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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. http://www.shiki-project.com/news.php - vomit-inducing samples & mp3 download link here btw I can't get mp3 working, reupload anyone?
  2. nekkichi

    no1 can beat Herpy
  3. Oh okay, I was confused by scoozie's post and thought it was a project called Antti Tuisku with varying members, kinda like morning musume lol I thought Finland wasn't much homophobic? (except for the old Kallio crowd, still deep in the closet, and stuff)
  4. I just love the last line - Herpes should make a whole blog of Jasmine You revivals, hide coming out in afterlife, penis comparsion charts of VK bassists and call it shattered tranny-queerity or something
  5. I'm pretty sure before I decay won't be on the album at all, and they might fit as much as 5 or 6 single tracks into the final release. I don't have much hopes for it now, since it's most probably will turn out as a bland shitty sequel to stacked rubbish. They aren't going to, since that's exactly what sony is expecting from them right now - a lot of releases, and a lot of profits.
  6. nekkichi

    Not enough fangirl tears D: Leda should kill himself. RIGHT NOW.
  7. Yeah, that's him. He became third, but has been most active and most popular of the final three (and all contestants from 2003 to this day) omg so it's like Finnish morning musume, but with cute dudes and such?
  8. I have a feeling his solo work doesn't sell good enough, that's why he collaborated with smone else. If that new dude has at least some bits of talent, it would turn out ok, if not.... it will be all [GOLDEN RAIN] and [sHIT OF PURITY]
  9. the studs live with aoi! *O*FUCK DAISUKE! [xoxoxo] ilu herpes
  10. just made my day But... I still like Antti Tuisku. :'( Even if people say he sucks. :PPP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbNx5utnADg is that him? he's rather cute, and musically there's a lot of stuff waaaay more embarassing (k-pop to start with lol) not kind of stuff I'd listen, but it rapes my ears much less than generic mtv stuff
  11. nekkichi

    I thought text formatting was enough to imply I was joking oh thank you, but why does she call herself Gagath than? Hiding from police or something? Is that why she's always touring, so they don't catch her back in the US?
  12. if it's on par/better than moon spiral, than I'm fine otherwise I'll pass.
  13. I still have a feeling that res aren't done completely, but who knows, who knows...
  14. nekkichi

    who the hell is that germanotta bitch, is it pannacotta's evil sister or something? I thought mah gagah is writing all teh musisz herself xx I mean I have absolutely nothing to say about the tracklist except rob my bank is probably gaga's artistic response to sug and pimp my cunts
  15. nekkichi

    since they are not disbanding, that live has a really deep and phylosophical name
  16. indeed, it should be 「MoON ScREaM?? or something
  17. I hope it's better than satsuki's singles.
  18. well he looked like a doll, and, cough-cough, 24 is still a very young age but totally post-teenager anyway
  19. ^ I guess everyone got into them in his post-teenage years, Brian was 24 when they released their first album lol
  20. haha that's cool but Brian had his nails black too hehehe, I guess they looked like really manly black nails - KbHkwrGgsoA sounds like miyavi's dokusou album mixed with some late eleanoora rosenholm it's not that shitty, but the guys look quite self-embarassing :X I thought everyone educated their parents with Brian Molko approx. 10 years before TH even popped out? I remember my father once asking me a few years back whether I liked TH, because after all I was "into that andogynous stuff".... by which he probably meant Placebo/Suede/Marilyn Manson though, which I was listeneing to as a teenager. ughhhh, I'm glad my parents have never been aware of TH existence I wouldn't be witty enough to tell I like androgynous stuff that actually has balls a couple of years ago, lol
  21. I thought everyone educated their parents with Brian Molko approx. 10 years before TH even popped out?
  22. no linkin park itt? srsly?
  23. nekkichi

    I still listen to quite a few disbanded units (kagerou, res, soroban, pierrot, etc.), and a lot of times their music is dramatically better than new bands with old members (pierrot is the prime example, can't stand both angelo, alvino and lmc, especially angelo) some bands, however, should have disbanded early and never some back ( = ayabie, and a lot of current vindies)
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