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  1. Like
    ricchubunny reacted to Yukimoto in new band "誰モ知ラナイ。(dare mo shiranai)" has formed   
    Haha that made me lol
  2. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from kukew in new band "誰モ知ラナイ。(dare mo shiranai)" has formed   
    Nobody knows....
  3. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from suji in ペンタゴン(pentagon) new maxi single "ひじきとカラアゲ(hijiki to karaage)" release   
    I love this band but i think its time to Minhpa stop using these cheap wigs. He looks like a 15 yo girl trying to cosplay hatsune miku using less than $15
  4. Like
    ricchubunny reacted to Delkmiroph in Apple Music and Music vk   
    Recently the apple release your own music streaming service called Apple music and I was thinking so long time in how gonna be this service. Years ago I tried use Spotify and unfortunately I hated, because of one reason... There are no collection of music vk. (I dont know, if have now) I tried use others accounts from others countries and no results. so I Give up this service.    I dont want make a merchandising, but i see that have many users dont have money to buy all singles or albums. but the new service of apple is good in relation in have a lot artists of vk. Some artists have two or many albums available to hear in apple music others no. Because of license of label and stores of others countries. This post can be a little useful, but this can help artists that always need of a good number of sales or help of some way.Maybe in future this service can update with news singles and albuns.   I was talking with ricchubunny about this, and i see that the new album of UNiTE is available in apple music hahaha. But i was talking too that a account japanese in apple music can have a full collection of music vk. (I dont have sure)    Here a little list of some artists that have albuns or singles available in some stores of itunes with apple music. If have more some feel free to say.      Alice nine. -  Available in Stores: UK,FR,DE,BR,AU,
    MUCC - Available in Stores: UK,US, FR, DE,BR
    UNiTE  - Available in Stores: UK, FR,DE
    Dir en grey – Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,BR,AU
    Plastic Tree -  Available in Stores: BR,DE,US,UK,FR, AU (Only one album or video music in some stores)
    The GazettE – Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,BR,AU
    ViViD – Available  in Stores: DE,UK,FR,BR,AU,US
    DaizyStripper – Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR
    DIAURA – Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,BR,AU
    Sadie – Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR
    Matenrou Opera – Available in Stores: DE,UK,US,BR,FR,AU
    Versailles -  Available in Stores: DE,BR,US,UK,FR,AU
    D'espairsRay  - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,BR
    Girugamesh – Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,BR,AU
    L'Arc〜en〜Ciel - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,BR,AU
    VAMPS -  Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,BR,AU
    Gackt – Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,BR,AU
    Miyavi – Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,BR,AU
    KAMIJO - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    RENTRER EN SOI - Available in Stores: DE,UK,FR,IT
    Coldrain - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,BR,IT
    Kameleo - Available in Stores: DE,FR,IT
    AWOI - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,BR,IT
    Kagrra, - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    12012 - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    Gakido - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    exist†trace - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    UVERworld - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    abingdon boys school -  Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    An Cafe -  Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    Ayabie - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR
    LM.C - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR
    SuG - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR
    UnsraW - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR
    Dio Distraught Overlord - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR
    Zoro - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR
    9GOATS BLACK OUT - Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR
    Kiryu -  Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    Black Gene For The Next Scene  -  Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    YOHIO -  Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT LUNA SEA -  Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    X JAPAN -  Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    Luzmelt -  Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,AU,BR,IT
    D=OUT -  Available in Stores: DE,US,UK,FR,IT
    I hope be helpful. sorry for my bad english.
  5. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Serox in Spiv States will cease activities and leave Maverick DC   
    PHANTASMAGORIA > any projects of them
  6. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from emmny in 凛(lin) will be on hiatus & new maxi single release   
    Actually most of the bands use 'hiatus' for disbanding now. So...
  7. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from auroracristate in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    Here's the translation of their comments, sorry for my really bad english.
    Vocal Yuuki   I have been working as a member of this awesome band called "Lycaon" for almost 7 years, as Yuuki, as one artist, but After the Akasaka Blitz tour final on 11/6, Lycaon will disband. We have been discussing for so many times, we exchanged words of our future from now so many times, but thats our conclusion.   The gratitude to everyone who have been liking us, the magnificence of our encounter, the miracle, a lot of memories, who gave me all of this are you and us [the band itself]. Certainly face the reality of a disbandment make you have a lot of feelings like anger and sadness. Its the same to me.   But now i feel like my heart was washed. Its our last tour but in the final i want to blur brightly. I want to give a spectacular end to the Lycaon who gave us a lot of encounters and memories. I want to let it die surrounded by a lot of voices. I want you to let it die. I wanna be bitten to the death. I wannt to bite to the the death. I wanna become one with you.  Now i have a lot of feelings like this. I never thought a day like this would come.   It was really funny. I was happy. Thank you.   --------------------------------------------   Gt. Zero   【Disband】   S u c h   a  s a d  w o r d  i s n ' t  it ?   T h e 【traces】 o f  t h e  w a y  t h at  w e  h a v e  b e e n w a l k i n g  u n t i l  n o w  w i l l  a l l  d i s a p p e a r   s o    W a s  i  a b l e  t o  b e c o m e  a  p i e c e  o f  e v e r y o n e ' s  h e a r t ?   ~Reason of disbandment~   I t  w o u l d  b e  g o o d  i f  w e  c o u l d  s a y "Its that, its it"  B u t ...   I f  i  s t a r t  t o  s a y  C e r t a i n l y  t h e r e ' s  a  l o t  of  r e a s o n s   【Discord】 【Disagreement about our music】   T h e r e ' s  n o  t h i n g s  l i k e  t h i s  a t  a l l   【Suddenly or Inevitable】   ~Disband?~   N o w  w e  s t i l l  h a v e  a  s c h e d u l e  l i k e  u s u a l, n o t h i n g  c h a n g e d ...   I ' m  s o r r y   f o r  s u r p r i s i n g  a l l  o f  y o u   【Lycaon】   I  n e v e r  l o v e d  a  b a n d  l i k e  t h i s     I t  w o n t  c h a n g e  e v e n  n o w     N o w , i t ' s  n o t  a  g o o d  b y e  y e t      N o w , i  c a n t  t e l l  y o u  a l l  m y  t h o u g h t s  h e r e    S o ,   I n  t h e  m o m e n t  w h e n  w e  w i l l  g e t  k i l l e d A l l  m y  m e m o r i e s,  I  w a n t  t o ..   【Tell you】   【Laugh a lot】 【Cry a lot 】   U n t i l  t h e  e n d 【Together】   I  c o u n t  o n  y o u   【In the end, let's cry more than we ever cried since we was born】   --------------------------------------------   Gt. Satoshi   I just can't tell my feelings in sentences. I'm the guitarrist who loves Lycaon. Let me tell you all my feelings by sound.   I'm Japanese Rock'n'Roller !!   ~ Satoshi ~   --------------------------------------------   Ba. Hiyuu    Lycaon will cease the activities after the tour final concert in Akasaka Blitz on 11/06. I have joined Lycaon in the middle of it, and in these 5 years i could keep walking thanks to the collaboration of a lot of fans and staffs. I thank you from my heart.   Encountering these members, experiencing a lot of things, encountering a lot of people i`m really grateful to everything what happened. So i think someday we'll be able to see this decision called disbandment as something positie... And follow to different paths. I'm really sorry that was announced like this.   But the result of disbandment came from each member thought. In the end its something we decided with "all members", so i want you to accept it. It may be impossible to do right now but... Until the very last day, like in the meaning of MASOCHIST RED, i want to make the world that just Lycaon can make with everyone, so i gonna devote myself with all my power in each remnant concert.   Let's the a landscape that we weren't able to see together.   Thank you for always give me a happy time.   Hiyuu    --------------------------------------------
    Dr. Ichiro   I'm sorry for such an abrupt announcement. I should right it in a respectfully way, but i thought i wouldn't be able to express my feelings, so i gonna write like this. I don't know what to say.   Before i joined the band in the middle, i was a human that never went to a tour. But since've started as a support member in Lycaon i was able to go to a lot of places and experience many things, it was really fun. Keeping like this i wanted to enchant Lycaon in more and more big places. It became my dream.   We have discussed with the members a lot of times. How we could make awesome concerts? How could we take awesome pictures? How could we make our fans have fun?   If i count my time as a suppot, i have been a member fo 4 years. Being everyday with the members made me able to go through the same path with them. The answer gave by these members now was "disband". We have been worrying until the very last moment. I think there's people who thinks its not the right and can't agree.   We won't ever meet again.   It's not like this.   It was good to be able to meet everyone who have been supporting me on these 4 years. Thank you very much.   These are my honest feelings. I'll do it with all my power until the end. I hope everyone do it with complete devotion too.   Thank you.
  8. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Serox in 凛(lin) will be on hiatus & new maxi single release   
    Actually most of the bands use 'hiatus' for disbanding now. So...
  9. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Serox in 凛(lin) will be on hiatus & new maxi single release   
    Thats probably a disband or at least complete members change again. They are using the words "last oneman" and "last single".
    Im sad cuz Sui said it would be his last band );
  10. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Ada Suilen in ユナイト (UNiTE.) new album "UNiVERSE" release   
    UNiTE. announced today on their Nakano Sunplaza concert that their new album "UNiVERSE" will be released on this summer

  11. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Kiryu999 in ペンタゴン(pentagon) new maxi single "ひじきとカラアゲ(hijiki to karaage)" release   
    I love this band but i think its time to Minhpa stop using these cheap wigs. He looks like a 15 yo girl trying to cosplay hatsune miku using less than $15
  12. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Shir0 in ペンタゴン(pentagon) new maxi single "ひじきとカラアゲ(hijiki to karaage)" release   
    I love this band but i think its time to Minhpa stop using these cheap wigs. He looks like a 15 yo girl trying to cosplay hatsune miku using less than $15
  13. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Elazmus in ペンタゴン(pentagon) new maxi single "ひじきとカラアゲ(hijiki to karaage)" release   
    I love this band but i think its time to Minhpa stop using these cheap wigs. He looks like a 15 yo girl trying to cosplay hatsune miku using less than $15
  14. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from leafwork in Moran will disband and last single release   
    Moran annouunced that they'll disband after their concert in Zepp DiverCity Tokyo, titled as 「夜明け前、最後の夜に永遠を紐解く方程式を夢む」 (Yoakemae, Saigo no yoru ni eien wo himotoku houteishiki wo yumemu) on September 21st.
    Their last single 「夜明けを前に」 (Yoake wo mae ni) will be released on July 1st. It will cost 1,620 yens.
    Tracklist :
    1.幸福についての尺度 (Koufuku ni tsuite no shakudo) (Lyric:Hitomi Music:Soan)
    2.Reverse (Lyric:Hitomi Music:Sizna)
    3.夜明けを前に (Yoake wo mae ni)(Lyric:Hitomi Music:Soan)
    4.the scent of dreams(Music:Moran)
  15. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from doombox in ex-ν[NEU] Vo. みつ (Mitsu) will hold solo concert「再会」 (Saikai)   
    mitsu (ラッド→ν[NEU]) will perform his first solo concert 「再会」(Saikai) on July 18th in Shibuya Milkyway.
  16. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Hiroike in ex-ν[NEU] Vo. みつ (Mitsu) will hold solo concert「再会」 (Saikai)   
    mitsu (ラッド→ν[NEU]) will perform his first solo concert 「再会」(Saikai) on July 18th in Shibuya Milkyway.
  17. Like
    ricchubunny reacted to eiheartx in Femme Fatale new maxi single "Voyage" release   
    Full PV

  18. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Elazmus in ex-XIBALBA members new band "MORRIGAN" has formed   
    Yes, this band is just YES.
  19. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from kukew in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me working as KAMIJO and MASASHI's staff!
  20. Like
    ricchubunny reacted to Ada Suilen in Blitz will disband & best album release   
    Not their fan but I am really sorry... they are so popular a real shame...
  21. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from yakihiko in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me working as KAMIJO and MASASHI's staff!
  22. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Licio123 in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me working as KAMIJO and MASASHI's staff!
  23. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Tetora in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me working as KAMIJO and MASASHI's staff!
  24. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from emmny in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me working as KAMIJO and MASASHI's staff!
  25. Like
    ricchubunny got a reaction from Tetora in ユナイト (UNiTE.) new album "UNiVERSE" release   
    But i cant handle with these lyrics, too scary
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