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Posts posted by PIZAZ

  1. Of the stuff I've listened to the clear winners are DEG and DIMLIM, but I haven't checked out any of the non-vkei stuff listed yet. Excited to listen to new toe and heck out NITRO DAY, sounds like they could have a place in my playlist based off of the description. I've also never given Mass of the Fermenting Dregs a try, so I'm going to rectify that later.

    I was unaware of new Shiina, fitear1590. I love when she goes full cinematic, really looking forward to checking that out.

    As always, thanks for putting this list together everyone.

  2. BT is my formative vkei band. Gessekai being used as the Nightwalker op is what introduced me to them. I loved the song, it was my favorite part of the show and pretty much why I finished it at all(it sucks). Looking for info about the song online and reading a blurb about Malice Mizer/egl in some ancient anime magazine(I'm pretty sure it was an animerica w hellsing on the cover) led me to discovering Deg, due le quartz, pierrot, etc. and eventually Tainted World lol.

    This sounds silly, but I've noticed that I take them for granted, they've been steadily releasing quality music for about as long as I've been alive.  They'e amazing and I don't think I'm prepared for when they eventually call it quits.

  3. I really liked the album, my biggest issue with it was my favorite tracks were previously released so I don't find myself going back to it as often as a completely fresh album. It still gets frequent play, in fact thinking about it has inspired another listen

  4. I've been listening to them more lately. I didn't have strong feelings one way or another, yet their most recently shared single kept making it's way to my playlist and now I really like most of their music that's been shared. I feel like they have a really cohesive sound that that doesn't stand out or leave a strong first impression, but works well after spending some time with it. Gekokujou and WOLFMAN are fun albums that rarely get boring. I get the impression that they're overlooked? Hopefully that changes because they've been at it for awhile now.

  5. 37 minutes ago, StriderSubzero said:

    I'm not saying he's dressed as a soldier, I'm just wondering what Japanese people think of the "Japanesque" concepts, particularly costumes based on ancient Japanese traditions etc. I guess the "western" equivalent is like vikings or something now that I think about it a bit more

    Maybe even more in the direction of something like a sasquatch or a werewolf. Mythological creatures.

  6. 20 hours ago, StriderSubzero said:

    Wow this is much weirder than D. Is all Asagi's stuff like this?


    Also just as a random aside, the old/ancient Japanese aesthetic is interesting, because obviously as a foreigner it's exotic to me, but is it exotic to Japanese people? I can't even think of a US analog to it. It'd be like if someone dressed up in Revolutionary War costumes or something.

    He's not dressed as a military member, he's dressed as kitsune, a yokai. I don't think it's supposed to be exotic, more fanciful and visually appealing.

  7. Did anyone have thoughts about the new single? I really liked the title track and music video. I  enjoyed 中庭 the most out of the b-sides, but I felt like there was some missed potential. It's such a short song and most of it is build up. Effective build up and that chorus is dramatic, I wish they would have spent some more time fleshing out the rest.

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