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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. new reila is 8 minutes fml they figuratively murdered it, pissed on the corpse, set it on fire, and shat in the casket ((five massive fiber-rich dumps they had))
  2. nekkichi

    idk I have a hunch they'll drop a mini-album at the end of year, or will release another single-less album @ early 2018. Ruki has been focused on shilling his conceptual bootique or w/e it is recently, and everyone else has been raving about the joys of butchering old ballads so idk if they had time to focus on a full album pre-production.
  3. bitch legit sounds like melvel's hime (except actually singing live), what was the point of retiring VK looks if he still sounds like sinusitis-ridden Donald Duck
  4. nekkichi

    I can't breathe
  5. nekkichi

    same, lowkey expected ENCORE #2: TOMORROW NEVER DIES and they didn't play it? awesome setlist Uruha got that bloat on fleek too
  6. nekkichi

    this line-up alone is enough to make gya expecting Karma's comeback suicidal, loves it ♥︎
  7. nekkichi

    highkey want the gazette 2 cover a bunch of tracks from their past 3 albums in mongolian for TRACES vol. III
  8. nekkichi

    so this is sika bambi # 2 (I wonder how are those flops doing r.n.) didn't he ditch androgynous looks completely during last year of ZORO when they signed to some no1curr idol management agency? his live concert looks were more or less same as this one. I appreciate the delicate tongue in cheek irony of bundling him with two heffas, both looking aeons more basic than 2004 Tat-chan.
  9. deviloof, of hivplussiphylishonorreaprolapsegiardia song fame? such a downgrade for issei tbh.
  10. does anyone else get, like, painful headaches playing those sonic dash runners on iOs?????? I don't have the same thing with loonie tunes game which is rly similar, and shit ruined my evening :'/

  11. razor are awf, but not as butt-clenchingly embarrassing as this thing. and sadie was (moderately) better than born at any time, so the relative downgrade adds to the negative tone here. I can only speak for myself, but I never got into born, and I avoid any ex-member projects by proxy.
  12. kazu's public humiliation kink got outta control tbh
  13. IUt9lmM.jpg

    one instance I legit relate to Kellyanneh

  14. sid are on l'arc en ciel levels of famous (although I can't remember if they ever toured abroad? because l'arc did a few times); gazette are comparable to dir en grey if you exclude gauze and macabre from their discography.
  15. nekkichi

    oh, thanks! no, altho I remember that song Riku and slow-tempo compositions are basically peak unbearable for me (I had same problem when mago were around.) they sound way better on the recent singles, but I'm surprised people who were shittalking Gazette when UGLY dropped haven't gone for chariots' weaves after 閃光. (it also transitions into something *really* familiar past the obligatory MtH riff, but I can't figure out what exactly????)
  16. nekkichi

    I really like this song, but rest of what I've heard back in pre-hiatus period was nothing special, and I don't like Riku's vocals. their bassist used to be in Unsraw, or is it some other Jin?
  17. nekkichi

    pop culture was in art now art is in pop culture, in me
  18. nekkichi

    this is so aesthetically fabulous slay, elegant queen
  19. nekkichi

    so he's finally bearding for ladies, huh
  20. nekkichi

    was this posted already? idk
  21. ohmygod

    #triggers potential permanent hearing damage, bad taste, bisexual men (hurhurhurhurhur)

    I'm living so much I'm actually deceasening again & again 

  22. they legit sucked all soul (dubious as it was in their recent pre-dogma output), all of it sounds sterile and powerless, ito sounds most botched so far (awful oversinging on reila comes close) whatever pass it's upped in HD1080 (192 kbps sound), so it's not gonna be much better on the CD/itunes version. recording/mastering is weird as hell on some tracks.
  23. nekkichi

    I won't derail this thing further, but str8 ppl typically do the separation part pretty successfully themselves once you verbalize you're queer, w/o pushing your own agenda further.
  24. is this a late elegy for fruits?
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