanded yet) their collaboration with king recods gave them quite a lot of time, plus looks like their producers and record managers were quite experienced too, as a result, DIM was a bomb album, being a typical gazette album itself. right now, the're going back to stacked rubbish formula - more of the same, with a little bit better promotional funding most of the songs they've released through this year will be forgotten as soon as they release a bunch of new singles, same thing that happened with POS singles and b-sides like hyena or worthless war. And animoo-opening, something I'll never get over lol.
  16. nekkichi

    Still can't beat THIS: I mean their art-director knows how to make a shitty design they have learned to add some terrible music over the years took them some time, but they can pull some godawful shit these days.
  17. nekkichi

    I'm not afraid, but absolutely not looking forward their next LP. I didn't like stacked rubbish and would certainly not like a stacked rubbish cover album with a new sample library.
  18. nekkichi

    On par with their recent two singles. This time they recycled filth in the beauty, and VOICELESS FEAR should have stayed voiceless, it would be so much better as a short instrumental (people error-alike)
  19. nekkichi

    It's just not your cup of tea, versailles-boy. They are doing quite awesome, and idk about Yuuki's voice problems, I see them as an intentional step back toward core the child, his previous band. And I like their recent releases much better than their earlier - they have established their own sound and yet didn't start sucking like Sadie and Haremgamesh
  20. nekkichi

    We can turn this thread into a rumour pit like I have a slight feeling that Yuusuke from 12012 will join them quite soon, since they need a guitarist and he worked on the same lable as Iori
  21. nekkichi

    I don't get all the sivaism here. cocklobin is a total step-up from a shame that siva was for the most part (and they went downhil even more with iori's departure, lack of other member's talent shows itself)
  22. or run a host club, haha.
  23. nekkichi

    Hope he takes time to heal properly
  24. So they will most probably disband quite soon, after PSC milks them out a tad bit more.
  25. nekkichi

    Really enjoyed this album (I hated awake and their compilation album released after that), some tracks are a little bit too noizy, but their current direction is really great I WiLl GiVe iT 9/1
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