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Posts posted by PIZAZ

  1. Finally finished catching up with AOT. I haven't read the manga, but heard that the director cut/changed quite a bit for the anime due to pacing issues from this arc and I gotta say that it was felt at times. There were moments that seemed like they were happening out of order and episodes that were loaded with static talking heads for far too long. Animation seems to have really taken a nosedive in quality most of the time too, the exception being some of the action scenes later on. Somehow, despite all of these issues, I think this was a better season than the last and I had a good time with it. There are some really effective character moments and it feels like we're finally getting to the payoff that's been building up for literally five years. I'm excited about AOT again, hope they can keep it up when the next part drops in April!

  2. Lots of great albums here, a couple that don't hold up for me anymore(but at the time were great) and a couple I never got around to/have never heard of before.

    I wanted to add Irokui's Ginsei Flair no Zaregoto as an overlooked recommendation while going through this thread, I was sure it was released early 2008, but checking the release date it was late 2007(11/28). It made a huge impression on me though and I don't remember anyone talking about it then(certainly not now). Still gets play from me when I'm in the mood for it. Unfortunately, not relevant to the current topic so I'll stop haha.

    I had almost completely forgotten about LMC having some bops when they started, hopefully it's not just nostalgia goggles because I'm getting the urge to spend some time with them this weekend.

    Shion was the album that got me into MUCC. Interestingly, Libra was one of the few songs that managed to transcend the perception of vk being nothing but obnoxious teen music to my family at the time. I got away with blasting it on long car trips, no complaints, compliments even haha.

    The ReS and DEG picks on here still hold up the same as when I first heard them, but that's for totally personal reasons and I can see how they might not bring up the same feefees in someone else.

    夢幻教 is still NoGod's best album imo, nothing they did after was anywhere near as interesting or endearing. I stopped paying attention to them quite awhile ago tho, so maybe(hopefully) they've stepped it up since.

    Sugar... Loki may not have been a traditional vk hot guy, but damn, that voice was special. 

    While devils in bedside isn't my favorite 9gbo release, it is a great introduction to the band.

    I feel like MUSIC was the beginning of Gilgamesh's transition to cringecore, they hadn't gone full on sakura-con GIRUGAMESH yet(that was next year) but all of the signs were here. Still some good stuff on this album, but I remember feeling let down at the time and it isn't easy to go back to. Same deal with Noiz Star by SuG, but I'm sure plenty of people feel they started out 100% cringe anyway.

    Sadie, Exist Trace and Deathgaze all occupy the same questionable space in my mind. I like some of their stuff, but it's so few and far between and most of their songs sound too similar to my ears.

    This is about where Miyavi lost me. I saw him live when he was touring for this album and it was really fun, the material actually worked live. There's something about the recordings offered that strip away the potential energy this album could have had.

    Thanks to everyone who put this list together! Lots of fun to go through and reflect on

  3. This season has been way more entertaining to watch than the mess that was 3. Casting feels better and I'm rooting for more girls than usual. I'm also totally here for some of the girls willingly going for the villain edit, it was getting tiresome seeing everyone play it so safe. I may not ever want to hang out with Gia irl, but she makes good tv.

    I can't call who'll win this time yet, seems like Villaintina and Tuck are doing well for themselves, but Manila and Latrice are also really strong and I'm having fun watching/rooting for them. Monet and Monique are also amazing, but the ott branding and lack of polish/progress they've made make it clear that it was too soon for a return.

    I wanted Jush to do well, at least better than the half-assed self-sabotaging "comedy" she delivered. Farrah was never that strong/memorable to me,  plus a ho be irritating sometimes. Obviously, I'm disappointed in the third elimination, but I would have sent her packing first chance I had too if I had to work with her. I'm guessing the next boot will be a toss up between Monet and Monique.

  4. Spoiler


    Best Overall Artist/Band



    Best Album


    Dir en Grey- The Insulated World

    首振りDolls- 真夜中の徘徊者 ~ ミッドナイトランブラー


    Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP

    Kizu- Kizuato

    DIAURA- Unmei Kaika

    Marco- 黄昏サンシェイド


    Best Cover Art

    Kiryu- Tenshou Rinne



    Best Look




    Best Newcomer



    Best Veteran

    the GazettE


    Best PV

    Dir en Grey- Ranunculus


    Saddest Disbandment

    Kuroyuri to Kage


    Most Overhyped Band



    Most Overhyped Release



    Most Underhyped Band

    ハクビシン / フシアナ


    Most Anticipated Release 

    Dir en Grey- The Insulated World


    Band that Changed their Sound for the Best



    Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse



    Band that you spent most of your money on in 2018



    What the hell were they thinking!? Award

    maximum the hormone-『maximum the hormone Ⅱ~これからの麺カタコッテリの話をしよう~』


    Kisaki's life


    Best Revival/Returns 




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