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Everything posted by PIZAZ

  1. PIZAZ

    Today sucks. While not my favorite band Revier was really good and could have been something great with more time. Seems like the visual kei scene is way less popular than it used to be a couple of years ago(way less new bands and way more disbandments).
  2. PIZAZ

    Damn, I really liked them. I didn't see this coming so it's a little sad for me. IMO their music from the last year or so was the best they had ever made. I hate when this happens:(
  3. PIZAZ

    Ayabie. Old Ayabie.
  4. PIZAZ

    ^Me too.
  5. PIZAZ

    Such sad news.
  6. PIZAZ

    She didn't call herself a troll first, just look at the pumpkin head revival thread.
  7. PIZAZ

    +1 Seriously, it's kinda pathetic.
  8. PIZAZ

    Draw, Read books and manga, Play video games, "Sing" loudly and dance with my roomates horrifying all of my neighbors, Watch old episodes of The Bad Girls Club, Take a walk to local shops and browse, Annoy the cat, Clean the living room and kitchen, Take the bus to the beach and have a couple of drinks, And other unmentionable things.
  9. Title sounds like trashy gay whore house. Obviously I need to hear this.
  10. PIZAZ

    It is indeed something they've never done before but I recommend you: TheMe, Tsukuyomi, GAME, but those are just losless songs. I advise you to download the Melt Away single and the Rikkaboshi mini album, that's a great way to start, two very good releases by them. Rikkaboshi for sure, the first virgin snow color album has some great songs, and quite a few of the earlier singles(with Ryohei) have moments of greatness.
  11. PIZAZ

    ^Watched Zebraman a couple of weeks ago and loved it, some parts are insane, but overall it's a really good movie.
  12. PIZAZ

    ^Hells yeah.
  13. PIZAZ

    Good news is starting to even out the bad.
  14. PIZAZ

    So excited!
  15. PIZAZ

    Sucks, although it's probably for the best.
  16. PIZAZ

    More strange news.
  17. PIZAZ

    Not a fan of the name or look, but I liked kisnate. Hopefully this won't be horrible.
  18. PIZAZ

    Really? I'm having trouble accepting this at the moment, too weird.
  19. PIZAZ

    Public Mother Records AboutEnDS Vo-Kyoka → デジール → Despair → Aliene Ma'riage → Kyoka → Cupid → Chaos System → Deflina Ma'riage → Chaos System Gu-匠 (Takumi) → RENTRER EN SOI Gu-深?? (Mikoto) → 雀羅 Ba-氷牙-(Hyoga) → ミスリード → 焔 → Megaromania Dr-加藤??啓 (Katou Tomohiro) → DAZZLE-PUZZLE → Klein Kaiser THE UNDERTAKING NEW STRENGTH PV-ANYONE TRAMP I had way too much fun with this, totally want to do more.
  20. PIZAZ

    Requiem and ichi are great movies. Cannibal Holocaust is disgusting and I felt nauseated throughout the whole movie, but it didn't stick with me for more than a week, so whatever, I'll just never watch it again. Norbit I do wish I could unsee... actually wish it was never made. The others I've never seen so I'll have to check those out. The Exorcist scarred me in many, many ways. I had seen it as a child(6 or 7) at a friend's(who had a crazy mother) house and barely payed attention so I wasn't scared at all. When I was 11 they released a directors cut and my aunt and cousins were going. My mom was deeply disturbed by the movie when it first came out and didn't want to let me go, but I begged and complained and she eventually caved in. The face of the "devil" that appears throughout the movie haunted me for almost a year and every time I would close my eyes to sleep I would see that face. I'm still terrified by that face ten years later.
  21. PIZAZ

    LOL THIS Fuck durpstep Jesus christ yes. In the last two years every 16-19 year old who discovered e mentions dubstep and it needs to stop now.
  22. Still kind of worried. I hope he has a decent voice.
  23. PIZAZ

    Jem and the Holograms destroys all of these shows.
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