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Status Replies posted by ricchubunny

  1. Kuroyuri to Kageeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  2. year 2017. a pitchfork reviewer assigned w. testimonial for RAVE-レイヴ- #1 USA billboard slamming single AMEDAMA BROMANCE opens up youtube, does a quick search and faintly whispers “holy shit, man. . . 2002 visual kei really... WAS... better?? before discharging a vigorous cascade of cum to Tomomi Ozaki’s distant satanic chortling.

  3. Kuroyuri to Kageeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  4. Today LiN from UNiTE. randomly said i'm handsome LOL Well thanks haha

  5. Today LiN from UNiTE. randomly said i'm handsome LOL Well thanks haha

  6. Camera Obscura perfect! Perfect perfect perfect *----------------*

  7. let's dedicate a moment to praise femme fatale's best VK album/mini-albums of 2014 for ~inspiring~ lycaon to record a best visual album of 2015 and release it early in the year killing everyone else 11 months in advance

  8. no visual no life [パンピ帰れ]

  9. Rouge is the new Gossip. <3

  10. anfiel's pv is very nice <3 . <3

  11. CDJapan offering a free B2 poster if you buy all 10 versions of Kiryu's latest single. What a deal people! For buying ten editions I expect a private playdate with one of the members or something, c'mon.

  12. I wouldn't mind Camera obscura-カメラオブスキュラ being an old school album since Dahlia IS THE BEST OLD SCHOOL VK SONG EVER MADE; therefore, there is no revival, Lycaon coined and owns it. Lets just take a minute here to be greatful for their non-stop, can't top, always on top music from 2008-2014. They can't even top themselves because the level they started on was so dam high, so every single song is in a endless loop fighting one another, trying come out on top, but can't. Sure we...

  13. Gosh, i really hope Camera obscura-カメラオブスキュラ has a track where Yuuki-sama pushes his vocals to the max, or goes all out. Like he keeps dropping hints of what he can do but just goes back to sit down in the throne room. It's making me a bit frustrated, or it could just be waiting for that fucking album that's getting to me.

  14. LMFAO Mio saying he's a Kameleo hater today

  15. Damn god Codomodragon is too good why didnt i love them before

  16. Akward moment when Blitz vocalist told me "I know you from somewhere"

  17. Akward moment when Blitz vocalist told me "I know you from somewhere"

  18. I think i'm finally starting to like Codomodragon :D

  19. as some1 whos been in the vk scene for awhile im getting p sick of children who listen to one or two bands and then trash the scene once the novelty wears off. fuck off panpi.

  20. I am way too excited for Kuroyuri to kage's album.. :x

  21. eiheartx, you made all the calendar events nice and pretty <3

  22. happy birthday Ricchu-kun, I hope it's blessed with lots of quality D.

  23. happy birthday Ricchu-kun, I hope it's blessed with lots of quality D.

  24. happy birthday Ricchu-kun, I hope it's blessed with lots of quality D.

  25. Recommend me some VK bandsss :D im really bored atm

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