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The Reverend

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Posts posted by The Reverend

  1. My general idea for this thread is for it to be a place for people (like me) who have some jrock/VK odds & ends that they want to get rid of to pass them along to others who may want them.


    So everyone that has some old flyers you're never going to hang up, or magazines you really don't need taking up space on your shelf; post away!


    If there are any 'rules' they are:


    1. You can only charge shipping.

    2. No posting an offer to buy something after it has been claimed. If someone posts something, they've committed to giving it away.

    3. Only claim something if you want it for yourself, don't try to resell something somebody gave you. (I certainly can't police this, but c'mon, don't be a jerk)



    Everything is spoken for... thanks for the help cleaning everybody.

  2. I've conjured up a general idea for a book I'd like to write. I believe it to be unique and not to be existing elsewhere so far. Now the only problem is; where to start?


    Wait till November and knock it out during National Novel Writing Month.


    I did it once in college (nearly a decade ago *sigh*) and, while I certainly didn't produce anything worth reading, it was challenging and fun.

  3. kimiwasurudoku.JPG


    uploaded these two 君は鋭く (Kimi wa Surudoku) singles here and I kind of fell in love and decided I needed to own them.


    Sometimes drama-sama's rarez are a bit too hyper/colorful for me but these two tracks are great. Soooooo catchy. I can't play stargazer just once (or four times...)


    Check them out if you haven't yet.

  4. ^ that's probably the best selection of CDs posted in this thread so far


    I won't argue too much with that sentiment. I was just gushing over Materiel of Utopia in the phobia discog thread like two days ago.


    Is an acute the best of or a single? I feel like they use that word a lot and I can't keep it straight.

  5. I have no love for the vocalist's *duuuuuh* face and his Justin Bieber hoodie.... but of course if they sound great that can all be forgiven.


    I know it's very common in VK... but in general isn't it kind of weird for a band to have literally no way to sample their music on their website? You'd think that'd be the first bullet point to check off.

  6. Cool report! I saw them a few nights later (6/24) in Seattle.... so I'll respond with some thoughts from that show if nobody minds.


    I had no time to get excited for the Mono show because it happened very last minute for me. A few friends and I were in town visiting and the day of the show I was on my phone at lunch looking for something fun to do that evening and exclaimed "holy shit, mono is playing tonight!" (Of course they had no idea what I was talking about... I could only convince one to go with me after describing what kind of music they played).


    The show in Seattle was at Neumos in a pretty cool/young part of town. Seemed like a good place for live music, though a couple of the bars and the balcony were inaccessible because the turnout (while not as low as in Milwaukee apparently) certainly was nowhere near capacity.



    To put it bluntly, this opener was bad.


    Pretty much sums up the band right before Mono (I don't have a lot of thoughts on the local opener, they weren't bad but they didn't leave a big impression). It only took about four minutes of that band before we ditched the club to find some margaritas at a nearby bar for about an hour. Luckily the re-entry rules at Neumos were really laid back.


    As for Mono themselves:


    I really enjoyed hearing some of the new record(s) live. Their live CD with the orchestra is probably my most listened to Mono album, so I was worried it might feel a little hollow with just the four of them trying to recreate all the noise they make, but I didn't find myself missing the string sections during the show.


    I didn't enjoy the fact that the two guitarists sat down for almost the entire show. I'm pretty tall (6'4") and the stage was a pretty average height at the club I watched them in... and I still couldn't see much of those two except for the tops of their heads as they stared at the floor/their guitars. The drummer was really the only person on stage making any sort of attempt to connect with the audience.


    I always enjoy closing my eyes at shows and letting the sound wash over me, perhaps this wasn’t a terrible thing


    I definitely don't enjoy doing that so their sitting down was a big buzzkill for me. It all sounded really good (wasn't too loud where I saw them... which I was thankful for) but I didn't really leave thinking I would tell anyone "oh you have to see them live!". I'd recommend you go see Mono, but I'd warn you that you won't feel more connected to the band afterwards... you'll just have had the experience of listening to their songs on a scale you can't at home.


    I chose Ashes in the Snow in the poll because I'm a sucker for that glockenspiel and it was very powerful in person. I thought the set-list was pretty well chosen; I mean I selfishly really wanted them to play Halcyon (Beautiful Days) but I can't be too upset they left an over 10 year old track off the list.


    I've seen post-rock shows where the band literally didn't say a word, so I was happy one of the members did pick up a mic at the very end of the show and thank everyone for coming in (frankly adorable) inexact English.


    My friend I dragged along on the Uber ride back to where we were staying: "You could tell me they played 3 songs or 25 and I'd believe either one."

  7. Related(?): It bothers me when bands that don't have drummers (common enough in VK) just don't have drums set up for the performance sections of PVs. The drum kit really anchors things for me, it looks so weird to just not have it there.... like there's no central point around which the rest of the action is taking place.


    I much prefer them to just have a session drummer whose face they don't show.


    And on topic: I actually really like the look of PVs that go all-in on showing tons and tons of cables and pedals on the floor. I'm with Zeus... of course the guitars don't need to be plugged in for a video shoot, it just looks cooler.

  8. Nice review... you're probably slightly higher on the mini than I would be overall, but I think you and I agree about which are the good songs and which ones are 'meh'.



    There is quite good material here, but I think the packaging is wrong, this could in fact be more of an extended single stretched out into a mini album. Thoughts?


    I don't really keep up with Mejibray criticism but this has got to be a huge knock against them right? They're just too prolific it seems.


    It's like, if you took all the tracks they released in any given year you could probably make a really kick ass 10 song album out of each list... but they keep releasing what seems like over 20 songs each and every year and it really waters down the final product. They need someone to tell them that not every song they write is worthy of wide release.


    I feel like I had the same problem with mid-2000s Mucc. Plenty of good tracks, but sooo many throwaway songs that my overall enjoyment of them as a band was diminished.

  9. Holy fuck, man. I'm so happy he's back ! Aikaryu was one of the bands that got me into VK many moons ago and I love them sooo much.


    This basically.


    I can't read the name 'aikaryu' without the riff to 'Susume! Pirates' repeating in my head for ten minutes afterwards.

  10. Just an FYI for everybody because I didn't notice at first. The bottom of their shop has an option for international shipping and you can use any credit card (or at least my American one worked).

    They don't have the ultra rare stuff of course, but still cool for people who lament about how hard it is to get their releases.

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