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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. smh expecting UCP revival events through this/next year and official relaunch in 2015 ~
  2. sounds like legit late kagerou with vocals you typically hear 20 times per year in any other 2 singles → 1 mini → sudden kaisan band I'd even probably prefer boogieman's vocalist here bc his sighing is as flat and lacking any personality as this dude's, but it just feels more mature/professional.
  3. nekkichi

    I was hoping they would update their qt blog pages with live pictures or smth oh well
  4. nekkichi

    I wonder if soroban drummer retired from VK (just noticed they had a support member for this live). Any chance to see pictures from the concert?
  5. nekkichi

    +1 I'm not sure they will ever make another sug-life tier album since they cut all ties with firewall div and let's be real, it used to be one of the best labels when it comes to music production/creative direction (regardless of what its current bands are playing today)
  6. nekkichi

    surprising and awesome news I wish soroban came back (but techno-style zoro continued)
  7. nekkichi

    their album was surprisingly good, so any new releases are welcome.
  8. nekkichi

    differences in directions = couldn't decide who's bottoming @ backstage?
  9. I wonder if he's gonna play JR songs or all new ones for his solo?
  10. nekkichi

    oh, that's good. they could pick some other bassist easily methinks, there's been about enough disbands recently. please realize boogieman is over and stop being a diva about like one of 3 or 4 good VK bands left now.
  11. nekkichi

    this is actually pretty ok, if only that dude sticked to songwriting in Swedish would make them sound less retarded for a non-Nordic listener, and given the phlegmatic Swedish nature, nordic listeners won't even give a fuck about pretentious angsty crap they sing. also better than seremedy and yaioh
  12. nekkichi

    are you complaining that a band, that basically started the whole oshare thing, looks... oshare? not to mention they've had one of the most coherent and consistent looks of all 2011/2012 VK bands.
  13. nekkichi

    did they find Dramasaku by the way or they went with a session member?
  14. nekkichi

    looting Daisuke's wardrobe like a boss:
  15. great!! any news on boogieman? have they finally flopped?
  16. nekkichi

    I can't recall any time in the past 10 years when major labels like avex, sony music and jpop/animu centered tokuma japan and king had more ex-VK/VK bands signed. universal's interest in VK has faded and they're pushing kpop these days, but VK is still selling. UCP's impact on VK scene got way weaker in the past few years though.
  17. nekkichi

    They have no active major acts to get royalties from except for 12012, and those literally only add $ 0,02 to the bank. UCP bands aren't technically skilled enough to make profits from extended touring, so I can't see any major label picking up nega or even lin. I can see some of their acts signing to free-will and becoming another diru copy with moderate to negligible success, but I'm not sure they won't flop under dynamite tommy's pressure. I'm pretty sure there would be another label, and possibly lots of same bandmen coming back. If there's any room left for obscure VK indies, Kisaki could fill it by pulling back 2004-2005 tier UCP. his tax evasion skills might've gone through some heavy polishing as well meanwhile.
  18. nekkichi

    because going bankrupt in time >>>>>>> evading taxes. jrockdrama tumblr was projecting this delightful event @ end of this year, though, so slightly disappointed. inb4 kisaki's new label, OVER CODE, opening at 2013.04.01
  19. nekkichi

    I'm pointing out an obvious double standard. did your ass get grilled? I'm so sorry. however as far as I can tell, you didn't bother to write a public apology and currently enjoy your southern hip-hop brathaz due to lack of life elsewhere. You did bother typing retarded excuses in a thread that was doing fine without your presence, though. At the same time it's absolutely classy and royally noble that you've called someone an idiot over something as serious as A EFFING MUSIC TASTE issue, and than proceeded to assume that person has English comprehension difficulties because according to you, growing up in Europe by definition means they don't learn colloquial English enough to understand the black pearls of your wisdom. I think their music is utter shit, his death is fake and their fans are retarded pissholes. stating that loud would give an excuse for my previous warning, so I restrained myself to "trolling". basically, I care, thus I comment. "Trolling", however, is subjective; seeing a personal insult only requires a pair of eyes (somewhat myopic in my case). "Idiot" sounds roughly the same in English, Russian and, I assume, Dutch too. I will stick another bit of my opinion: if you are managing a web board and have disagreements with its users, shutting your own mouth at some point will make you less of a moron than throwing insults. it makes your comrade moderators look less like opinionated hypocritical bitches at the same time, so it's a win-win.
  20. nekkichi

    hey Champ how is it going? did you give cat5 a warning for calling another member an idiot in the "music you gaf this year" thread? or it's my non-personal trolling back on the favorites list here?
  21. nekkichi

    This is hilarious and so true, I just pissed my pants, thanks kitty for the best laugh of my life <3 especially, totally appropriate
  22. nekkichi

    I can sort of believe the pierrot and dir en grey motives not getting into OST accidentally, since both were quite popular during madsky and I'll eras but with the latter example I think they're both referencing the same source tune. however a9 members could play lufia themselves lol when did alice 9 become a decent band, what happened? why do I like that track? what's going on?
  23. nekkichi

    but you won't argue they've been recently shooting releases as it's WWIII and nightmare CDs is the deadliest weapon to date.
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