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    chemicalpictures reacted to hiroki in Milia∞ will disband & last best album release   
    no it was never released
  2. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to plastic_rainbow in [Lyrics] baroque - sug life (album) kanji/romaji/english   
    Took me long enough to start translating their lyrics. Ryo's lyrics are quite well known for being cryptic, or better yet, maybe even senseless. If you've seen some of the English (or even attempted reading/translating his lyrics) you're probably wondering what the heck this dude is talking about, as I have. Some lyrics have more clarity, but some make almost no sense at all. Years ago I even once asked someone to translate Gariron for me and all I got back was how fucking stoned they were while writing the song looool. So please excuse some of my translations if they sound bad or weird. they were originally bad
    Well, despite saying all that, there is a beauty in some of Ryo's lyrical writing, so I hope fans of them will still enjoy these translations! ^^
    I will update this post until I'm done translating all of them.

    [2004.09.01] sug life
    All lyrics written by Ryo. Tracks 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 composed by Kei.
    Tracks 2, 4, 6, composed by Akira. Tracks 5, 9 composed by baroque.
    1. untitled
    2. style
    3. ガリロン/Gariron
    4. 歪/Ibitsu
    5. rump
    6. ヒトのイロ/Hito no iro
    7. exit
    8. Ila.
    9. bug
    10. Nutty a hermit.
    11. sound of respire
    12. キャラメルドロップス/Caramel Drops
    13. グラフィックノイズ/Graphic Noise
    14. untitled
    Corrections and suggestions are much welcomed!
    Thanks for looking and enjoy~ ^^
  3. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Deremie in The Virginity Topic   
    You guys and gals should not worry about sex. Not gonna lie, it is good. Even casual sex is good. But you know what's really good? having an emotional attachment to the person you are having relations with. No thing comes even near that. Being in love and having this kind of relation is the best thing ever, and it's a necessary part of the human experience.
    What I'm trying to say is that you can take all the time you want, but do not let yourself get away from experiencing human relations in general. Love is the best thing out there, I know sometimes it's hard to open up to someone, sometimes being in love SUCKS, you get hurt and promise never doing that again, but that's all part of life. Try again, don't shut yourself in, there are tons of really great people around for you to know and enjoy their company and everything else.
  4. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to saishuu in PS COMPANY new band "ZOL" has formed   
    RHYOLITE is shook
  5. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Mamo in chemicalpictures' favorites of 2016   
    What's up everyone! I'm glad we are doing this again, last year was so much fun! So here's my list of best songs of 2016. I had to set a few rules to not overdo it, (and I don't think it worked that well, look at that wall of text below) which were:
    - At least one song per month;
    - Maximum of 20 songs;
    - Maximum of 3 songs per month;
    Below the champions there's a few runner ups that kinda deserved to be talked about, but would make this even bigger, so...
    Let's go!

    DEZERT - A & Seion
    So, only having 20 songs to choose from, DEZERT got 2 on january because they fuckin earned it. "A" is a banger that has everything one expects from them: Heavily distorted guitars, chiaki alternating between his regular to screaming like a madman (which by the way, is one of the best screamers on the scene right now.) blunt, almost blowing the amplifier bass lines, strong, loud drums. Top notch recording makes it all sounds like they are playing in your room. All of this packed on a album intro of 2:42, that will leave you dizzied like being sucker punched. That ending is 02:17 is some real moshpit eargasm.
    "Seion" shows how diverse they can be. Saikou no Shokutaku is some proof that the boys can do some real emotional stuff without losing their characteristic heaviness. Chiaku lets his mates takes the spot here, miyako, sora and saz kicks so much ass. Highlights to that amazing bridge and mid breakdown, this is some real live anthem.And mad props for their sound engineer, it ain't easy to go full raw, rough-on-the-edges with the instruments and still making it sound clear and equalized.(I'm looking at you, Leda.) This whole album is so tight that if you live under a rock and haven't listened to it yet, do it right now.

    NIA is a favorite from years now, both auncia and ANSIA had some killer tunes, and certainly NIA wouldn't disappoint. "PRAYER" is textbook Hikari. The way he makes the orchestral arrangement an integral and cohesive part of the song is why I really appreciate his writing. It starts with Tatsuki almost chanting with some gorgeous feminine vocals, who really contrasts with him, making for a beautiful duo. Jin guitars gently guiding them into a powerful chorus, complementing the experience. The second verse is my absolute favorite part, it's impossible not to start humming along with them. it builds up on a rocker ending, creating a powerful and emotional ending for a real nice contrast. to top it of, some beautiful lyrics will surely make you go all "IIII NEEED YOOOOU HEEEERE" with Tatsuki by the end. My boy Rega really did them good, and its a fuckin shame they went on hiatus this year. But in Hikari we trust!

    DIV - sakura yume
    March was a bloody good month for japanese music, and was the only one I was adamant on having 3 songs featured. and "Sakura Yume" is the first one to be mentioned. I don't think the mini was as well received as the boys expected, cuz people do tend to freak out on bands trying new sounds. And they shouldn't in this case. "Sakura Yume" is THE PERFECT mix up of vk electronic rock that can make you dance like crazy and still give you all the feels in the world. that bridge, man. I can totally see  the lightwork hitting and leading people into getting WILD when the chorus hits. Chisa SOARS in it, all being guided by some fantastic drum lines, which are not electronic, so props to them for stickin to their rock roots. Keeping it all real while infusing some house music vibes was such a wise decision.  (SIDE RANT: BOO to Sakura and Chobi to quit the band.) This is the higher DIV reached when trying EDR, and I can't wait for what Chisa and Shogo got for us this year.

    SuG - Smells Like Virgin Spirit
    After BLACK, I never thought SuG would be able to do something as good as. Boy, I was wrong. "Smells Like Virgin Spirit" kicks so much ass I even have a hard time assimilating that this is the same SuG that did shit like "Gimme Gimme". It may not be their hardest song (I think MISSING still gets it), but this is the sweet spot between some raw emotion and punk rock vibes. Great bass lines and drums guides the whole song, while Takeru pours out during the whole song. The woooh oooh is so, so fuckin emotional I dare you not to sing along. Punk influences did a really good number on them, Shinpei drums improved so much, he really sets the foundation for one of SuG's best work so far. This is the side the boys should be exploring, not that embarassing edgy mess that was SHUDDUP.

    FAR EAST DIZAIN - inhale
    Oh Boy. Inhale. My mind was blown so hard when I first listened to this. FED certainly had not lived up to the expectations with their album, but such talented musicians could not have forgotten how to do good music. That intro, leading into that AMAZING drums and bass duel, pouring into such powerful vocals is what I've waited for my hole life. He pours his heart entirely in it, going with some AMAZING, real lyrics that resonates in a deep, personal level. I think we call all agree we've experienced what he talks about in some point in our lives, and it goes right in the feels for me. (SIDE RANT TWO: If you think Keita is a bad vocalist, you will totally pick a fight with me. I agree that FED may not get the best from him, but what that boy did in CodeRebirth should serve as enough proof that he is a GOD) There's so many things to talk about here. Leda does not try to steal the show, and guiding the song to more bass-y foundation was the best thing he could do. It really amped-up the emotions here. It has a small problem of of sound engineering decision, which is sometimes make the drums sounds really compressed, like it was all recorded in a bathroom. But this is a Leda trademark, so I think he actually likes it, go figure. But it does not make the song less powerfull. That brilliant chorus goes on, ending in some great shouts by Keita, and Sujk murdering some infidels ass, making up for the greatest FED experience so far. I hope for more Inhale, less Zenith in the future. Please, guys!

    We start april with LOKA. While I've always loved Kihiro's vocals, I also always thought LOKA's songs were good, but not really memorable. Until EVO:ERA. This mini really shows the boys stepping up their game. The electronic infusion is a really nice touch, injected life in their compositions that, while may not be that mind-blowing, really does enable Kihiro to show is prowess, and the amazing, AMAZING lyrics (which kinda reminds me of Ken Lloyd's works) makes for such a real, palpable experience that I dare you again to not sing along (thaaaanks @Seraphinne for sharing the scans, you rock!). Shout out to the drumming, kinda DnB-y, again showing that infusing electronic vibes really diversifies their sound. It's really all about the lyrics, guys. Most of the times it does not makes much difference, but here it amps up the song SO MUCH. The whole mini is amazing, so go check it out!

    the GazettE - UNDYING
    The other april pick is crowd's favorites the GazettE. Following up the not so great "UGLY" and the really great DOGMA, "UNDYING" is the perfect final piece of that project. That intro's soundwall is probably the heaviest GazettE ever done, and it's soooo good. leads to a punk rock inspired verse, that ends in one of my complaints of GazettE writing formula: the unecessary reliance on soft vocals, which does not add that much to the song. But it does not reeeally pull it down, as soon after, a real emotional chorus enters, and makes up for it. the verse on the second park ends in a freaking cathartic breakdown that elevates the whole thing to 11. Amazing drumming, above-the-standards competent guitars makes for a cohesive experience, that probably should have been part of DOGMA, but do hold it's ground as a single.

    XENON - Alice da Vinci
    In may we had some pretty great releases, but I'll stick which a personal favorite of mine, that most of you probably won't even heard about: XENON's "Alice da Vinci". Yeah, I know it wasn't really released this year, but this is a new recording of it that completely overhauls and gives a new life to it, so it earned its place here. Simple composition and structure, with some classic electronic sprinkle that vk does, but with a special flavor: Leo's voice. The acoustic guitar sweeps nicely on the background, drum setting the stage to Leo shine. The dueling vocals on the bridge prepares for a beauty of a chorus, another sing-a-long (courtesy of Mr. @DarkPaladin, thanks so much for sharing that booklet!) gem that hits right in the feels. Leo's nasal tone may not be for everyone, but if you are familiar with XENON you know the man can sing. And the guys do chorus like few others, of pure, raw emotion. It ends up with some kick-ass heartfelt guitar solo, for an experience that's way shorter than it should be. Boys gotta come back SOON, miss them so much already!

    "LAY YOUR HANDS ON ME" secured their spot here mostly because of what this song represents. Some of you should know about Kawashima's hardly fought battle against a recurring brain tumor, that sadly won and took him over way too early from us, this year. But even being severely impaired by his disease, Kawashima was able to leave us a farewell present. Even with everything going on, "LAY YOUR HANDS ON ME" brings a bittersweet message of hope and happiness that, even when everything brings you down, you will get up, you should stand tall. It's a dancey, feelgood electronic song, that does not really convey the sense of grandeur BBS usually goes for, but completely fulfill its mission of celebrating BBS and their fans, urging you to go deep into your joy and cheerfulness, to fly out, just like that kiddo on the PV. We'll forever be BOOM BOOM SATELLITES!

    Hakujitsu no Yume - jirei 02 -oinori-
    "oinori" almost instantly caught over my attention as soon as I listed to the preview. I was absolutely sure this was the Shounenki I used to love. and I was right. This song conveys everything I love about the boys, specially Kou. While the song structure is partly inspired by the aesthetics of Hakujitsu no Yume (the talking lyrics are interesting, but this song deserved more) that corny, almost teenage-y angst that pours emotion that was Shounenki's mark perfectly describes this chorus. Kou goes over the top, singing his all, nodding all the brilliance previously shown in "WEAKNESS_MY BLOOD". Pretty great drums (PLEASE SHARE THE REAL RIP IF YOU HAVE IT, I BEG YOU), some vk bleep-blop on the right ammount leads to an ending part that is emotional as fuck, and secured my faith that Amai Boryoku's first single was just a bump on the road.

    FoLLoW - Ningyohime
    I've reviewed "Ningyohime" before here, and the song still keeps getting better and better. When talking of soft, mellow vocalists, Masashi should be high on any vk list you make. Guy is so good. Add the fact that he's a hell of a songwriter, which perfectly sets the ground for him to shine. The way the song starts doesn't seems it will be such an emotional ride, but as soon as the guitar picks up you can feel what's coming. Sweet bass lines gives help Masashi slides through the verse, leading to brilliant, heartfelt chorus. All of that being steadly guided by some rhythmic, simple yet powerful drums, that makes the difference without stealing the show. This is all about Masashi's voice and lyrics that, my god. That's some absolutely great lyrics. (shoutout to @hiroki's INCREDIBLE translation, go check it out!) it all leads up to a classic vk up-in-tempo-second-half, creating a powerful, explosive emotional experience that I'm damn sad I'll never be able to check out in a concert. It's almost a crime Ningyohime wasn't featured on their Full album.

    girugamesh - period
    period is a song I'll never understand. chimera was not that great, neither was gravitation. How come the guys release such a jaw-dropping piece of music and call its quits right after? "period" is the culmination of the evolution girugamesh went through all these years. absolutely incredible main riff, drums blasting of your face, Satoshi screaming like a goddamn monster. Looks like the band gave all their best on the last release, they've never sounded so cohesive before. The whole heavy, industrial atmosphere, that ranges from Satoshi's sweet chant to all hell breaking lose in the end, taking you from a sweet safe spot to the dread and despair of that soulfelt break down. Jesus Christ. This is a fuckin testament to their skills, a last kick in the guts from a band that, if this indicates anything, had so much more to offer us. A damn shame.

    Pinocchio - Zetsubou Drive
    This is another tune that probably flew under the radar of most of you. "Zetsubou Drive" is not an mindblowing song by any means, but there are several points here that are real proof of japanese unique catchiness when talking about compositions. Ryuuto's writing style is a mix of vk and mainstream, I feel Pinocchio could drop vk anytime and go full indie that nobody would notice. The way he plays with going on and off, melodic and straightforward with the guitars is so interesting and it's real nice to see a guitarrist focusing so much on bass, it really pump blood in the veins here. lovely guitar on the end finishes the song on a nice note. I get that his voice may not be a good fit for everyone, maybe he would do better forming a band instead of flying solo, but until them, Pinocchio is a treat for those who enjoy indie vibes on their vk tea.

    Pentagon - Senkou Hanabi
    Zekkyou! was my first time with Pentagon, and I wasn't really feeling it until Senkou Hanabi hit. It was a fun-ish, kinda dorky road until they hit me with some serious, emotional filled song, with some actually really great composition. Instruments here are all tight. probably one of the best bass lines of later 2016. I admit I don't see much appeal on the vocalist tones, but it really does not matter in the bigger picture. You can feel this is an honest, heart to heart piece. Gently guitars contrasting with a somewhat agressive, yet restrained drum line that kicks so much ass. He was REALLY inspired here, the are great in its wholesome, but the solo in the end is as great as it is innovative when talking about vk. just for that you should seriously check this song.

    Develop One's Faculties - Kanjou Treatment
    Another bloody good tune dropped by the jewel in the crown of VK music, and it does not waste time kicking you ass this time. Already launching it with some nice violins leading to a powerful chorus that hits all the right spots. Johannes, as genious as ever, sets the tempo masterfully, setting the scene for Yuya to double down on the feels with his slick guitar and emotive voice tone. Its quite straightforward piece that goes right to the point: to set an atmosphere of high, elevated feel-goodness that rushs through feelings leaves you dazzled by the end. All hail DOF.

    downy - Umi no Shijima
    Downy is a band I'm guilty of ignoring in the past, and boy I've been missing out on some incredible shit. absolutely brilliant Off-tempo drums, Robin's mellow voice that sometimes sounds like its talking directly to you, other times it's so cold that doesn't even notice your existence. Guitar lines that sometimes you may even miss and others kicking you in the nuts with their sleekness. I don't think a song can get more atmospheric than this, and I also don't think a band can cooler than downy.

    HEROINE - kashuu
    While I love nigu for starting this project, I also hate him for making kashuu more of a intro than a full-lenght song. The intro part is amazing as it is, some sweet guitar lines giving a mysterious, yet beautiful vibe. But when he starts singing, the magic happens. Nigu's characteristic low tune voice is quite delicate here, going up and down, bringing you together with everymove. Yuya's guitars indicates something is changing, and oh boy it does. It all comes together and explodes in a brilliant, beautiful chorus. Nigu's vocals, almost like an one-man choir, trancends into a uplifting yet full of sorrow singing that ends the song way too soon, but makes me more than excited for what's coming next.

    The first thing that came to my mind when I saw RAZOR in the news was: "Hell yeah, thank god MBHI boys are back". I like Ryouga's vocals alright, but born never did much to me. The song starts already better than half of born's disco. Ryouga machinegunning from 00:34 to 00:48 sold me completely that the problem there was in their compositions. Needless to say Kouryuu SLAYS, man I've missed my djent vk fix. "ANOTHER" serves perfectly as a greeting card, one more hell of a sucker punch, this time MBHI style, to leave you on the floor for what the boys have in store for you.

    When everyone tought 2016 couldn't deliver anymore, Juri and the boys give us one last gift. "BE PROUD" is exactly what DELUHI would've become if they lasted longer. The song already starts laying ground for some over usage of melodic shouts, which I warmly welcome. Juri alternates between harsh and clean vocals back and forth, while everyone goes crazy on the back. The chorus is all over the place, but I really don't mind. While the solo guitar is a bit over, the Rhythmic one is fuckin nostalgic, a great nod to pop-punk back in 00's and it absolutely fits. It fits so perfectly that I don't think they've planned that, lol. This song tries too much, I can see that. but it's absolutely honest. It's like the guys are figuring a direction, and you can see several pieces of brilliance here and there. Juri voice is as catchy as ever, chorus stick in your mind like glue, and its probably a banger live. What could you ask more? Can't wait for an official release version and their future releases, they can steal 2017 for them if they try hard enough.
    Runner ups:
    January: REIGN - Nemurihime / dadaroma - KURT / D=OUT - SM / Pinocchio - HELLO HOLLOW, Ryuusei LYRICAL
    February: DALLE - Asphalt / ANOMIY - You Complete Me
    March: glamhaze - chippoke na pride / Satsuki - Apocalypse / SHADOWS - Forest / LONDBOY - iris / More - The Hanged Man / LOKA - Half Past Late, Calling
    April: Neverland - Daydream / Develop One's Faculties - Seijou Towa, psychedelic modulation
    May: SCAPEGOAT - Kokuhaku_tokidoki, ame / sever black paranoia - Trap of Love (feat. Teeda), The Last Vengeance (feat. Kaname Akamine) / GRIMOIRE - Never End
    June: Kimi wa Surudoku. - Nabiku DRESS ni Temaneku Juuryoku
    July: MIGIMIMI sleep tight - Puputan, Wonder Wave / THE EGOIST - Red Ache
    August: ZIZ - Superbsaw[Reincarnate] / Kuroyuri to Kage - Sennou / ZON - Re:Night, Jellyfish / Pentagon - Teenage
    September: Buck-Tick - cum uh sol nu -フラスコの別種-, New World / TK from Ling Tosite Sigure - Wonder Palette, Addictive Dancer, White Out / Someday's Gone - She won't forget / SCAPEGOAT - Hedoro
    October: Yasutaka Nakata - NANIMONO (feat. Kenshi Yonezu) -extended mix- / MONOEYES - Get Up / Blu-BiLLioN - Kono te ni Aru Mono
    November: Dragon Ash - Hikari no Machi / Nothing's Carved In Stone - Adventures / xaa-xaa - Yomei / RAINDIA - Hekiraku no Higanbana / Arimura Ryutaro - Fuyuu / FIXER - Invade / DEZERT - Hentai
    December: 88kasyo Junrei - shikou
  6. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Serox in 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 new single 『ジョーカーゲーム』(Joker game) release   
    have they made an official announcement, or mentioned that somewhere? cuz if it's true, that's a damn shame. it would be like klaha never doing a gack era song just because so...
  7. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Serox in 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 new single 『ジョーカーゲーム』(Joker game) release   
    not ONE Soshi era song? no HIKARI,  B.I.O.S., lost minerva, GIGA WORLD?
    looks like I'm gonna pass this one, thank you
  8. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Visutox in ONE OK ROCK - New Album Ambitions   
    really really nice live ver. MUST WATCH.
  9. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from eiheartx in 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 new single 『ジョーカーゲーム』(Joker game) release   
    not ONE Soshi era song? no HIKARI,  B.I.O.S., lost minerva, GIGA WORLD?
    looks like I'm gonna pass this one, thank you
  10. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Alsdead14 in ONE OK ROCK - New Album Ambitions   
    really really nice live ver. MUST WATCH.
  11. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from doombox in ONE OK ROCK - New Album Ambitions   
    really really nice live ver. MUST WATCH.
  12. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to indigo in indigo's unpopular favorites of 2016   
    indigo's unpopular favorites of 2016
    It's a little after midnight here, so basically I missed the deadline, but it's still sunday somewhere! I'm not in it for the prize really, I just wanted to get this list out there for fun so I didn't really invest in creativity, it's just a simple list. I imagine these artists won't appear on many - if any - lists. It's good to have a bit of diversity too, right?
    Some of these videos might be blocked for you, my apologies for that!
    Here are the Japanese albums I enjoyed the most last year!
    ムニムニ (Munimuni) - A KILLS A
    I feel like this album would be on a bunch of EOTY lists if it wasn't for the hmm... unique vocals. I have never been bothered by his voice, though. And he uses his lower register a lot more on this mini-album anyway. I must admit the vocal melodies and delivery can be for an acquired taste. Every time I hear someone say "I love the music but can't stand the vocals" about a band I enjoy, it makes me particularly happy for some weird reason. Few of us have been waiting for new Munimuni material for ages and finally we got a new mini-album! A KILLS A is only 17 and half minutes long but it's still something. And that something is 17 and half minutes of quality music: melancholic rock with fucking awesome atmospheric, wailing shoegazey guitar. Just listen to it on BIG MONEY or NEO SONG, for example. Third song &4 is the weakest point on the album but it's still good.
    Sample song
    Highlights: BIG MONEY, NEO SONG, KOGEN
    Age Factory - LOVE
    I'm not entirely sure, but I like to think that this album is about a summer, two teenagers and first love. As you know, everything feels 10 times worse when you're a teenager, especially a break up. This album has that whole bittersweet, exaggerated end of the world atmosphere. You could almost cut these feels with a knife. I simply adore the vocalist's voice, I just want to give him a man-hug and say "it's alright". It's near impossible to pick a favorite song, they're all my favorites. This album needs to be listened to from start to finish as one consistent piece of music. For me "LOVE" hit hard, one of my favorite rock albums in a long time. 
    Sample song
    Highlights: EVERYTHING, maybe with the exception of Veranda

    iri - Groove it
    I stumbled upon iri's music randomly. I saw the cover art and was intrigued. A few youtube song samples later I was excited. After the full album I was hooked. The album is influenced by urban music; R&B, soul, funk, hip-hop. The production on the album is smooth and groovy. The list of producers include mabanua (ナイトグルーヴ), STUTS (Wandering) and Kenmochi Hidefumi (breaking dawn, フェイバリット女子) among others. iri's voice is soulful and despite her young age she sounds mature. There's even some parts where she is rapping but she is comfortable with it, it doesn't sound awkward or try-hard. Perfect music for a night drive in the city!
    Sample song
    Highlights: breaking dawn, Wandering
    友川カズキ (Kazuki Tomokawa) - 光るクレヨン (Gleaming Crayon)
    Tomokawa has been around for a long time. He's been churning out albums regularly for 40 years and I think we're close to 30 studio albums by now. He's known for his avant-folk style of music and Gleaming Crayon continues on the same line. The most well-known characteristic of Tomokawa is his idiosyncratic voice, I'd describe his technique as "coughing-your-lungs-out". It's desperate, disgusting, intimidating. Most of the time his voice is accompanied by acoustic guitar. There's also some occasional instruments; distressing drums, scary strings, sporadic saxophone, you name it but which ever the instrument, it's always a harrowing feat.
    Sample song
    Highlights: つつじ, 愉楽
    SALU - Good Morning
    I remember when I saw the PV of first single Tomorrowland and thought to myself "this is trash". Well, since then I have changed my opinion a bit, it's still my least favorite song though but the rest of the album makes up for it. The opener "All I Want feat. Salyu" is a strong one. It's nothing like "Tomorrowland". It's an emotional song, with a piano-based beat. The subdued "la la la's" which serve as a chorus are beautiful and last minute lets Salyu shine. The production on this album is great for the most part, it's soulful. There's jazzy horns, piano aaaaand I just noticed that I love to list instruments. SALU flows on these beats effortlessly and he got some good hooks. There's surprisingly lot of singing too, like on "How Beautiful" and "Lily". All featuring artists do a great job, there aren't any rappers but singers Salyu and Mika Nakashima and trumpeter Kuroda Takaya. Especially Salyu almost steals the show on her feature.
    Sample song
    Highlights: All I Want feat. Salyu, How Beautiful, タイムカプセル
    Yellow Studs - door
    There are bands that I wish would evolve with every album, and then there's bands like Yellow Studs. They have basically been doing the same thing since forming - garage-ish rock with hints of jazz - never really changing their sound, and damn I'm glad they haven't! They have nice melodies, raspy vocals and great instrumentation with catchy guitars, cool upright bass and some lovely keyboard/piano. I've always enjoyed their faster tempo songs the most, and this album proves it true again. おはよう (Ohayo) is a great example, it might be one of the best songs they've done so far and it's one of my favorite songs of 2016! It's simply a fun album which never fails to lift my spirits. 
    Sample song
    Highlights: ガラクタ, おはよう
  13. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to CAT5 in CAT's Top 20 Favorite Albums of 2016!   
    Greetings, monochromians and netizens at large! I'm a bit late, but here are my top 20 Favorite Albums (and mini-albums) of 2016. In this list, I've made no distinction between Japanese and International releases, since I enjoyed much fewer non-Japanese albums in 2016 than usual. I usually never bother ranking my AOTY lists, but I wanted to give it a shot this year for fun. I do think the rankings reflect my general sentiments in a way, but...don't read too much into them lol. XD
    Lastly, Please note that this list isn't meant to be some kind of objective statement on the music released last year - this is simply a recollection of the albums I enjoyed most in 2016. So have a look around, and if you have any thoughts to share, please feel free! (I also made some short audio samples for each track, for those who might be curious!)
    Let's get into it!  

    The Heart Speaks In Whispers by Corinne Bailey Rae
      While this album didn't entirely live up to the lofty expectations set by 2010's The Sea, there was still a lot here for me to enjoy! Corinne dabbled in her usual pop fare, but it was the strong, classic r&b and soul influences throughout the record that truly struck a chord. I adore her usually refined and elegant approach to songwriting, but it was great to hear her stretch those fantastic vocal chords and really go for it at times too.

    SECRETS by Deep Sea Diver
      At the risk of sounding like a complete and utter weeb, I must admit that's it's been incredibly difficult for me to find American indie-rock bands that cater to my taste. There are, of course, some that I enjoy, but on the whole, few seem to possess the kind of rhythmic and melodic sensibilities that I go for. Seattle's Deep Sea Diver are an exception, though. They're certainly not innovators by any means, but they do have an understated quirkiness that I find extremely charming!

    TAXIS by koh nakashima
      I'm a bit surprised that there's not much mention of this guy in the Western Jpop sphere. For me, he's been one of the most impressive and promising newcomers to hit the scene. He seemingly came out of nowhere, dropping two EPs - RAFT and TAXIS - just a few months apart. I found TAXIS especially appealing for its nostalgic, yet refreshing blend of house, city-pop, uk garage, and pop. This also gets extra points for being one of the few releases where me and @beni's taste actually converge! 

      Speaking of nostalgia - NakamuraEmi also won me over with an acoustic-pop style that hearkens back to early 00's jpop. Though, like Koh Nakashima, she brings a hip flair to her music and even skillfully incorporates a rap flow at times; which is something of a normal occurrence in Jpop these days thanks to acts like daoko and suiyoubi no campanella. Funnily enough, "NIPPONNO ONNAWO UTAU BEST" is simultaneously Nakamura's major debut while also serving as a best-of album for her indie material. This was my first experience with her (as it probably was for most people), and I'm nothing short of impressed. She already has a well established sound, honed from years of toiling away in obscurity, and I can't wait to hear what's next for her.

    Word in the Petals by CHERRYBOY FUNCTION
      Unless you're some kind of Japanese club music aficionado, then chances are you probably haven't heard of CHERRYBOY FUNCTION. Hell, even if you're just a casual fan of electronica, coming across him or his music is unlikely given his sufficiently weak social network game and scanty remix work. Yet despite this, he's been quietly cranking out his bleeps & bloops via the small record label ExT Recordings for about a decade now, and also plays alongside more prominent electronic acts like DE DE MOUSE and TOFUBEATS. Word in the Petals is just another great dose of his colorful techno and house grooves.

      Despite their prominence as one of the western fanbase's treasured indie bands of the 00's, I was never much of a VELTPUNCH fan. Even when I first listened to this album, I wrote it off as being decent, but nothing more. Yet for reasons unknown to me, I gave it another try and it actually began to click, growing on me with each repeat listen. With a whopping fourteen tracks, clocking in at over an hour, the album does drag on for a bit too long. I might have placed this higher in the list if the pleasant-but-forgettable tracks were omitted in favor of the stronger moments, but there's still more than enough raucous indie-rock fun here to keep me coming back! 

    LAST WALTZ by world's end girlfriend
      This was actually my first time listening to a WEG record, and to be honest, it just barely made my list. Not because I didn't enjoy it, but because it's simply a massive record and I felt I hadn't properly digested it yet. Though the fact that I still included it is a testament to the impression that's it's left on me. LAST WALTZ is an expansive amalgam of beautiful, cinematic landscapes, twisted distortion, and gritty electronics - right up my alley. I'll definitely enjoy continuing to digest this one in the year ahead.

    freeform jazz by uyama hiroto
      Uyama Hiroto will probably be viewed as the spiritual successor to his peer and collaborator, the late Nujabes. However, with all due respect, I would say that this album has propelled him into a league of his own. While not technically "free-jazz", it certainly feels less bound than his previous works. It's a more musical effort overall, and the drumwork is especially more organic than before, as opposed to the straightforward boom-bap approach that similar artists take. In fact, you can hardly categorize this as just "jazzy hip-hop" anymore. Hell, the entire album only has one actual rap feature (and thankfully so, because I can't stomach cheesy backpacker rap!). It's an exquisite listen with fantastic vibes.

    remix04 rem by Chouchou
      I've followed Chouchou casually for years now, but this album has completely cemented me as a fan. It's a self-remix album in the which duo have reworked their songs completely into ambient piano pieces, and it's astoundingly gorgeous! It's so well done that this albums feels like a new, cohesive work of its own, as opposed to an assortment of previously released tracks. I'd love for them to continue along this style.

      Wowaka's musical mind never ceases to amaze me. As a former vocaloid producer, he brings to HITORIE all of the colorful melodies and infectious riffs that I love, while thankfully leaving the actual vocaloid at home. If it weren't for the tail end of the album, DEEPER would have been much higher in rank, but the first half is so strong and has received SO MUCH playtime from me that it warrants a place on this list!

    "inori de wa todokanai kyori" by JYOCHO
      The spirit of uchuu combini being resurrected in the form of JYOCHO was no doubt the biggest year-end surprise for me. For the most part, JYOCHO picks up exactly where the band left off, except this time adding a flutist into the arrangement. Even the new vocalist Rionos is barely distinguishable from uchuu's Emichoco. All in all, It's a lovely dose of math-pop, and just what I needed in my musical diet last year.

      These 4-piece alt. rockers appeared with yet another awesome debut EP last year. Citing influences such as Fugazi and Japanese indie legends NUMBER GIRL and Bloodthirsty Butchers, these guys play a style of rock that smashes together fun and catchy melodies with pure, spastic rawness! At a time where the smooth grooves of city-pop and the chilled sounds of western indie are trending in the J-indie world, THIS IS JAPAN is a breath of fresh air!

    Floa by Mammal Hands
      With the emergence of acts like mouse on the keys and fox capture plan, bands fusing post-rock with piano-based jazz seem to be appearing more these days. Mammal Hands was my latest discovery in this style, and unlike their labelmates GoGo Penguin (who also released a solid album in 2016), this trio are a bit more loyal to their jazz influences. They have a pretty awesome saxophonist, which definitely supplements their jazzy predilections and gives them a more notable edge over similar bands. I like to imagine that Floa is what Uyama Hiroto would sound like if he went in a more jazzy and cinematic direction.

    Flames & Figures by The Seshen
      The Seshen was another serendipitous new discovery for me last year. I stumbled across them while perusing one of my favorite UK music labels, Tru Thoughts, and I was enamored immediately. They make the kind of forward-thinking soul music that I love, with hints of electronica, synth-pop, and psychedelia all bundled into one, crisp, enthralling package. I've seen them described as "Little Dragon meets Erykah Badu", which is brilliant since I love those two. Apparently, they've also supported acts like Thundercat and Hiatus Kaiyote (who I also love!).

      No, you're not going crazy. This is, indeed, another HITORIE album on my list lol. They released two last year, and as you can see, I'm smitten with them both! IKI, however, is the second one to be released and also the better of the two. It doesn't have the powerhouse singles that DEEPER did, but it's the more cohesive and balanced work. Whereas DEEPER fizzles out towards the end, IKI is thoroughly engaging throughout. The amount of quality music that HITORIE released last year is just baffling!

    A Moon Shaped Pool by Radiohead
      I'm most likely a fan of any Japanese band that you can describe as sounding Radiohead-esque - sleepy.ab, downy, trico, wooderd chiarie, ar - so it only makes sense that I'd be a fan of the masters themselves. I can't even tell you why I like them so much, but I guess their sound just speaks to my heart on a visceral level. This album is like the soundtrack to a dream of infinitely unravelling splendor. The arrangements are gorgeous and the production is as pristine and masterful as it gets. Amazing!

    Ugly Slave Children by No Party for Cao Dong
      These Taiwanese rockers completely swept me off my feet after seeing what I'd easily consider my favorite music video of 2016. Admittedly, the album took a while to grow on me, with its unexpectedly danceable nature, but I've really come to love its uniquely passionate blend of grooves, mathy passages, and emo outbursts. 

    SONASILE by Shohei Amimori
      I was beginning to lose faith in PROGRESSIVE FOrM, my favorite Japanese electronic label, as the quality of their releases have been shoddy over past few years, but Shohei Amimori has completely dispelled my growing stigma with this album! SONASILE is an absolutely incredible sonic feast of colorful IDM and sunny glitch-pop. There are also hints of modern classical and jazz piano strewn throughout, and even some very strong Shibuya-Kei influences. I'm surprised that the western fandom seems to have overlooked this one!

    dai roku sakuhin-shu "mudai" by downy
      As expected, downy's 6th untitled album is absolutely singular! It's much different from their previous album, yet just as good. Robin Aoki's vocals are more prominent than they've ever been, and the production seems a bit more earthy and natural, as if the album was produced specifically with live performances in mind. It's brought out a new kind of warmth to their otherwise stark and cold, dystopian sound. The general soundscape of the album isn't as varied as their previous releases, but it works in downy's favor here. Instead of going for an outwardly expansive sound, the album plays out like the band exploring their own inner workings, and it's a whole new world unto itself. I'm not sure how these guys do it, but they keep evolving while remaining a uniquely potent force.

    siraph by siraph
      You know those "create your dream band" topics? Well, I've ruminated on those kinds of subjects quite a bit and never in a million years would I have thought to create a band as perfect as siraph. These guys are literally a dream come true - mostly due in part to the god-tier combination of haisuinonasa's Yoshimasa Terui and school food punishment's Masayuki Hasuo. Terui was the driving force behind haisinonasa and Hasuo was responsible for school food punishment's best material. With both bands in the throes of oblivion (the former appears to be on hiatus and the latter has been disbanded for years), their unique sounds seemed at danger of being lost to time. Thankfully, siraph has appeared with this godsend of a debut to save the day! The EP combines Terui's offbeat, math rock-sensibilities and Hasuo's eccentric synth grooves to brilliant effect. Both composers wrote three tracks each, and while their individual styles are obvious, they couldn't be any more complimentary as a unit. Singer Annabel completes the circle, bringing with her an anison charm that completely invigorates Hasuo and Terui's already imaginative compositions. With this EP, in addition to their demos and recent single, siraph has single-handedly made my 2016!
  14. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Mihenno in chemicalpictures' favorites of 2016   
    What's up everyone! I'm glad we are doing this again, last year was so much fun! So here's my list of best songs of 2016. I had to set a few rules to not overdo it, (and I don't think it worked that well, look at that wall of text below) which were:
    - At least one song per month;
    - Maximum of 20 songs;
    - Maximum of 3 songs per month;
    Below the champions there's a few runner ups that kinda deserved to be talked about, but would make this even bigger, so...
    Let's go!

    DEZERT - A & Seion
    So, only having 20 songs to choose from, DEZERT got 2 on january because they fuckin earned it. "A" is a banger that has everything one expects from them: Heavily distorted guitars, chiaki alternating between his regular to screaming like a madman (which by the way, is one of the best screamers on the scene right now.) blunt, almost blowing the amplifier bass lines, strong, loud drums. Top notch recording makes it all sounds like they are playing in your room. All of this packed on a album intro of 2:42, that will leave you dizzied like being sucker punched. That ending is 02:17 is some real moshpit eargasm.
    "Seion" shows how diverse they can be. Saikou no Shokutaku is some proof that the boys can do some real emotional stuff without losing their characteristic heaviness. Chiaku lets his mates takes the spot here, miyako, sora and saz kicks so much ass. Highlights to that amazing bridge and mid breakdown, this is some real live anthem.And mad props for their sound engineer, it ain't easy to go full raw, rough-on-the-edges with the instruments and still making it sound clear and equalized.(I'm looking at you, Leda.) This whole album is so tight that if you live under a rock and haven't listened to it yet, do it right now.

    NIA is a favorite from years now, both auncia and ANSIA had some killer tunes, and certainly NIA wouldn't disappoint. "PRAYER" is textbook Hikari. The way he makes the orchestral arrangement an integral and cohesive part of the song is why I really appreciate his writing. It starts with Tatsuki almost chanting with some gorgeous feminine vocals, who really contrasts with him, making for a beautiful duo. Jin guitars gently guiding them into a powerful chorus, complementing the experience. The second verse is my absolute favorite part, it's impossible not to start humming along with them. it builds up on a rocker ending, creating a powerful and emotional ending for a real nice contrast. to top it of, some beautiful lyrics will surely make you go all "IIII NEEED YOOOOU HEEEERE" with Tatsuki by the end. My boy Rega really did them good, and its a fuckin shame they went on hiatus this year. But in Hikari we trust!

    DIV - sakura yume
    March was a bloody good month for japanese music, and was the only one I was adamant on having 3 songs featured. and "Sakura Yume" is the first one to be mentioned. I don't think the mini was as well received as the boys expected, cuz people do tend to freak out on bands trying new sounds. And they shouldn't in this case. "Sakura Yume" is THE PERFECT mix up of vk electronic rock that can make you dance like crazy and still give you all the feels in the world. that bridge, man. I can totally see  the lightwork hitting and leading people into getting WILD when the chorus hits. Chisa SOARS in it, all being guided by some fantastic drum lines, which are not electronic, so props to them for stickin to their rock roots. Keeping it all real while infusing some house music vibes was such a wise decision.  (SIDE RANT: BOO to Sakura and Chobi to quit the band.) This is the higher DIV reached when trying EDR, and I can't wait for what Chisa and Shogo got for us this year.

    SuG - Smells Like Virgin Spirit
    After BLACK, I never thought SuG would be able to do something as good as. Boy, I was wrong. "Smells Like Virgin Spirit" kicks so much ass I even have a hard time assimilating that this is the same SuG that did shit like "Gimme Gimme". It may not be their hardest song (I think MISSING still gets it), but this is the sweet spot between some raw emotion and punk rock vibes. Great bass lines and drums guides the whole song, while Takeru pours out during the whole song. The woooh oooh is so, so fuckin emotional I dare you not to sing along. Punk influences did a really good number on them, Shinpei drums improved so much, he really sets the foundation for one of SuG's best work so far. This is the side the boys should be exploring, not that embarassing edgy mess that was SHUDDUP.

    FAR EAST DIZAIN - inhale
    Oh Boy. Inhale. My mind was blown so hard when I first listened to this. FED certainly had not lived up to the expectations with their album, but such talented musicians could not have forgotten how to do good music. That intro, leading into that AMAZING drums and bass duel, pouring into such powerful vocals is what I've waited for my hole life. He pours his heart entirely in it, going with some AMAZING, real lyrics that resonates in a deep, personal level. I think we call all agree we've experienced what he talks about in some point in our lives, and it goes right in the feels for me. (SIDE RANT TWO: If you think Keita is a bad vocalist, you will totally pick a fight with me. I agree that FED may not get the best from him, but what that boy did in CodeRebirth should serve as enough proof that he is a GOD) There's so many things to talk about here. Leda does not try to steal the show, and guiding the song to more bass-y foundation was the best thing he could do. It really amped-up the emotions here. It has a small problem of of sound engineering decision, which is sometimes make the drums sounds really compressed, like it was all recorded in a bathroom. But this is a Leda trademark, so I think he actually likes it, go figure. But it does not make the song less powerfull. That brilliant chorus goes on, ending in some great shouts by Keita, and Sujk murdering some infidels ass, making up for the greatest FED experience so far. I hope for more Inhale, less Zenith in the future. Please, guys!

    We start april with LOKA. While I've always loved Kihiro's vocals, I also always thought LOKA's songs were good, but not really memorable. Until EVO:ERA. This mini really shows the boys stepping up their game. The electronic infusion is a really nice touch, injected life in their compositions that, while may not be that mind-blowing, really does enable Kihiro to show is prowess, and the amazing, AMAZING lyrics (which kinda reminds me of Ken Lloyd's works) makes for such a real, palpable experience that I dare you again to not sing along (thaaaanks @Seraphinne for sharing the scans, you rock!). Shout out to the drumming, kinda DnB-y, again showing that infusing electronic vibes really diversifies their sound. It's really all about the lyrics, guys. Most of the times it does not makes much difference, but here it amps up the song SO MUCH. The whole mini is amazing, so go check it out!

    the GazettE - UNDYING
    The other april pick is crowd's favorites the GazettE. Following up the not so great "UGLY" and the really great DOGMA, "UNDYING" is the perfect final piece of that project. That intro's soundwall is probably the heaviest GazettE ever done, and it's soooo good. leads to a punk rock inspired verse, that ends in one of my complaints of GazettE writing formula: the unecessary reliance on soft vocals, which does not add that much to the song. But it does not reeeally pull it down, as soon after, a real emotional chorus enters, and makes up for it. the verse on the second park ends in a freaking cathartic breakdown that elevates the whole thing to 11. Amazing drumming, above-the-standards competent guitars makes for a cohesive experience, that probably should have been part of DOGMA, but do hold it's ground as a single.

    XENON - Alice da Vinci
    In may we had some pretty great releases, but I'll stick which a personal favorite of mine, that most of you probably won't even heard about: XENON's "Alice da Vinci". Yeah, I know it wasn't really released this year, but this is a new recording of it that completely overhauls and gives a new life to it, so it earned its place here. Simple composition and structure, with some classic electronic sprinkle that vk does, but with a special flavor: Leo's voice. The acoustic guitar sweeps nicely on the background, drum setting the stage to Leo shine. The dueling vocals on the bridge prepares for a beauty of a chorus, another sing-a-long (courtesy of Mr. @DarkPaladin, thanks so much for sharing that booklet!) gem that hits right in the feels. Leo's nasal tone may not be for everyone, but if you are familiar with XENON you know the man can sing. And the guys do chorus like few others, of pure, raw emotion. It ends up with some kick-ass heartfelt guitar solo, for an experience that's way shorter than it should be. Boys gotta come back SOON, miss them so much already!

    "LAY YOUR HANDS ON ME" secured their spot here mostly because of what this song represents. Some of you should know about Kawashima's hardly fought battle against a recurring brain tumor, that sadly won and took him over way too early from us, this year. But even being severely impaired by his disease, Kawashima was able to leave us a farewell present. Even with everything going on, "LAY YOUR HANDS ON ME" brings a bittersweet message of hope and happiness that, even when everything brings you down, you will get up, you should stand tall. It's a dancey, feelgood electronic song, that does not really convey the sense of grandeur BBS usually goes for, but completely fulfill its mission of celebrating BBS and their fans, urging you to go deep into your joy and cheerfulness, to fly out, just like that kiddo on the PV. We'll forever be BOOM BOOM SATELLITES!

    Hakujitsu no Yume - jirei 02 -oinori-
    "oinori" almost instantly caught over my attention as soon as I listed to the preview. I was absolutely sure this was the Shounenki I used to love. and I was right. This song conveys everything I love about the boys, specially Kou. While the song structure is partly inspired by the aesthetics of Hakujitsu no Yume (the talking lyrics are interesting, but this song deserved more) that corny, almost teenage-y angst that pours emotion that was Shounenki's mark perfectly describes this chorus. Kou goes over the top, singing his all, nodding all the brilliance previously shown in "WEAKNESS_MY BLOOD". Pretty great drums (PLEASE SHARE THE REAL RIP IF YOU HAVE IT, I BEG YOU), some vk bleep-blop on the right ammount leads to an ending part that is emotional as fuck, and secured my faith that Amai Boryoku's first single was just a bump on the road.

    FoLLoW - Ningyohime
    I've reviewed "Ningyohime" before here, and the song still keeps getting better and better. When talking of soft, mellow vocalists, Masashi should be high on any vk list you make. Guy is so good. Add the fact that he's a hell of a songwriter, which perfectly sets the ground for him to shine. The way the song starts doesn't seems it will be such an emotional ride, but as soon as the guitar picks up you can feel what's coming. Sweet bass lines gives help Masashi slides through the verse, leading to brilliant, heartfelt chorus. All of that being steadly guided by some rhythmic, simple yet powerful drums, that makes the difference without stealing the show. This is all about Masashi's voice and lyrics that, my god. That's some absolutely great lyrics. (shoutout to @hiroki's INCREDIBLE translation, go check it out!) it all leads up to a classic vk up-in-tempo-second-half, creating a powerful, explosive emotional experience that I'm damn sad I'll never be able to check out in a concert. It's almost a crime Ningyohime wasn't featured on their Full album.

    girugamesh - period
    period is a song I'll never understand. chimera was not that great, neither was gravitation. How come the guys release such a jaw-dropping piece of music and call its quits right after? "period" is the culmination of the evolution girugamesh went through all these years. absolutely incredible main riff, drums blasting of your face, Satoshi screaming like a goddamn monster. Looks like the band gave all their best on the last release, they've never sounded so cohesive before. The whole heavy, industrial atmosphere, that ranges from Satoshi's sweet chant to all hell breaking lose in the end, taking you from a sweet safe spot to the dread and despair of that soulfelt break down. Jesus Christ. This is a fuckin testament to their skills, a last kick in the guts from a band that, if this indicates anything, had so much more to offer us. A damn shame.

    Pinocchio - Zetsubou Drive
    This is another tune that probably flew under the radar of most of you. "Zetsubou Drive" is not an mindblowing song by any means, but there are several points here that are real proof of japanese unique catchiness when talking about compositions. Ryuuto's writing style is a mix of vk and mainstream, I feel Pinocchio could drop vk anytime and go full indie that nobody would notice. The way he plays with going on and off, melodic and straightforward with the guitars is so interesting and it's real nice to see a guitarrist focusing so much on bass, it really pump blood in the veins here. lovely guitar on the end finishes the song on a nice note. I get that his voice may not be a good fit for everyone, maybe he would do better forming a band instead of flying solo, but until them, Pinocchio is a treat for those who enjoy indie vibes on their vk tea.

    Pentagon - Senkou Hanabi
    Zekkyou! was my first time with Pentagon, and I wasn't really feeling it until Senkou Hanabi hit. It was a fun-ish, kinda dorky road until they hit me with some serious, emotional filled song, with some actually really great composition. Instruments here are all tight. probably one of the best bass lines of later 2016. I admit I don't see much appeal on the vocalist tones, but it really does not matter in the bigger picture. You can feel this is an honest, heart to heart piece. Gently guitars contrasting with a somewhat agressive, yet restrained drum line that kicks so much ass. He was REALLY inspired here, the are great in its wholesome, but the solo in the end is as great as it is innovative when talking about vk. just for that you should seriously check this song.

    Develop One's Faculties - Kanjou Treatment
    Another bloody good tune dropped by the jewel in the crown of VK music, and it does not waste time kicking you ass this time. Already launching it with some nice violins leading to a powerful chorus that hits all the right spots. Johannes, as genious as ever, sets the tempo masterfully, setting the scene for Yuya to double down on the feels with his slick guitar and emotive voice tone. Its quite straightforward piece that goes right to the point: to set an atmosphere of high, elevated feel-goodness that rushs through feelings leaves you dazzled by the end. All hail DOF.

    downy - Umi no Shijima
    Downy is a band I'm guilty of ignoring in the past, and boy I've been missing out on some incredible shit. absolutely brilliant Off-tempo drums, Robin's mellow voice that sometimes sounds like its talking directly to you, other times it's so cold that doesn't even notice your existence. Guitar lines that sometimes you may even miss and others kicking you in the nuts with their sleekness. I don't think a song can get more atmospheric than this, and I also don't think a band can cooler than downy.

    HEROINE - kashuu
    While I love nigu for starting this project, I also hate him for making kashuu more of a intro than a full-lenght song. The intro part is amazing as it is, some sweet guitar lines giving a mysterious, yet beautiful vibe. But when he starts singing, the magic happens. Nigu's characteristic low tune voice is quite delicate here, going up and down, bringing you together with everymove. Yuya's guitars indicates something is changing, and oh boy it does. It all comes together and explodes in a brilliant, beautiful chorus. Nigu's vocals, almost like an one-man choir, trancends into a uplifting yet full of sorrow singing that ends the song way too soon, but makes me more than excited for what's coming next.

    The first thing that came to my mind when I saw RAZOR in the news was: "Hell yeah, thank god MBHI boys are back". I like Ryouga's vocals alright, but born never did much to me. The song starts already better than half of born's disco. Ryouga machinegunning from 00:34 to 00:48 sold me completely that the problem there was in their compositions. Needless to say Kouryuu SLAYS, man I've missed my djent vk fix. "ANOTHER" serves perfectly as a greeting card, one more hell of a sucker punch, this time MBHI style, to leave you on the floor for what the boys have in store for you.

    When everyone tought 2016 couldn't deliver anymore, Juri and the boys give us one last gift. "BE PROUD" is exactly what DELUHI would've become if they lasted longer. The song already starts laying ground for some over usage of melodic shouts, which I warmly welcome. Juri alternates between harsh and clean vocals back and forth, while everyone goes crazy on the back. The chorus is all over the place, but I really don't mind. While the solo guitar is a bit over, the Rhythmic one is fuckin nostalgic, a great nod to pop-punk back in 00's and it absolutely fits. It fits so perfectly that I don't think they've planned that, lol. This song tries too much, I can see that. but it's absolutely honest. It's like the guys are figuring a direction, and you can see several pieces of brilliance here and there. Juri voice is as catchy as ever, chorus stick in your mind like glue, and its probably a banger live. What could you ask more? Can't wait for an official release version and their future releases, they can steal 2017 for them if they try hard enough.
    Runner ups:
    January: REIGN - Nemurihime / dadaroma - KURT / D=OUT - SM / Pinocchio - HELLO HOLLOW, Ryuusei LYRICAL
    February: DALLE - Asphalt / ANOMIY - You Complete Me
    March: glamhaze - chippoke na pride / Satsuki - Apocalypse / SHADOWS - Forest / LONDBOY - iris / More - The Hanged Man / LOKA - Half Past Late, Calling
    April: Neverland - Daydream / Develop One's Faculties - Seijou Towa, psychedelic modulation
    May: SCAPEGOAT - Kokuhaku_tokidoki, ame / sever black paranoia - Trap of Love (feat. Teeda), The Last Vengeance (feat. Kaname Akamine) / GRIMOIRE - Never End
    June: Kimi wa Surudoku. - Nabiku DRESS ni Temaneku Juuryoku
    July: MIGIMIMI sleep tight - Puputan, Wonder Wave / THE EGOIST - Red Ache
    August: ZIZ - Superbsaw[Reincarnate] / Kuroyuri to Kage - Sennou / ZON - Re:Night, Jellyfish / Pentagon - Teenage
    September: Buck-Tick - cum uh sol nu -フラスコの別種-, New World / TK from Ling Tosite Sigure - Wonder Palette, Addictive Dancer, White Out / Someday's Gone - She won't forget / SCAPEGOAT - Hedoro
    October: Yasutaka Nakata - NANIMONO (feat. Kenshi Yonezu) -extended mix- / MONOEYES - Get Up / Blu-BiLLioN - Kono te ni Aru Mono
    November: Dragon Ash - Hikari no Machi / Nothing's Carved In Stone - Adventures / xaa-xaa - Yomei / RAINDIA - Hekiraku no Higanbana / Arimura Ryutaro - Fuyuu / FIXER - Invade / DEZERT - Hentai
    December: 88kasyo Junrei - shikou
  15. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Deathtopi4 in $ali (IX-NINE-, ƵMØRA) solo project "the fragile's god children" resume activites & new releases   
    the fragile's god children new previews since 2013's full album "Espiazione" are available on his official youtube channel. No further details announced.
  16. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from enyx in $ali (IX-NINE-, ƵMØRA) solo project "the fragile's god children" resume activites & new releases   
    the fragile's god children new previews since 2013's full album "Espiazione" are available on his official youtube channel. No further details announced.
  17. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Started a new playthrough of Darkest Dungeon, I'm on week 40 and kinda tired of the constant grind. I think they overuse the bullshit moments for artificial difficult, and the progress is slowed unecessarily. May not finish it.
    Started Trails in the Sky too, looking good so far, the characters are trope-y, but they have heart. Some dialogues/reactions genuinely suprises me. The PC port is really lame tho, could've be much better optimized.
    Tons of Overwatch and some Division DZ to top it off
  18. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from aleshs in chemicalpictures' favorites of 2016   
    hey @doombox glad you enjoyed!
    Yeah, I think LOKA is at their all time high with this release, so many great songs, CALLING, HALF PAST LATE, PERFECT ENEMY...
    Kawashima's passing was incredibly sad, but also incredibly bittersweet. I really think they've managed it pretty well, allowing him to say his farewell to the fans and still spend time with his family when mattered the most. BBS legacy will live on!
    And those were 3 bands that I absolutely think still had so much fuel to burn... go figure...
  19. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from hiroki in LAYZis new maxi-single "RAIN" release   
  20. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Seimeisen in chemicalpictures' favorites of 2016   
    What's up everyone! I'm glad we are doing this again, last year was so much fun! So here's my list of best songs of 2016. I had to set a few rules to not overdo it, (and I don't think it worked that well, look at that wall of text below) which were:
    - At least one song per month;
    - Maximum of 20 songs;
    - Maximum of 3 songs per month;
    Below the champions there's a few runner ups that kinda deserved to be talked about, but would make this even bigger, so...
    Let's go!

    DEZERT - A & Seion
    So, only having 20 songs to choose from, DEZERT got 2 on january because they fuckin earned it. "A" is a banger that has everything one expects from them: Heavily distorted guitars, chiaki alternating between his regular to screaming like a madman (which by the way, is one of the best screamers on the scene right now.) blunt, almost blowing the amplifier bass lines, strong, loud drums. Top notch recording makes it all sounds like they are playing in your room. All of this packed on a album intro of 2:42, that will leave you dizzied like being sucker punched. That ending is 02:17 is some real moshpit eargasm.
    "Seion" shows how diverse they can be. Saikou no Shokutaku is some proof that the boys can do some real emotional stuff without losing their characteristic heaviness. Chiaku lets his mates takes the spot here, miyako, sora and saz kicks so much ass. Highlights to that amazing bridge and mid breakdown, this is some real live anthem.And mad props for their sound engineer, it ain't easy to go full raw, rough-on-the-edges with the instruments and still making it sound clear and equalized.(I'm looking at you, Leda.) This whole album is so tight that if you live under a rock and haven't listened to it yet, do it right now.

    NIA is a favorite from years now, both auncia and ANSIA had some killer tunes, and certainly NIA wouldn't disappoint. "PRAYER" is textbook Hikari. The way he makes the orchestral arrangement an integral and cohesive part of the song is why I really appreciate his writing. It starts with Tatsuki almost chanting with some gorgeous feminine vocals, who really contrasts with him, making for a beautiful duo. Jin guitars gently guiding them into a powerful chorus, complementing the experience. The second verse is my absolute favorite part, it's impossible not to start humming along with them. it builds up on a rocker ending, creating a powerful and emotional ending for a real nice contrast. to top it of, some beautiful lyrics will surely make you go all "IIII NEEED YOOOOU HEEEERE" with Tatsuki by the end. My boy Rega really did them good, and its a fuckin shame they went on hiatus this year. But in Hikari we trust!

    DIV - sakura yume
    March was a bloody good month for japanese music, and was the only one I was adamant on having 3 songs featured. and "Sakura Yume" is the first one to be mentioned. I don't think the mini was as well received as the boys expected, cuz people do tend to freak out on bands trying new sounds. And they shouldn't in this case. "Sakura Yume" is THE PERFECT mix up of vk electronic rock that can make you dance like crazy and still give you all the feels in the world. that bridge, man. I can totally see  the lightwork hitting and leading people into getting WILD when the chorus hits. Chisa SOARS in it, all being guided by some fantastic drum lines, which are not electronic, so props to them for stickin to their rock roots. Keeping it all real while infusing some house music vibes was such a wise decision.  (SIDE RANT: BOO to Sakura and Chobi to quit the band.) This is the higher DIV reached when trying EDR, and I can't wait for what Chisa and Shogo got for us this year.

    SuG - Smells Like Virgin Spirit
    After BLACK, I never thought SuG would be able to do something as good as. Boy, I was wrong. "Smells Like Virgin Spirit" kicks so much ass I even have a hard time assimilating that this is the same SuG that did shit like "Gimme Gimme". It may not be their hardest song (I think MISSING still gets it), but this is the sweet spot between some raw emotion and punk rock vibes. Great bass lines and drums guides the whole song, while Takeru pours out during the whole song. The woooh oooh is so, so fuckin emotional I dare you not to sing along. Punk influences did a really good number on them, Shinpei drums improved so much, he really sets the foundation for one of SuG's best work so far. This is the side the boys should be exploring, not that embarassing edgy mess that was SHUDDUP.

    FAR EAST DIZAIN - inhale
    Oh Boy. Inhale. My mind was blown so hard when I first listened to this. FED certainly had not lived up to the expectations with their album, but such talented musicians could not have forgotten how to do good music. That intro, leading into that AMAZING drums and bass duel, pouring into such powerful vocals is what I've waited for my hole life. He pours his heart entirely in it, going with some AMAZING, real lyrics that resonates in a deep, personal level. I think we call all agree we've experienced what he talks about in some point in our lives, and it goes right in the feels for me. (SIDE RANT TWO: If you think Keita is a bad vocalist, you will totally pick a fight with me. I agree that FED may not get the best from him, but what that boy did in CodeRebirth should serve as enough proof that he is a GOD) There's so many things to talk about here. Leda does not try to steal the show, and guiding the song to more bass-y foundation was the best thing he could do. It really amped-up the emotions here. It has a small problem of of sound engineering decision, which is sometimes make the drums sounds really compressed, like it was all recorded in a bathroom. But this is a Leda trademark, so I think he actually likes it, go figure. But it does not make the song less powerfull. That brilliant chorus goes on, ending in some great shouts by Keita, and Sujk murdering some infidels ass, making up for the greatest FED experience so far. I hope for more Inhale, less Zenith in the future. Please, guys!

    We start april with LOKA. While I've always loved Kihiro's vocals, I also always thought LOKA's songs were good, but not really memorable. Until EVO:ERA. This mini really shows the boys stepping up their game. The electronic infusion is a really nice touch, injected life in their compositions that, while may not be that mind-blowing, really does enable Kihiro to show is prowess, and the amazing, AMAZING lyrics (which kinda reminds me of Ken Lloyd's works) makes for such a real, palpable experience that I dare you again to not sing along (thaaaanks @Seraphinne for sharing the scans, you rock!). Shout out to the drumming, kinda DnB-y, again showing that infusing electronic vibes really diversifies their sound. It's really all about the lyrics, guys. Most of the times it does not makes much difference, but here it amps up the song SO MUCH. The whole mini is amazing, so go check it out!

    the GazettE - UNDYING
    The other april pick is crowd's favorites the GazettE. Following up the not so great "UGLY" and the really great DOGMA, "UNDYING" is the perfect final piece of that project. That intro's soundwall is probably the heaviest GazettE ever done, and it's soooo good. leads to a punk rock inspired verse, that ends in one of my complaints of GazettE writing formula: the unecessary reliance on soft vocals, which does not add that much to the song. But it does not reeeally pull it down, as soon after, a real emotional chorus enters, and makes up for it. the verse on the second park ends in a freaking cathartic breakdown that elevates the whole thing to 11. Amazing drumming, above-the-standards competent guitars makes for a cohesive experience, that probably should have been part of DOGMA, but do hold it's ground as a single.

    XENON - Alice da Vinci
    In may we had some pretty great releases, but I'll stick which a personal favorite of mine, that most of you probably won't even heard about: XENON's "Alice da Vinci". Yeah, I know it wasn't really released this year, but this is a new recording of it that completely overhauls and gives a new life to it, so it earned its place here. Simple composition and structure, with some classic electronic sprinkle that vk does, but with a special flavor: Leo's voice. The acoustic guitar sweeps nicely on the background, drum setting the stage to Leo shine. The dueling vocals on the bridge prepares for a beauty of a chorus, another sing-a-long (courtesy of Mr. @DarkPaladin, thanks so much for sharing that booklet!) gem that hits right in the feels. Leo's nasal tone may not be for everyone, but if you are familiar with XENON you know the man can sing. And the guys do chorus like few others, of pure, raw emotion. It ends up with some kick-ass heartfelt guitar solo, for an experience that's way shorter than it should be. Boys gotta come back SOON, miss them so much already!

    "LAY YOUR HANDS ON ME" secured their spot here mostly because of what this song represents. Some of you should know about Kawashima's hardly fought battle against a recurring brain tumor, that sadly won and took him over way too early from us, this year. But even being severely impaired by his disease, Kawashima was able to leave us a farewell present. Even with everything going on, "LAY YOUR HANDS ON ME" brings a bittersweet message of hope and happiness that, even when everything brings you down, you will get up, you should stand tall. It's a dancey, feelgood electronic song, that does not really convey the sense of grandeur BBS usually goes for, but completely fulfill its mission of celebrating BBS and their fans, urging you to go deep into your joy and cheerfulness, to fly out, just like that kiddo on the PV. We'll forever be BOOM BOOM SATELLITES!

    Hakujitsu no Yume - jirei 02 -oinori-
    "oinori" almost instantly caught over my attention as soon as I listed to the preview. I was absolutely sure this was the Shounenki I used to love. and I was right. This song conveys everything I love about the boys, specially Kou. While the song structure is partly inspired by the aesthetics of Hakujitsu no Yume (the talking lyrics are interesting, but this song deserved more) that corny, almost teenage-y angst that pours emotion that was Shounenki's mark perfectly describes this chorus. Kou goes over the top, singing his all, nodding all the brilliance previously shown in "WEAKNESS_MY BLOOD". Pretty great drums (PLEASE SHARE THE REAL RIP IF YOU HAVE IT, I BEG YOU), some vk bleep-blop on the right ammount leads to an ending part that is emotional as fuck, and secured my faith that Amai Boryoku's first single was just a bump on the road.

    FoLLoW - Ningyohime
    I've reviewed "Ningyohime" before here, and the song still keeps getting better and better. When talking of soft, mellow vocalists, Masashi should be high on any vk list you make. Guy is so good. Add the fact that he's a hell of a songwriter, which perfectly sets the ground for him to shine. The way the song starts doesn't seems it will be such an emotional ride, but as soon as the guitar picks up you can feel what's coming. Sweet bass lines gives help Masashi slides through the verse, leading to brilliant, heartfelt chorus. All of that being steadly guided by some rhythmic, simple yet powerful drums, that makes the difference without stealing the show. This is all about Masashi's voice and lyrics that, my god. That's some absolutely great lyrics. (shoutout to @hiroki's INCREDIBLE translation, go check it out!) it all leads up to a classic vk up-in-tempo-second-half, creating a powerful, explosive emotional experience that I'm damn sad I'll never be able to check out in a concert. It's almost a crime Ningyohime wasn't featured on their Full album.

    girugamesh - period
    period is a song I'll never understand. chimera was not that great, neither was gravitation. How come the guys release such a jaw-dropping piece of music and call its quits right after? "period" is the culmination of the evolution girugamesh went through all these years. absolutely incredible main riff, drums blasting of your face, Satoshi screaming like a goddamn monster. Looks like the band gave all their best on the last release, they've never sounded so cohesive before. The whole heavy, industrial atmosphere, that ranges from Satoshi's sweet chant to all hell breaking lose in the end, taking you from a sweet safe spot to the dread and despair of that soulfelt break down. Jesus Christ. This is a fuckin testament to their skills, a last kick in the guts from a band that, if this indicates anything, had so much more to offer us. A damn shame.

    Pinocchio - Zetsubou Drive
    This is another tune that probably flew under the radar of most of you. "Zetsubou Drive" is not an mindblowing song by any means, but there are several points here that are real proof of japanese unique catchiness when talking about compositions. Ryuuto's writing style is a mix of vk and mainstream, I feel Pinocchio could drop vk anytime and go full indie that nobody would notice. The way he plays with going on and off, melodic and straightforward with the guitars is so interesting and it's real nice to see a guitarrist focusing so much on bass, it really pump blood in the veins here. lovely guitar on the end finishes the song on a nice note. I get that his voice may not be a good fit for everyone, maybe he would do better forming a band instead of flying solo, but until them, Pinocchio is a treat for those who enjoy indie vibes on their vk tea.

    Pentagon - Senkou Hanabi
    Zekkyou! was my first time with Pentagon, and I wasn't really feeling it until Senkou Hanabi hit. It was a fun-ish, kinda dorky road until they hit me with some serious, emotional filled song, with some actually really great composition. Instruments here are all tight. probably one of the best bass lines of later 2016. I admit I don't see much appeal on the vocalist tones, but it really does not matter in the bigger picture. You can feel this is an honest, heart to heart piece. Gently guitars contrasting with a somewhat agressive, yet restrained drum line that kicks so much ass. He was REALLY inspired here, the are great in its wholesome, but the solo in the end is as great as it is innovative when talking about vk. just for that you should seriously check this song.

    Develop One's Faculties - Kanjou Treatment
    Another bloody good tune dropped by the jewel in the crown of VK music, and it does not waste time kicking you ass this time. Already launching it with some nice violins leading to a powerful chorus that hits all the right spots. Johannes, as genious as ever, sets the tempo masterfully, setting the scene for Yuya to double down on the feels with his slick guitar and emotive voice tone. Its quite straightforward piece that goes right to the point: to set an atmosphere of high, elevated feel-goodness that rushs through feelings leaves you dazzled by the end. All hail DOF.

    downy - Umi no Shijima
    Downy is a band I'm guilty of ignoring in the past, and boy I've been missing out on some incredible shit. absolutely brilliant Off-tempo drums, Robin's mellow voice that sometimes sounds like its talking directly to you, other times it's so cold that doesn't even notice your existence. Guitar lines that sometimes you may even miss and others kicking you in the nuts with their sleekness. I don't think a song can get more atmospheric than this, and I also don't think a band can cooler than downy.

    HEROINE - kashuu
    While I love nigu for starting this project, I also hate him for making kashuu more of a intro than a full-lenght song. The intro part is amazing as it is, some sweet guitar lines giving a mysterious, yet beautiful vibe. But when he starts singing, the magic happens. Nigu's characteristic low tune voice is quite delicate here, going up and down, bringing you together with everymove. Yuya's guitars indicates something is changing, and oh boy it does. It all comes together and explodes in a brilliant, beautiful chorus. Nigu's vocals, almost like an one-man choir, trancends into a uplifting yet full of sorrow singing that ends the song way too soon, but makes me more than excited for what's coming next.

    The first thing that came to my mind when I saw RAZOR in the news was: "Hell yeah, thank god MBHI boys are back". I like Ryouga's vocals alright, but born never did much to me. The song starts already better than half of born's disco. Ryouga machinegunning from 00:34 to 00:48 sold me completely that the problem there was in their compositions. Needless to say Kouryuu SLAYS, man I've missed my djent vk fix. "ANOTHER" serves perfectly as a greeting card, one more hell of a sucker punch, this time MBHI style, to leave you on the floor for what the boys have in store for you.

    When everyone tought 2016 couldn't deliver anymore, Juri and the boys give us one last gift. "BE PROUD" is exactly what DELUHI would've become if they lasted longer. The song already starts laying ground for some over usage of melodic shouts, which I warmly welcome. Juri alternates between harsh and clean vocals back and forth, while everyone goes crazy on the back. The chorus is all over the place, but I really don't mind. While the solo guitar is a bit over, the Rhythmic one is fuckin nostalgic, a great nod to pop-punk back in 00's and it absolutely fits. It fits so perfectly that I don't think they've planned that, lol. This song tries too much, I can see that. but it's absolutely honest. It's like the guys are figuring a direction, and you can see several pieces of brilliance here and there. Juri voice is as catchy as ever, chorus stick in your mind like glue, and its probably a banger live. What could you ask more? Can't wait for an official release version and their future releases, they can steal 2017 for them if they try hard enough.
    Runner ups:
    January: REIGN - Nemurihime / dadaroma - KURT / D=OUT - SM / Pinocchio - HELLO HOLLOW, Ryuusei LYRICAL
    February: DALLE - Asphalt / ANOMIY - You Complete Me
    March: glamhaze - chippoke na pride / Satsuki - Apocalypse / SHADOWS - Forest / LONDBOY - iris / More - The Hanged Man / LOKA - Half Past Late, Calling
    April: Neverland - Daydream / Develop One's Faculties - Seijou Towa, psychedelic modulation
    May: SCAPEGOAT - Kokuhaku_tokidoki, ame / sever black paranoia - Trap of Love (feat. Teeda), The Last Vengeance (feat. Kaname Akamine) / GRIMOIRE - Never End
    June: Kimi wa Surudoku. - Nabiku DRESS ni Temaneku Juuryoku
    July: MIGIMIMI sleep tight - Puputan, Wonder Wave / THE EGOIST - Red Ache
    August: ZIZ - Superbsaw[Reincarnate] / Kuroyuri to Kage - Sennou / ZON - Re:Night, Jellyfish / Pentagon - Teenage
    September: Buck-Tick - cum uh sol nu -フラスコの別種-, New World / TK from Ling Tosite Sigure - Wonder Palette, Addictive Dancer, White Out / Someday's Gone - She won't forget / SCAPEGOAT - Hedoro
    October: Yasutaka Nakata - NANIMONO (feat. Kenshi Yonezu) -extended mix- / MONOEYES - Get Up / Blu-BiLLioN - Kono te ni Aru Mono
    November: Dragon Ash - Hikari no Machi / Nothing's Carved In Stone - Adventures / xaa-xaa - Yomei / RAINDIA - Hekiraku no Higanbana / Arimura Ryutaro - Fuyuu / FIXER - Invade / DEZERT - Hentai
    December: 88kasyo Junrei - shikou
  21. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from aleshs in ONE OK ROCK - New Album Ambitions   
    Argh this new song... if the singles so far are any indication of the direction of this album, you can already call this one their worst album so far
  22. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from emmny in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Lycaon = overhyped band that has more bad songs than good ones. I'll give you that when they hit it is GOOD, but no soooo better than several other bands that doesn't get half of the acknowledgement;
    Can't understand the appeal behind Kiryu. Really tried to like it, but it is not for me, I guess. If I want classic japanese infused-VK, I'd spin some Kagrra,;
    I think visuals impair a lot of bands from shining on. Yeah, the V part on VK gets more in the way than help it. I can't shake the feeling that bands like xTRiPx, Develop One's Faculties, yazzmad, DIV could go/have gone a long way if they drop/had dropped the act;
  23. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from suji in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Lycaon = overhyped band that has more bad songs than good ones. I'll give you that when they hit it is GOOD, but no soooo better than several other bands that doesn't get half of the acknowledgement;
    Can't understand the appeal behind Kiryu. Really tried to like it, but it is not for me, I guess. If I want classic japanese infused-VK, I'd spin some Kagrra,;
    I think visuals impair a lot of bands from shining on. Yeah, the V part on VK gets more in the way than help it. I can't shake the feeling that bands like xTRiPx, Develop One's Faculties, yazzmad, DIV could go/have gone a long way if they drop/had dropped the act;
  24. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to The Reverend in Rev’s 10 Noteworthy VK Looks of 2016   
    So it's end of the year best-of list time, and I wanted to get involved... but I realized with more and more streaming of music rather than mp3s, and more and more me being lazy and not really listening to as much new stuff as I should: my best of 2016 list would be incomplete and hard to make because what I've been listening to isn't as easily organized by year in Spotify.
    But I'm a narcissist who still wanted to get in on the fun and write *something* so I decided to highlight some of my favorite, or at least notable for one reason or another, looks from the VK world in 2016. Visual is in the name after all! I know hipsters, such as myself, say that the looks don't matter and it's all about the music, man... but I'll freely admit even though I'm not looking at a picture of the band for 98% of my listening to them, the aesthetics matter and part of the reason I like VK is that I enjoy looking at pretty boys in elaborate costumes rather than bearded dudes in black tshirts.
    With that in mind here is my partially tongue-in-cheek but also I seriously thought about it 10 Notable VK Looks of 2016:

    Garak’s Vocalist ジュリ

    I call this the James Dean x Jesus.

    Insanity Injection Vocalist Kyouka

    Because of that YouTubers react video, this look may be the VK shot heard ‘round the world. “Looks like Kerrigan” is pretty accurate shorthand for Kyouka’s possessed crab/snake cannibal spirit costume that is almost elaborate enough to explain what the hell he’s been doing for the last ten years.

    ペンタゴン Bassist Minpha

    The kawaii-ness is undisputed around these parts… I’m embracing dark Minpha and his crown of demonic scallop shells.

    乙女国家 Band

    I know it’s a VK trope, but I seriously like it when band members all pick a different color and just commit. I’m never going to learn their names, so it helps to just be able to reference “the yellow one who borrowed some gloves from Ensoku’s This is a Pen PV”. Also for anyone else who’s been there: was this photo taken at the ramen ‘museum’ (read: food court) in Yokohama?? It kinda reminds me of that spot.

    Doak Band

    As a rapidly balding dude, I appreciate when even fake-baldness gets some shine in VK. Shout-out to the dude from Codoma A!

    Avelcain Vocalist Karma

    I bow at the altar of Avelcain… and I’m on the record as loving black-suit-wearing VK looks. Add some fucking palpable *zetsubou* and a sword for no real reason!?? I’m sold.

    Elysion Band

    They get my vote for best golden age Matina cosplay of the year. I saw them in June and there was just tons of vinyl and straps and lace and bare thigh and a frilly white dress and… there’s no joke here they just had an awesome/classic look. I don’t even remember what they sounded like, but I remember thinking their outfits and makeup had to take hours to get right before the show.

    Lack-co. Vocalist Tenten

    What you thought I wasn’t going to include this transcendent “it’s coming in nice” puberty mustache dyed red?? You don’t know me very well. He’s got some sort of black sequin freckles happening too for some Annie vibes.

    Nihilizm Band

    Just a look that I think really kills. Those red lace blindfolds are just cool IDK. The member with the bob is a cutie.
    ギャロ Vocalist Jojo

    I always love Jojo’s extremely sparkly lipstick…. And in this video (and others this year) he wins the award for most dangerously low-rise pants in VK. Got them side abs! I also don’t really understand his fork hat, but fuck it if you can’t get weird in VK where can you?
    Close but no cigar: Hollowgram's grown up/understated black looks, vocalist from More's curls and one satyr horn, Plastic Tree vocalist pushing the bounds of how cool he can make cutting his own hair look
    Purposefully Omitted: The Black Swan blackface, any boring not-quite Kamijo look
    Let me know why I'm wrong and what should have been on this list!
  25. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Yukimoto in ONE OK ROCK - New Album Ambitions   
    really really nice live ver. MUST WATCH.
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