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    ricchubunny reacted to blackdoll in THE GALLO new album "LUCIFERO" release   
    Like i said the blackswan and nega are not in their lane. Great song hot models and pv!
    if only @Phoand @ricchubunnycould take a page out of their book and remove some clothes in their next pictures
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    ricchubunny reacted to blackdoll in Show Yourself (again)   
    slay as always
    cute af
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from nekkichi in Show Yourself (again)   
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from Mihenno in Show Yourself (again)   
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    ricchubunny reacted to emmny in Thoughts on KILLANETH's disbandment   
    A LITTLE LOUDER in case those "hurr durr i am #1 gaijin fan i buy all types of cd durrr durrrrrrr i am best fan u all suck" people here didn't get the message.
    technically (according to jp girls) u arent a true fan unless you attend lives, buy cheki, attend in stores, buy merch. thats where their money is, of course, but its also ridiculous. so then who is a real fan? visual fans love to impose hierarchies of devotion onto each other, so think about how fucking stupid you look bragging about what you do compared to jouren or girls who actually do stuff for their band. at which point do u draw the line between a bandomen money sink or a true fan? exactly, there's always a bunch of people above you, so don't be a twat to those below. lets all be nice to each other, and support our bands as much as we want to without dragging others down because they support their bands in different ways u might not think is the best (except jouren/mitsu because duh).
    i hate to go on this off-topic rant but i think its important considering some of the behavior i've seen on here recently.  also its none of my business *wink* BUT a lot of the people abroad claiming they are "good fans"  because of buying 3 types of a cd or something (god forbid spending 100s on live dists on auction which give more profit to gya then the musicians) don't do much financial for bands considering how much of the cut they actually get from CD sales lmfao.
    i wanna see kai in a band less mejibray styled and more djenty tbh, it'd suit his vox more.
  6. Like
    ricchubunny reacted to Danao in Thoughts on KILLANETH's disbandment   
    be nice then , 'cause so far....
    Then about that, I think you misunderstood some of the opinions of so called people who are claiming they are good fans
    It is 100% obivous that bands get NOTHING from the CDs that are sold on auctions, and get almost nothing from the CDs they sell on shops. It's a fact, whoever thinks the opposite need to read some articles about VK and stuff.
     It is also a fact that a fan in Japan, and a fan oversea are clearly not the same AT ALL. JP girls buy god knows how much copies of each CDs, to get all the privileges possible, they go to every lives of the bands they love, buy tons of chekis, go to instores,  some "date" bandmen etc, and when the band stops activity they sell everything on auctions 'cause they are pissed off, that's what I'd call a normal "real" JP fan. Saying they are crazy, they are spending too much money etc, is our own judgments. That's just how it goes in Japan (maybe happens too oversea for some artists, idk, not paying that much attention to that here)
    Being a fan of a band oversea is SO different from that, you obviously can't go to lives, instores, etc, or at least 3/4 of us can't. Everything you do oversea means NOTHING to the band itself, they probably don't even know/care about oversea fans, so what you do as a fan oversea is just buy CDs/DVDs (regular and live limited releases) for yourself, to enjoy their music as much as possible, and thinking buying a CD here is supporting the band is a complete mistake, it doesn't, it just supports you pride of owning their music, and supports also your joy of listening to them, that's all. 
    Saying spending 100$/€ on a live limited release is stupid is, once again, your own judgment, people can agree or not, I tend to agree with that. 
    Those are two different concepts of fans, as long as people udnerstand those, they're good. I'm probably not 100% accurate on this, that's the way I think it is for me at least 
    So yea for once, I'd agree with you @emmnythere's always someone above you, especially if you are oversea, nobody in here can compete with gyas, and gyas probably can't compete with some others Japanese fans, that are more hardcore than they already are (if that is possible)
  7. Like
    ricchubunny reacted to Biopanda in ex-Lycaon members new band "Initial'L" has formed and first maxi-single release   
    Too sleepy to make a topic, but y'all can do what ya want with it.
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    ricchubunny reacted to Danao in ex-Lycaon members new band "Initial'L" has formed and first maxi-single release   
    Well I enjoyed that live tbh, and ofc it sounds like Lycaon, what do you expect from a band composed entirely with ex Lycaon members ? it's not going to sound like DIR EN GREY
    I hope someone recorded the live and will be able to post it on Youtube and/or DL section (even though quality will be shitty)
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from Deathtopi4 in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
    My guess is that KAMIJO was like "Minpha is so popular right now you should start using cheap-looking wigs like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and Kaya didn't accept that 
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from Gregg_Prince in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from NekoHime in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
    My guess is that KAMIJO was like "Minpha is so popular right now you should start using cheap-looking wigs like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and Kaya didn't accept that 
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from leafwork in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
    He's the bottom's supremacy, gurl.
    When i meet Kaya on the Street he waswith Ryoshin and Yui and both asked to take a picture of me LMFAO i hope they had fun with that 😏  
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from Serox in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from nekkichi in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
    This castle wasnt big enough for the queen
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from Biopanda in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
    My guess is that KAMIJO was like "Minpha is so popular right now you should start using cheap-looking wigs like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and Kaya didn't accept that 
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from suji in Edit: Message Deleted   
    i wish ishiki was my mate ^.^
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from leafwork in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
    My guess is that KAMIJO was like "Minpha is so popular right now you should start using cheap-looking wigs like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and Kaya didn't accept that 
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from DeadlyClaris in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
    This castle wasnt big enough for the queen
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from Vercingetorix in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
    This castle wasnt big enough for the queen
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from Komorebi in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
    This castle wasnt big enough for the queen
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from suji in Kaya has departed from Chateau Agency   
    This castle wasnt big enough for the queen
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Edit: Message Deleted   
    kinda lolling about these12491240124 topics derivations 
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from Delkmiroph in Show Yourself (again)   
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    ricchubunny got a reaction from CAT5 in Show Yourself (again)   
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    ricchubunny reacted to Chi in Edit: Message Deleted   
    So the truth behind kawaii minpha saying tanuki is a LIE is because they tried to 1-time mitsu someone and failed at it? It all makes sense now
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