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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    He came to this world to conceive Satan in Justin's beaver :<
  2. nekkichi

    Tatsuro's presence killed the omgchorus track completely, Wataru was surprisingly okay, Kyo sounded odd - and that were the highlights of this album for me. New tracks aren't bad, but not stellar either. Iya is my favorite, and the rest is fine - better than the studs second album, much better than kagerou's last. @ Herpes u no funny
  3. nekkichi

    they've always released 3 singles before albums, with the only exception for uroboros I also think they wanted to push the album to the autumn release because autumn releases generally bring more cash, and a single release will make a bit of news presence. Maybe they aren't hitting the expected album deadline too. Also, extra design/promo work is not that expensive, and they will get some extra cash releasing already finalized material.
  4. nekkichi

    is she mocking that die antwood bitch with her looks and literacy? I wonder if she actually believes people are supposed to like her recent decisions. I LOOK UGLY AND SCARE PEOPLE OFF, WHY DON'T THEY FAP AT ME ANYMORE, WHY DOES FEMME FATASSE SELL SO WELL, WHERE'S MY THRONE SOB-SOB-SOB
  5. nekkichi

    I can't believe they're releasing 5 PV versions on a single DVD. What a step down. What a shame.
  6. nekkichi

    u no witty either This, coming from a fan of Gackt (GACKT, FFS), actually made my day
  7. nekkichi

    there's a short Japanese description on cdjapan: 今作も海外エンジニアを起用????LOW??ューニング??ヘヴィ??サウンドを基調??様々??リズムやテン????アコースティックギター??リフや??ードコア??サウンド??メロディアスを混在?????????者を未????空間????誘??。中??も??より??猛??を増????京??グロウル??メロディ??スクリームを交錯????独自??世界観を表????る京??ヴォーカリゼーション??圧巻。 google translate powers: LOW rhythm and tempo sound with various tones of heavy tune, a mixture of sounds and melodic acoustic guitar riffs and hardcore, and invites the listener to unexplored space. In particular, increased the fierce growl from Kyoto, Kyoto Vokarizeshon to express their own view of the world will be a mixture of melody and screams masterpiece. @ precious kitty u no funny
  8. nekkichi

    keep calm and troll harder
  9. nekkichi

    I guess it would be a slower song with some selective screams and growling, dozing green type of, and a brutal b-side/re-recording.
  10. nekkichi

    You are the sexy sexy bitch, Kiyoharu <3 Aron sounds like... I dunno, Emily? A ton of other Kiyoharu's solo songs? But it's still nice. Hope the full song is better.
  11. That's just my assumption, but Daisuke went through 2 bands and a solo project, and kept quite close ties with free-will, even despite kagerou disbanding and stuff. Satsuki, on the other hand, has done a miyavesque leap onto self-producing/self-managing road - and that is quite indicative I think.
  12. I bet there was some behind the curtain drama, and he was told to gtfo off free-will and anything related. I'd totally prefer him singing instead of tatsuro, though.
  13. Thanks for the lecture.
  14. how can that be 72 if $1 roughly equals 100 yen?
  15. nekkichi

    lol awesome thanks for posting, I knew there was a precursor to all the above mentioned VK songs. I also like the "vague" similarity in Slipknot and gazette song titles.
  16. nekkichi

  17. nekkichi

    lold @ engwish gibberish at the end don't really like it, but it's better than the short spot.
  18. nekkichi

    they had a ton of recycling for post-nil b-sides, and they have already stolen from luna sea before (cassis). Everybody starts to steal at some point, where deadlines overcome creative input, but their recent releases are really pathetic and predictable.
  19. nekkichi

    it could be an extreme case of creative differences, who knows.
  20. nekkichi

    They never had omgzbudgets to start with. Burial Applicant is probably the only highlight of their whole videography, and sumire was beautiful, yet cheap PV.
  21. nekkichi

    I still don't get why PV background and style looks like Red single cover so much. Recycling is the new creating?
  22. nekkichi

    I've completely missed the horde of crazies following her for like a year - - this is my favorite so far, like it more than original :<search ytb for "bad romance symbolism"/"alejandro symbolism" (gagaeth is wearing bathometh horns!11 she's sending a messageth to your soulth!1) and have fun
  23. nekkichi

    epic Yoshiki cosplay is epic
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