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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    have they querulously refused to smile wide enough for this band
  2. he's been sounding like shit for a few years now, which is partially hidden by weird sound production on some tracks, partially left as is. before that he was a pretty good vk vocalist (considering they always delivered as a live band, even in the indies days). how so most of negative feedback I've seen on them only concerns recent two or three albums — and the abundant re-re-re-re-release cashgrabbing avex has been especially fond of with them.
  3. nekkichi

    ^ #trigger_warning that page autoplays dir en grey music when visited
  4. nekkichi

    mode of 虜 or gtfo
  5. I hate art-direction on persona 3++ sfm, but this (on top with approx. $100 worth of DLC) is insane http://nichegamer.com/2017/04/05/atlus-sets-restrictions-on-persona-5-video-streaming/ 

    burn, atlus, burn

    1. nekkichi


      (unless i misunderstood your comment :< )

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Programming joke :V 

    3. nekkichi



      I vaguely get it nao lol

    4. Show next comments  333 more
  6. nekkichi

    please use an appropriate thread for all zodiac tea you got! 💗💗💗
  7. talk about necroing a thread omg
  8. nekkichi

    no i'm just moderately annoyed with fukai, it's drain away —interpretative mumbling version—, howling-ridden kasumi and some other tracks I was legit traumatized by. probably obscure too, I don't have the stamina to go through that torture of a live recording again.
  9. I have a strong feeling this project is basically unreleased late zoro stuff remixed and rearranged which gets released the way it is because their singles didn't sell shit in the regular stores, and more or less prominent fans will buy the limited ED koolaid and ask for an artful embroidered hoodie as well. like they only released a handful of 2/3 song singles during a huge stretch of time as a two man band, there's no way they didn't have at least a full album in pre-production during that time.
  10. nekkichi

    unpopular opinion: mode of vulgar dvd is shit, new versions and the 3rd iteration of ~alternate lyrics~ for fukai, etc. (that ephemeral-minded chanteuse likely made up during live rehearsals) are lazy and overall awful I absolutely loathe kyo's vocal tuning for this set of dvds, they all have an annoying unravelling-alike layer of processing on top of what she was chugging out in concert it's fucking with my ears really badly on the other hand, I'm almost surprised utafumi doesn't sound like a disaster live, I anticipated a full-blown tragic mess with that one.
  11. love the hisashi look-alike, v. classy he was already singing outta his ass on the latest naito releases. those vocal chords r gonna be just fine by the time naito reunion commences
  12. they look vaguely visual again: idg what was the point of disbanding zoro if both heffas still share management.
  13. nekkichi

    holy shit all this autotune vocaloid tramp, kill yourself
  14. nekkichi

    mutha of hustle tbh sukekiyo didnt even get a beer commercial plug yet
  15. it's a birl. it's always a birl when reading BL manga gets daddy pregnant.
  16. chuckling Kawaii_euthanasia reminded me I really miss kawaii @Miasmathese days :<

    1. Euthanasia


      Give me some context pls? D: 

    2. nekkichi


      ^ 1) I  lold seeing "kawaii euthanasia" for the first time today

       2) I wonder where the other mentioned person is, I miss them.

  17. holy shit, the moe-possessed chaser beast and his lasting IMPACT 
    this is the kawaiiest day ever on here 

  18. wish i could powerslurp that babby out of ha pregger womb </3
  19. nekkichi

    how dare u, no crew/roadie iphone costs that little
  20. nekkichi

    fxxkin self-aware
  21. nekkichi

    rip legendary queen, her selling out tours in Chelyabinsk gave every1 good memes
  22. nekkichi

    — oop? there was one more comment above this one. nvm than.
  23. nekkichi

    she bullying the "i lost 30 lbs for vk god and creatur yohio" crowd w. it
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