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Status Replies posted by ricchubunny

  1. c-c-c-combo breaker

    1. ricchubunny


      Hmmm i think im tonedeaf so i dont care about notes LOL When i ask if you can sing im asking about the lyrics itself hahaha i tried now but i kinda failed hard, let me upload lol

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  2. c-c-c-combo breaker

    1. ricchubunny


      Btw you can sing this song? Its so hard to singgg :(

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  3. c-c-c-combo breaker

    1. ricchubunny



    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  4. c-c-c-combo breaker

    1. ricchubunny


      hmmmm i just want them to include songs of all members :(

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  5. c-c-c-combo breaker

    1. ricchubunny


      I WAS THINKING ON THIS TOO LOL Or even 4 types if its Y H S. I wouldn't complain LOL

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  6. c-c-c-combo breaker

    1. ricchubunny



    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  7. 4 hit combo: UNiTE.'s live version of "scenes" featuring sax and keyboard is my current obsession!

  8. Finally a new release of UNiTE. that gets me excited! The new single is very good!

  9. Damn UNiTE. is just the band ever. Yeah, i just wrote this status to have 3 serial status about UNiTE. CHECK THEM OUT

  10. Uh-Oh; getting my hair done in the color of Yui from UNiTE, let's see how it looks. Will leave the eyebrows dark to see if it works. Reference, on the right: http://t.co/kakOR9Nt3p

  11. Uh-Oh; getting my hair done in the color of Yui from UNiTE, let's see how it looks. Will leave the eyebrows dark to see if it works. Reference, on the right: http://t.co/kakOR9Nt3p

  12. Finally a new release of UNiTE. that gets me excited! The new single is very good!

  13. I got so fuckn addicted on Wonder f∞l people that i couldnt even pay attention to the class.

  14. My friend from university is going to UNiTE concerto today because i asked her to. She actually dont even knows VK... I hope she may enjoy it @_@

  15. Wow, just 2 days until UNiTE. new single!!!!

  16. Wow, just 2 days until UNiTE. new single!!!!

  17. Today Rave's bassist You invited me to drink with him. Maybe its the 5th bandmember that ask me to LOL Sometimes its nice to be a guy

  18. And okay, thats weird. Before i make a topic for news i always double check if anyone made it. I did the same with Lycaon, i searched on Ctrl F, i read each topic one by one and made mine. Then some minuts later a topic made by Trombe appears as it was made before mine o_O and its not the first time it happen. Is the forum bugged to my or what??

  19. And okay, thats weird. Before i make a topic for news i always double check if anyone made it. I did the same with Lycaon, i searched on Ctrl F, i read each topic one by one and made mine. Then some minuts later a topic made by Trombe appears as it was made before mine o_O and its not the first time it happen. Is the forum bugged to my or what??

  20. And okay, thats weird. Before i make a topic for news i always double check if anyone made it. I did the same with Lycaon, i searched on Ctrl F, i read each topic one by one and made mine. Then some minuts later a topic made by Trombe appears as it was made before mine o_O and its not the first time it happen. Is the forum bugged to my or what??

  21. And okay, thats weird. Before i make a topic for news i always double check if anyone made it. I did the same with Lycaon, i searched on Ctrl F, i read each topic one by one and made mine. Then some minuts later a topic made by Trombe appears as it was made before mine o_O and its not the first time it happen. Is the forum bugged to my or what??

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