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Everything posted by chemicalpictures

  1. chemicalpictures

    took them long enough tbh
  2. chemicalpictures

    I wish I could understand what he finds so interesting in this tuning he's been using for the past few years shit sounds fake as fuck
  3. Do any of you guys take interview translation requests, or know people who do so? I would love to know more about this shiina mio and yoshito's interview: https://www.shiinamio.com/talk3

  4. I want y'all to try and point me a better album opener than JdA's Gaia, just to find out there's no such thing.

    1. saishuu


      excuse me



      but god, GAIA is so good. I miss JdA 😞

    2. saishuu


      now I'm in a Janne binge, THANKS A LOT


      D.N.A is probably my favorite one, but GAIA is such a great album too goddammit


    3. nitta


      It's definitely the best .

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  5. chemicalpictures

    If they give different takes on the same song, this could be a interesting little project. probably won't be the case, but eh, at least they are trying
  6. I freaking miss bis so much...

  7. Gota give it to dexcore. Brain Washing is so freaking over the top its AMAZING. That breakdown has some BALLS

  8. chemicalpictures

    If he is the one wanting a new direction, I guess his style is more akin to the first album than to the freaking good music they went after
  9. man, I can't remember the last time I was this excited for a new release. There's NO WAY this Shiina Mio project can go any wrong.

  10. chemicalpictures

    There's a bit of a talk/interview with shiina and the guests talking about each song and their history together on the special section of his site: https://www.shiinamio.com/special
  11. 敬愛なる君へ chorus bothers me SO MUCH. Ryoga has literally 10 songs with the same fucking structure. BORING.

    1. chemicalpictures


      Completely agree with you!

    2. IGM_Oficial


      This AF, and his voice makes it worse

    3. colorful人生


      Reminds me of アルルカン ... I just got tired of the samey choruses, and stopped listening to them. I really don't want to do that to this band.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  12. chemicalpictures

    Song is amazing, PV is kinda corny and Tohma is a cool motherfucker
  13. I miss Gekijo Tenor... Kasumi needs to form a new band

  14. chemicalpictures

    Is masato up to anything nowadays? session band, producing?
  15. chemicalpictures

    They've been so silent recently so I'm not really shocked. A shame nonetheless, they have some pretty sick tunes The suddenness of this makes me believe they will comeback somehow
  16. chemicalpictures

    Can't remember the last time I was this excited for a release maaaaan I'm happy!
  17. chemicalpictures

    I've heard way worse in vk before
  18. chemicalpictures

    freaking cool song titles as always
  19. chemicalpictures

    UHASDIDAHIAFDLKJHDAKSFAADSKJH YESSSSS BITCHEEESSSSSSSS MY BOY IS BACK DWAJHUDAKJDS DAKJFKAJHADJHFGADS YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSS I thought he was doing some support acts on keys for Shiina mio on a session or something like that, but this is so many miles better Shiina is the man, he was such a big fan of xTRiPx, fucking great to see them together goddamn can't wait!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  20. chemicalpictures

    Going by this worlds collide thing, I'd bet on this one being collabs with western artists, a bunch of nobodies, probably
  21. jesus christ this is what people now recognizes Yukiya for?
  22. chemicalpictures

    regular vk boring
  23. chemicalpictures

    Cover and release date:
  24. chemicalpictures

    Eh, ain't feeling it yet. The stuff on their album was so much better, this sounds like a mediocre b-side
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