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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. ugh why is it the ugly one dropping his solo CD first
  2. nekkichi


    I recently went through their more or less entire discog (excluding live-distributed singles, if they have any), and their albums are typically not good at all, save for 7th rose however once in every 5 or 6 years they are delivering with either singles or b-sides; so far, birth and 妖奇譚 (oh god oh god oh god) got me stanninggggggg again.
  3. nekkichi

  4. nekkichi

    恋するサンタクロース sleighs a bit tbh (given they lifted the beat from Gaga's DWYW) like talk about that rare instance when the current band's image/promotion actually calls for an R. Kelly collab yasss @ miku's engrish shain on my peenas line is iconiq already, i wonder if they're writing lyrics for those two songs in katakana for the booklet because he clearly sounds like he's singing exactly that tbh
  5. nekkichi

    should've read the fine print when signing babbies first label contract with satan himself
  6. nekkichi

    says someone spending days obsessing over bandomen on twitter lol fucc
  7. nekkichi

    (((insert Karl Lagerfeld's quote on russian gentlemin here)))
  8. nekkichi

    no worries hunny, I remember ur fabulous local russian thread performance u can tag their names, that won't get u banned ^^^^^^ I didn't really expect you and your besties outright hating other people for having/demanding civil rights, given the 🇷🇺local 🇷🇺gay 🇷🇺erasure, but I'll just wish your pet queerz lots of safe sex and much happiness in life, I don't want to descend into arguing with you over a subject you clearly don't get.
  9. nekkichi

    surprised? good sis show me an attractive male russian, that will be surprising that being said take yourself out of this thread and go seek attention elsewhere jumping with tha ~unpopular opinion~ to defend an idiot making fun of gays for not meeting yaoi fangirl expectations of that demographic just paints you the same shade of not smart
  10. nekkichi

    new trailer with concert video placed over studio vulgar record is cute, where's the live sound tho is it like that bad or
  11. nekkichi

    he just hasn't met the right ugly bald guy to break into that loli-chasing bussy ((UwU)))
  12. nekkichi

    that one rare instance I'd actually wish on two bald burly bears to lesbion him to cure the str8 away, not that they deserve the kind of STD ridden hell he'll drag them into.
  13. I literally don't know her ( x5 )
  14. nekkichi

  15. you'd have thought Kamijo is classy enough to stay away from absolute VK nobodies, but nokubura? micro5headflops? tf????
  16. nekkichi

    everything sounds awful & my ears hurt tbh they've been creatively dead for a good decade, so idk if this album is an improvement over the last couple ones (I skipped them.) lol @ that reggae attempt thrown in for no reason lol @ shit singles, lol @ lackluster heavy tracks lol @ tatsuro sounding like a toad with collapsed larynx on a good half of songs. 9th track could sound nice if merry covered it at some point, other than that, the entire side b is even more uninspired and unnecessary
  17. nekkichi

    I mean... it's meant for the edgy azien teenager consumption; we, adult people, had ayabie same time ten years ago ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that being said, either that person has a very narrow taste in VK, or the scene in general tends to replicate the same formula, sucking stemming off a certain trend, but I couldn't even make it through ten minutes of that video straight tbh. I liked the rides in revellion sample, but not enough to check their other stuff asap; also apparently mejibray is not as awful as my former perception of them, pentagon is not the musical cancer I expected - more like terminal aggressive tuberculosis, and matenrou opera song is neat, I need to catch up on them. everything else is very derivative, I just don't see any appeal in that. getting back on the subject, bands/core members I used to like have either disbanded or are on break so far, but I'm happy with the ~temporal projects~ and a small handful of scene newcomers; this will likely change for better by middle of this year already with new bands/new releases getting announced for the autumn. if everything else fails, I'll just ironically stan zicross until they get kaisan'd due to creative differences tbh. I can relate to this too. there was a certain moment around 2007 when lots of established indie acts got signed to universal and immediately started chugging out literally shittest-tier records they could've come up (I think avex took universal's crown later, once the former gave up on vk in favor of reselling kpop.) oh and btw if that's the video you're talking about, it's slightly more diverse than the one you've actually posted here. I liked the vexent sample, but the fact they included nokubura, A9 and probably every PV diaura had out this year is quite indicative of their questionable taste.
  18. nekkichi

    that's one song title I haven't seen rehashed quite for a few years tbh
  19. I'm not feeling it tbh, very repetitive and really generic.
  20. they would've cancelled dum spiro spero in this case
  21.  can't get enough of tha shrill reptilian cuntessa, I need another utube binge of her

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