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Everything posted by PIZAZ

  1. PIZAZ

    This is hilarious and very true.
  2. I used to love Ayabie, then Yumehito joined and I didn't hate them, but they definitely started heading in a direction I wasn't crazy about. I stuck it out with them and even got a little excited when they changed into AYABIE, thinking maybe this will put hem on the right track. Boy was I wrong, Yumehito's singing is not a good fit for visual kei, he's meant for jpop, and below average jpop at that. Every second the album went on it got worse. They even had the audacity to title the album Virgin Snow Color 2nd Season, implying the album had anything remotely related to do with the original VSC, while in reality the only thing these two albums have in common is the fact that Kenzo, Intetsu, and Takehito were part of them. I used to like Born, never loved them, but the album was so bad it kind of put me off them for awhile. I figured I would try out the new mini albums since I liked older releases and it had been a year or so since the album, I only liked two songs. Everything else was so annoying, the singers voice really started to piss me off and I just can't get into the songs. So now I don't really hate them, I just don't ever want to hear their music again.
  3. PIZAZ

    I totally didn't see this coming at all. I always enjoyed Arc, and while they were never too popular I really wanted them to make it big... Hoping members move onto new projects soon.
  4. PIZAZ

    Very cool! Was wondering what was up with Frypan.
  5. Used to be really big into PS1/2 rpgs, so I've spent countless days of my life on video games. Last one I spent over 200 hours on was FF12, but that was a couple of years ago. I had over 350 hours on one file of Star Ocean 3 and over 200 on another, but I think that's the most time I've spent on a single game. Lately I haven't been spending too much time on video games, I have a wii but I just don't have much interest in games these days.
  6. PIZAZ

    Oniisama e episode 12
  7. PIZAZ

    Lykke Li-Get Some
  8. PIZAZ

    Only heard part one, but I really enjoyed all of it. I keep forgetting about the other 2 parts, thanks for reminding me! She's so awesome!
  9. PIZAZ

    I kind of feel bad for her.
  10. PIZAZ

    Congratulations to Cupcakes and Anomie!
  11. PIZAZ

    First couple of times I heard Lolita 23q's Ishoku Othello I couldn't stand Sou's voice and I had no idea how anyone could listen to them. A few months later in early 2006 I decided to try listening to them again because I thought Ban was an adorable crackhead(I was 16!) and I fell in love with them. They've been my favorite band since and I still don't understand what I found so terrifying about Sou's voice on first listen.
  12. PIZAZ

    Agreed with everything Chianti wrote. Truthfully Girugamesh has always had terrible cover art, but this definitely takes the cake.
  13. PIZAZ

    ^That's adorable. But maybe if you don't know, you shouldn't. Probably better that way.
  14. PIZAZ

    I'm glad they're moving on so quickly. Hopefully new members will join soon too!
  15. PIZAZ

    yes, Yes, and YES!!! 2
  16. PIZAZ

    Jack Off Jill-cockroach waltz
  17. PIZAZ

    So glad I never have to pay for the dankies, or I would never have any money.
  18. PIZAZ

    ^I hope you're right! They definitely have what it takes!
  19. PIZAZ

    ^Ah... I see, I always thought SWORD records was a major label(is shot). I'm glad to hear Rame isn't the one behind those ballads as he was always my favorite member. I still have one of those candies Rame threw out during their Jrock Revolution performance lol(kinda ew though seeing as how that was like three years ago). He's alot of fun to see live.
  20. PIZAZ

    Cigarettes, rent, food, occasionally cds/dvds, and about twice a month I spend around $20 clubbing with friends.
  21. PIZAZ

    I like them, although the b-sides on the last two singles weren't as good as usual. I hope they can pull it together for the album because they are capable of making really cool music(like the first mini and singles), although nothing they've done is as awesome as Ordermade's ZOKU imo. Jeez, this post sounded kind of negative but I really do like them, they aren't sickeningly retarded and bland like other recent bands in the Oshare scene(Buglug, PieceLang, Toon Factory, etc.), and can write some really catchy, different and sometimes even hard music.
  22. PIZAZ

    Not true. Bastard was still indies album. They went major after joining Crown Records in the beginning of the year 2009. Everything released before that was indies. Sorry for correction. I'm really one of the rare fans who like both past and present Vidoll. I can honestly say I love them both. There are thing that I miss about their music when they were in UNDER CODE, but then there are things that I wouldn't change about their current music, like example the very fact that all of the members have actually develobed better as musicians past couple of years. Sure they have lost some of their innovative style of composing and stay on the sure ground that'll keep new fans coming, but that basicly happens to every band. Yet I think there's still one member that likes to keep the band creative, and that's Rame. His compositions are still extremely unique. I'm just sad that the band is loosing alot of their fans and all say: "Liked them before, not anymore." I'm not saying my point of view is better, more like it's alright if you don't try to listen to the music you seemingly don't like. It's just sad for the band who's still trying their best to both gain new fans and keep old ones interested. That's fine, I was pretty sure that BASTARD was major label because at the end of the dvd included it says UNIVERSAL records, plus it's still listed on their website( in fact as their first release lol). So you may be right, but if they weren't signed to UNDERCODE or Crown, where were they signed? Also, you aren't alone in still liking their music. I like the new stuff(Crescent Gazer was pretty good), the singles are usually way more enjoyable for me, while the albums tend to have too many boooooring ballads; and while I like Vidoll ballads, recently there have been way too many and they all start to sound the same and don't touch any part of me at all like a ballad is supposed to.
  23. PIZAZ

    ^Yes, yes ,yes. 1000% percent agree.
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