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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    disgusting. lack of good old victorian sexuality shame is making me sad.
  2. nekkichi

    they have some exceptional potential to become a VK band now. really creative disdisbanding.
  3. nekkichi

    Not like I'm going personal, but it's probably the dumbest thing posted ITT so far.
  4. nekkichi

    that Kisaki picture is too good to be true, you must have stolen it somewhere baka neeeeeeee (メ ̄  ̄)
  5. nekkichi

    THE BLOSSOMING VEERZEVURVA would be so much better nice tracklist, btw, 14 tracks = awesome
  6. nekkichi

    Won't be surprised if Gags releases a single called Jealous Wigger or something.
  7. nekkichi

    Liked this album overall, it's their 2nd best after the avoided sun. sadly, there's not much innovation in it, and songs tend to get same-sounding and repetitive quite soon - except for the singles, and LIE. I'm getting bored of their signature lynch. sound, same thing as with nightmare or sadie, but to a much lesser extent. hope they add some variety with their next releases.
  8. nekkichi

    Thanks! Never liked that album anyway, lol.
  9. nekkichi

    kannivalism are for the most part boring, but boogieman are steadily releasing 70 % cringe-inducing shit, 30 % decent music. I feel hugely disappointed, considering members great previous bands and their current vocalist is showing promise. I wonder if their sales improved with the new frontman.
  10. nekkichi

    have they previously released PROMISE?
  11. nekkichi

    come back as a fulltime band already, you fuckers.
  12. needs some Shaggrath and Teru :
  13. nekkichi

    listened @ youtube, didn't bother downloading. didn't expect anything, wasn't surprised. won't even bother downloading sucking gibberish or whatever they call their next album. hope this re-re-recycling phase ends soon and they become listenable again one day.
  14. nekkichi

    Good news. Hope they put enough effort into album tracks, loved the singles.
  15. I hope its their last release and hibari goes back to schmelz cure after that.
  16. nekkichi

    Oh please
  17. nekkichi

    I love how he deviated from the typical creative differences excuse. Makes me wanna read "due to refusing to waste time in a deadborn project".
  18. nekkichi

    next hour on vktv: lycaon disbanding, UnsraW resuming activities as uNSRAw, lin - corruption world - going on 1 day hiatus
  19. nekkichi

    ayabie are koteosa or something and shikisai moment is an awesome an cafe album <3 their PVs for that thing are a lot of fun to watch when you're drunk as hell
  20. nekkichi

    old baroque probably? I don't like them that much, but they started the whole oshare metastasis, and they were quite good. also 2nding soroban and ensoku (never thought they were oshare though)
  21. nekkichi

    I swear she could teach Kisaki a lesson or two.
  22. nekkichi

    Thank you! <3
  23. nekkichi

    (by the way, can anyone translate who those guys are and what are they talking about? http://youtu.be/l-ggxUjiFT4 )
  24. nekkichi

    I've seen it on Russian 2-ch board about a year ago. I like trippy Finnish music waaaay more than this :
  25. nekkichi

    pida huolta would fit perfectly into loco roco ost
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