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Posts posted by PIZAZ

    • Kizu drops another single, followed by an album
    • DIMLIM continues to be underappreciated and faces some setbacks, doesn't disband but 2020 looking dire
    • Ayabie follows up their comeback concerts with a full revival that doesn't go anywhere, releases a couple of disappointing singles a la Lolita 23q and quietly disbands again
    • Nostalgia for oshare continues, new bands start emulating worst parts of that trend and a couple of nobodies from 10+ years ago try and milk the trend by reviving unwanted projects
    • Halfway decent band with promise gets brought over for their first oversea show, at an american anime con, they announce disbandment on the way to america.
    • BABOO vocalist comes back as a solo artist, concept is full on adult-diaper fantasy
    • Jin's new band is met with even more passive reactions than tbs, after 10+ years of frustration he stops singing and starts working behind the scenes
    • Kisaki's reputation becomes so tarnished no one works with him, so he doubles down on the fraud leading to actual consequences

  1. I love them to this day, but I always thought "9GOATS BLACKOUT" was an awful name for a band. This has been confirmed every single time someone shows interest in what I'm listening to.

    "Death★Rabbits" is so bad it's good.

    "KuRt" always bothered me for multiple reasons; impossible to search for and they really don't sound anything like Nirvana or Kurt Cobain, nor are their lyrics similar/evocative of them in any way. Now that I think about it, Tenten's bands always have awful names, even to this day.

    "MASK" and" SCISSOR" loopash two for one- unsearchable, generic, doesn't really fit the band's latter output.

    and finally "Unsraw", it's a nasty sounding word, say it out loud.

  2. Finally finished up with ys 8, really great game overall, would recommend to anyone looking for a really well put together and fun arpg. The story got predictable and a little slow near the end, but it didn't effect how my overall opinion.

    Started Valkyiria Chronicles 4, so far so good. I like that it's a clear call back to the first and gameplay remains as addicting as ever, but man can you feel the lack of budget sometimes. Animations are stiff and limited, cutscenes last a couple of seconds and character models look like tweaked enhancements from the first game. Story and characters are pretty bland so far as well. I'll probably stick with it until the end because combat remains enjoyable, Dragon Quest 11 is staring me down as I contemplate it tho

  3. On 12/13/2018 at 12:09 PM, platy said:

    How's that? Do you enjoy it? 


    I'm currently considering a course in Games QA/testing. I know it's not the same but, I'd like to hear what you think about your job! 

    It requires a lot of self discipline, this was especially true when I was doing freelancing. Monotony is the name of the game, it's a very slow job most of the time. Get used to providing useful feedback that gets ignored, resulting in retesting and reporting the same issues ad nauseam. Luckily, the actual QA aspect of my job has lessened over the years as I've transitioned into a more task oriented position and gained enough knowledge of the software to make fixes myself, but I still have to test/report occasionally and it's my least favorite part of my job. On the plus side, it's the perfect job if you like podcasts! It's also a job that won't be going away any time soon, so stability is nice, there's always QA work.

  4. Spoiler

    I'm disappointed with my coping skills. Life is unfair and mean to everyone. I need to get my shit together and stop focusing on how increasingly awful everything is. It's out of my control, I don't need to be making things worse for the people in my life just because I'm in pain.


  5. It was ok, not excellent. The singles were definitely the most polished and a lot of the album felt like filler imo. There were moments that stood out to me as being inspired, surprisingly most of the slower moments, usually I look to Kiryu for manic chaos. Overall, I thought it was a very predictable album for Kiryu. Not too many new ideas or even refining of older ones, just standard fare. Not bad by any means, I would recommend it to new fans as a decent starting point to get a feel for what they have to offer.

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