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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

  2. nekkichi

    such a perf band name when my haters are attempting realness
  3. nekkichi

    ^ (((KISAKI)))
  4. nekkichi

    much dark so goth †666† honestly i dig
  5. nekkichi

    lbr the only la-sadies related thing that will possibly ever appear is a somewhat botchy remastered CD courtesy of She Who Shall Not Be Taxed's current label (assuming she doesn't print through FWD anymore.)
  6. nekkichi

    what is the proper sigil application protocol for “may your fav bandomen be arrested for sexual promiscuity and acts of degenerate public misconduct” jinx
  7. nekkichi

    damn hazuki looking rough af, are we sure she aint tweaking, like, rill hardcore? i feel they ratted out the wrong person when their bassist went to jail
  8. nekkichi

    something-something rats, something-something sinking ship
  9. nekkichi

    #no I wonder why their poster spells out "suxxx" in all consonants instead of the band name though early sign of the coming music quality?
  10. nekkichi

    idt they will be announcing anything soon with sukekiyo album and seraph releases pending.
  11. I'm too lazy to reset my twitter pw but whatever THE QUESTION IS


    is this already a gay twitter thing????? cc. @herpes

    1. herpes


      It is and it's a false flag to distract from nelly furtado's newest album bombing 

  12. nvm i looked it up sounds like every other aie's band except worse, so I'll pretend it's on this heffa as well, not on the tragic vocalist they hired
  13. nekkichi

    pls disband so soan project feat. akuta can go fulltime
  14. nekkichi

    sockpuppet game strong here's an idea maybe stop feeding it while the thread is still at the more or less sane point of its artpop
  15. now that it's obvious who was responsible for major era girugamesh sound degradation, it's finally acceptable to get hyped up for other members announcing their solo projects
  16. nekkichi

    yohio warned us all
  17. nekkichi

    never heard of them before this incident, so i guess its safe to assume his most numerous & thirsty mitsumen will meet him in jail sooner than ltr
  18. nekkichi

    goddeff of lifp, queen of pwonunsiation
  19. nekkichi

    love it so far, they have more variety than deathgaze's last two albums included lunatic engrish lyrics aside, it's an upgrade for naoki for sure. static x cover album when
  20. for every vk fan subtype there's an appropriate gif




  21. nekkichi

    i'd really appreciate if they released an entire album + singles campaign solely dedicated to mocking golden bomber or came up with an alter ego band, SILVER TRIPPER idk, with the same purpose
  22. their contract likely implies a fixed number of new albums, not the calendar years before they can switch their label w/o paying breach fees. i'm not even sure avex is that brutal when it comes to treating their artists, Gackt barely releases shit for example. I'm cool with the original explanation, let's speculate on the real reasons i.e. how microaggressions and cross-mitsu std contamination ruined their team spirit ((UwU)))))
  23. we'll see idk. i expect watered down SID sound from this tbh and some moderately bored sounding Yoni crooning.
  24. nekkichi

    I realize that their looks are a byproduct of some poppers-addicted fujioshi mangaka hallucinating her fantasies out but I srsly wish their recent music had a tenth of the spark those outfits deliver even if it was poor taste, tacky, over the top camp spark
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