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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    damn, that sounds brutal may the adderall be with you though this time🙏🙏🙏
  2. nekkichi

    can you take less credits per semester and get an extra year that way?
  3. nekkichi

    it's one of tha internet things u find endearing that get ruined the second when a fucking kid living downstairs discovers it while browsing utube and for the next several days u highkey wish & anticipate that little shit slips and ruins their bloody ipad (preferrably by violently smashing it with their face) but it doesn't happen and the next thing they destroy for u is the otherwise flawfree and innocent nonono cat video. #lots_of_feels, man.
  4. nekkichi

    “THE LOGICIAN” (INTP-T) I'm down w. this
  5. nekkichi

    who are they who funds all those music videos why do they have fans this band is the reason G-d stopped bothering with our prayers midwestern myspace kidz r shook
  6. nekkichi

    hair game strong, I'm impressed
  7. nekkichi

    http://www.oricon.co.jp/prof/308996/rank/album/ - mucc http://www.oricon.co.jp/prof/263818/rank/album/ - miyavi fart bird sold worse than galyuu on psc back in 2003; mucc might be doing a little better touring wise now that they're on a major label, I have no idea if there's a quick and easy way to check their recent attendance and shit. myv did that angelina movie thing though, it probably paid him more than his entire songing career to date, including the random rakuten CM composing credits.
  8. nekkichi

  9. nekkichi

    shitter was an anime opening. sony did same thing w. mucc after they got signed, it does not help with long-term sales at all.
  10. nekkichi

    3rd track sounds cute
  11. nekkichi

    ZORO died so they could live
  12. leeched a complete D discog and track by track, starting with 2004, my former impression of a ~talented bijuaru underdog band~ that I had bc. of a couple good singles here and there is shattered to slivers, liiiike they were unbelievably mediocre since day 1 and that recent album is not even much of a downgrade from ~bara no abortion — La Art No Uno Asked Féur~

    1. nekkichi


      I rly like Like a Black Cat ~無実の罪~ from that mini :< they nailed La Art of Tacky Bóp w. this song.


      also got (and promptly deleted) a je reviens discog; I hope that obnoxious russian hussiez claiming they were better than D choke on their lies

    2. Show next comments  357 more
  13. nekkichi

    I can totally imagine this sung by Kaya except over a dated 1994 eurodance beat instead of instrumental arrangement
  14. nekkichi

    the khween of mysterious bands Tomomi-sama strikes again
  15. nekkichi

    this was traumatizing, I love how he somehow managed to drain any bits of talent that Ayu had left from this 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏
  16. nekkichi

    I wonder if we're getting any new musics from Goat before 2020 or so inb4 unexpected collab w. mana-sama resulting in malice mizer techno/dubstep remix CDs (vol. I <> XXII, or so.)
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates qt read too
  18. nekkichi

    caucasian queen deserves better than sucky low-budget covers from the clip art hell
  19. nekkichi

    what the fuck happened to the first track akuta's soundcloud vocals sounded million times better, what kind of oversung hell is this hysteria show time added synths are tragic, but good cysters got that "disappointment of tha year" badge in early
  20. mourning Asagi/Kisaki talent peak r.n.

  21. compared to that comeback poppers psychosis, Ban looks suspiciously normcore this time
  22. nekkichi

    Idgaf about anything mejiblay tbh, but I literally can't decide what's more disturbing, a dude with confirmed bpd still fucking around while being fully aware of his antics spilled like canned sencha on tanuki, or tanugya being disgusting morally decomposed pigs, living off a person's mental health struggle. can we speculate on the odds of him passing away to wrong combo of meds and alcohol to bring some dignity back to this thread?
  23. nekkichi

    yathhhh maman, scald ha
  24. nekkichi

    it's two minutes of t-shirts and other tour merch shilled dramatically w dozing green playing in the background, u arent missing anything
  25. nekkichi

    surprised they didn't bother to wait a couple weeks till valentines to get some extra festive gya munnys, this kind of stuff would've sold dozens in absence of annual shit SID/nightmare single
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