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Status Replies posted by ricchubunny

  1. And okay, thats weird. Before i make a topic for news i always double check if anyone made it. I did the same with Lycaon, i searched on Ctrl F, i read each topic one by one and made mine. Then some minuts later a topic made by Trombe appears as it was made before mine o_O and its not the first time it happen. Is the forum bugged to my or what??

  2. And okay, thats weird. Before i make a topic for news i always double check if anyone made it. I did the same with Lycaon, i searched on Ctrl F, i read each topic one by one and made mine. Then some minuts later a topic made by Trombe appears as it was made before mine o_O and its not the first time it happen. Is the forum bugged to my or what??

  3. And okay, thats weird. Before i make a topic for news i always double check if anyone made it. I did the same with Lycaon, i searched on Ctrl F, i read each topic one by one and made mine. Then some minuts later a topic made by Trombe appears as it was made before mine o_O and its not the first time it happen. Is the forum bugged to my or what??

  4. And okay, thats weird. Before i make a topic for news i always double check if anyone made it. I did the same with Lycaon, i searched on Ctrl F, i read each topic one by one and made mine. Then some minuts later a topic made by Trombe appears as it was made before mine o_O and its not the first time it happen. Is the forum bugged to my or what??

  5. Yeah so...MEJIBRAY's new DVD is going to take 24 hours to upload...lol

  6. Yeah so...MEJIBRAY's new DVD is going to take 24 hours to upload...lol

  7. Time to kick back, relax, watch some WWE, then enjoy SuG's BLACK.

  8. Alice Nineや????帰?????????????全部パーフェクト??何を言??????????ら????????????完璧.??今?????嬉????????心ドキドキ????る♥

  9. Setlist on Karaoke today : Taihai Retoric (UNiTE.), Ultra. (DOGinthePWO) Lolli Lollipop (PaRaDEiS), Kawayu's Rock (An Cafe), Fantastic Dreamer (Irokui), Kimikoi (ViViD), Que sera: sera (Aicle), Aienkien (Kiryu), Deai wa Noshikara (PaRaDEis), Doku Moru (R-Shitei), eve:r (Royz), Across the border (ViViD), Love Scream Party (SuG), Hoshi no Ame (ViViD) :D

  10. I hope the hallelujah pv gets uploaded to youtube. Based on preview, it sounds like one of DOG's best

  11. Thought I would like Pentagon more than I do. It just makes me really want to listen to Arlequin lol

  12. Some bloke asked me "how am I doing" I replied "camera obscura good." He then replied "did you just a million pounds in the lottery or somethin." In other news now that Rentrer en soi is back in rotation, i can honestly say they can suck it. All they had was the falsetto and that girl voice. The Prince slays that with Lovedrug's last 4 singles and rouge's "I'm innocent but i know you want to make love to me?? voice crushes the likes of "vision of you...

  13. First time im going to karaoke with Panpi friends. I think it will be weird to sing VK in front of them LOL


  15. So tired... but looking forward to the weekend. Instore event with Kuroyuri in Saturday then a farewell party for a friend. Sunday going to see Grieva, Gossip and Kuroyuri in Takadanobaba D:

  16. That feel when you get the new DOG cd, but can't listen to it yet. All other music seems old and busted while you are waiting for the NEW HOTNESS.

  17. your love is enough

  18. That feel when you get the new DOG cd, but can't listen to it yet. All other music seems old and busted while you are waiting for the NEW HOTNESS.

  19. That feel when you get the new DOG cd, but can't listen to it yet. All other music seems old and busted while you are waiting for the NEW HOTNESS.

  20. That feel when you get the new DOG cd, but can't listen to it yet. All other music seems old and busted while you are waiting for the NEW HOTNESS.

  21. Come on Pentagon! I'm fuckn ready!

  22. Come on Pentagon! I'm fuckn ready!

  23. Blackdoll working hard to keep at least 3-5 Lycaon threads on the front page at a time: http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/53899d01jw1eovdjy4jmgj20hs0npaeh.jpg

  24. so what's the verdict so far on that Kuroyuri To Kage album? Worth checking?

  25. Okay so this Kuroyuri to Kage album is just flawless. Two perfect albuns in the same month.... Visual is absolutely not dead! Now let's wait for Pentagon's...

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